Title: Smile
Fandom: Arrow
Pairing: Thea, - (with hints of Laurel/Oliver - platonic Thea/Oliver & Laurel/Thea)
Warnings/Spoilers: Up to 1x04 An Innocent Man
Author Notes: I enjoyed Thea a lot more in this ep, than the previous ones. She seems to be a fan of the Laurel/Oliver. But this drabble is based off the scene when Thea teases Oliver than he is smiling.
Disclaimer: I don't own Arrow
Summary: Laurel is probably the only person who can make Oliver smile like that. A smile that shines with happiness and hope.

The moment that Oliver walks into the mansion, she instantly picks up on the fact that he almost seems brighter, and lighter in a sense.

Of course, it probably helps matters that there was a bright, genuine smile on his face. She can even see teeth.

Honestly she can't remember the last time she has seen him smile so genuinely. Silently figured the last time he smiled so genuinely was before the accident on the yacht and he was on an island for five years.

She instantly knew he was smiling because of Laurel.

She supposes that Laurel has either forgiven Oliver for sleeping with Sarah or said something to make him this happy.

(Even though, she silently knows he may revert to his semi broody self tomorrow.)

But at least he was genuinely smile now.

Honestly, the only thing she wants for her brother is for him to be happy, and Laurel makes him happy.

She always has.

Honestly despite exposing Laurel's and Tommy's secret at the club earlier this week.

She genuinely likes Laurel.

Laurel has always been to kind to her.

To the point, she somewhat considered her to be her older sister. In the past, she would always ask if Oliver was planning to propose to her. (Although she did mention the idea of proposing to Laurel tonight as well, in a carefree teasing manner.)

Although, she understands now Oliver wasn't ready for marriage for then. He was immature and wasn't ready for such a commitment.

But honestly she still dreams, of a possible marriage between Laurel and Oliver.

With that thought in mind, she follows Oliver upstairs, towards her bedroom. A bright, carefree smile shinning on her features.

-the End