Admin: A real chapter!

-Time skip-

Arthur jumped onto his bed later that day, a smile on his face for the first time in weeks. with a smile on his face for the first time in weeks. He could almost feel his cheeks ache as he stared up at the ceiling. His moment was brief, however, as a few minutes later Toris came in to summon him for dinner. Arthur closed his eyes briefly before heading to the dining room where his two elders were eating without a word.

Only adding to their silence, Arthur continued to smile as he ate his dinner, imagining Alfred was there. Casually coughing into his hand, George tried to gain his son's attention.

"You're quite happy. Would you mind telling me why you skipped the last half of your work today?"

Arthur didn't answer; he simply went on eating so that he could excuse himself and leave. However, he was stopped by an aged voice.

"Arthur, I know you were with that man—your face says it all. End things, now!"

Hearing these words, Arthur hissed quietly and pushed himself away from the table. Instead, he went to the desk in his room so that he could continue with the work he had missed. He knew he was running out of time, but he had been so happy with Alfred that it almost slipped his mind.

Arthur signed onto his email and sent Alfred a message with an address and time.

A ding was heard from Alfred's phone as he walked into his room, having just had a bath, and as he looked at the message he couldn't help but smile and reply immediately. He lay on his bed, looking up at the ceiling as he wondered why Arthur was being so nice to him. He had never thought that Arthur would do something so childish as to make heart shapes with his body, or even smile to help comfort someone. No, Alfred had pictured him as more of a 'let's talk this out' kind of person.

Alfred shrugged and decided not to let it get to him. Shrugging, Alfred decided not to let it get to him. Sighing, he looked across the room with a smile to see a picture of his parents safely resting on his desk.

"I wish we could've met on different terms... I-I think I might actually l-like him..." Alfred muttered, shifting onto his side. "Well, there's nothing I can do about it right now. I'll just wing it. Okay, you two, time for bed!" Alfred patted a place on the bed where his pets could sleep. "For some reason, I feel like tomorrow's going to be a tough day."

-In the early morning-

The tapping of fingers hitting the keyboard droned on as a small Japanese man struggled to stay awake and finish his article. The due date was drawing closer, and the only thing keeping his eyes open was coffee. His glasses reflected the light of the screen as he typed until his fingers couldn't move anymore. Having two jobs was tiring, but he had a reason to do this.

Once he was finished, Kiku leaned back in his chair and looked over his work one last time before calling it a night. On the screen was the title, 'A CoverUp Relationship.'

-The next morning-

When Alfred woke up, he yawned and looked to the side to see Abraham had somehow found a way to get to the top of the bed. He squinted his eyes as he reached for his glasses, which were on the mahogany nightstand, and went to get ready for another day of work. Lazily, Alfred made his way to the bathroom and repeated the same routine as everyone else.

Finally, after his morning ritual was over, he grabbed his phone to see if Arthur had replied, which indeed he had. He smiled as he skimmed over the message before dashing out the door with a positive attitude, though even when he had no cares in the world there still seemed to be something off at his work.

Francis was too happy for comfort. His smile was practically ear-to-ear and forever gracing his flawless face. Feeling uneasy as he stared at his boss, Alfred chose to ignore him and continued to work until his lunch break and until his shift was over. Just as Alfred was finished for the day and was about to leave, he was stopped by Francis.

"Alfred, mon ami, I need you to pick up a few things for me."

"Oh, um, sure. What are they?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just some tissues, eye drops, and something for cleaning glasses."

"That's kinda odd. Since when did you wear glasses?"

"I use reading glasses at home. Oh, and speaking of which, can you deliver them to my house?"

"But that's like on the other side of town! I'm meeting someone!"

"Oui, but they can wait. You're doing me a favor~."

"Ugh, fine..."

"Make sure to get top quality as well. I have a feeling I'll be needing them."

"What for?"

For when you hear tomorrow's news. "Well, I'm having a foreign soap opera marathon, and you know how easily touched I am when it comes to amour."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Fantastique! Merci."

"You're, uh..welcome."

"Alfred, you must learn more French. It will make understanding moi much easier."

"Nah, I think I'll leave the French thing to you."

"Suit yourself. Don't be surprised by all the people attracted to me because of my sexy French language."

"I doubt it..." Alfred muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"I said have a safe trip home. I'm on it, boss."

"Great! Goodbye."

"Bye." Huffing, Alfred made his way to the local drug store as fast as possible. It was growing cold outside since fall was soon turning into winter—Alfred's most hated season. With the air as a chill against his skin, he snuggled into the scarf he had thoughtfully wrapped around his neck so that he wouldn't freeze.

"Ugh, I hate this weather...Why can't they just skip all the crappy seasons and stick with the awesome one?" Alfred watched his hot breath condense in front of his eyes, making him feel almost like a dragon. He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and pulled out his phone to check the time, then he stuffed it back into his pocket with another huff.

Plenty of time, Alfred thought. Continuing on with his steady pace, Alfred saw many cars and faces passing him by; he couldn't help but be thankful that no one recognised him. It didn't take long to reach the closest drug store, and as he grabbed a basket from the side, Alfred began his search to find the things his boss had requested.

Walking down the aisles, Alfred skimmed the shelves for the desired items, more and more people entering the store as he went up and down each one. He payed no attention to them, and when he finally found what he needed he settled into the small line in front of the cashier.

In was then he heard his name in one of the surrounding conversations. Alfred blinked and tried to listen in, and he found that each and every whisper was about him and some big announcement the firm was going to make. He leaned in closer, trying to hear anything that would be important for him to know, but by the time one of the strangers was reaching the story's climax it was Alfred's turn to go up to the cashier.

Alfred went up with a pout and allowed the cashier to scan his items, mopeing about not being able to hear the rest. He took his times once the man was finished and left the store, and he took a deep breath, looking to the sky before continuing with his task.

"I wonder how the president's doing?"

"What do you mean I have to do another press conference?!" Arthur yelled, outraged at this last minute plan.

"We will be announcing your engagement to Francis, Arthur..." George said as calmly as he could, controlling the dying need to slap his son.

"Don't you think this is a bit sudden? I only found out about this myself a week ago."

"I know, but your grandfather has already made the arrangements, and—"

"Oh, of course he has something to do with it. That old man has a plan for everything; I'm surprised he hasn't prepared his own funeral."

"How dare you."

"I can say whatever I want. After all, we are in the land of the free."

"That's besides the point."

"Ah, you're quite right. The point is I'm not going!"

"Yes you are. You have to—no, you will announce that your whole relationship was a fake."

"You can't make me."

"I beg to differ. You are to get ready in the next twenty minutes. And don't try to escape—there are guards everywhere. I'm sorry, Arthur, but I have to do this. It's for our company."

"And this is how you help the company? By listening to an old man who controlled your life and now his grandson's? I thought a parent was supposed to want the best for their children, not have them repeat whatever they were put through in life."

There was no reply from George. He knew his son was right, but there was nothing he could do. His father would make their life a living hell if they didn't go along with this, and so, with a heavy heart, George left the room and headed to the conference.

Now alone, Arthur tried to open the door but immediately shut it again at the sight of the guards on the other side. He sighed, rubbing his forehead, and decided he really had no choice. He had to cut his losses early and get ready.

He grabbed his phone to text Alfred about the change of plans, a familiar ache in his heart with every tap against the screen's cold surface.

"Honestly, it's like I take three steps forward only to go five steps back."

It had been three hours since Alfred left the drug store, and the angry American was currently boiling in his seat as he stared at the long line of cars in front of him. He always hated going to Francis' house, mostly because it was so far away but also because there was an impossible amount of traffic no matter what time of day it happened to be. Just as he thought he couldn't take the wait anymore, Alfred's phone buzzed. He reached into his pocket after a quick check that the surrounding traffic would definitely not move anytime soon.

Alfred felt his heard skip a beat when he saw the sender. A few breaths of air had to be taken to compose himself, though any excitment disapperared almost immediately when he actually read the message. Arthur was unable to make their 'date' due to something work related.

He rolled his eyes and threw his phone on the passenger seat, now in a sour mood.

Another hour of traffic passed slowly, and eventually Alfred was able to take the roads that led to Francis' house. Items in hand, Alfred got out of his car to find he was parked outside yet another mansion, a large gate blocking the entrance. He went up to security and explained his task to the guard, but the man shook his head and told Alfred that no one was allowed in though said he could pass the items on to Francis. Alfred shrugged it off and gave the plastic bag to the guard who then preceded to return to his job.

Alfred had reached his car when the guard who had just dismissed him suddenly yelled for him to come back. Huffing for what felt like the hundreth time that night, Alfred turned on his heels and went over to the man, and he was handed a folded up note. He eyed it for a second or two before allowing curiosity to take over and opening it. The message was short, and after reading Alfred shoved the note into his pocket and marched to his car.

"Great. First he has me go to his rich house to drop some stuff off, and now he wants me to meet him at some random place. I've even got a time limit! This day's just going from bad to worse."

-five minutes before conference-

Anxiety ran though Arthur like blood. He paced around his room, Matthew watching as he sat at his side. He didn't dare ask what the conference was about, though whatever it was it seemed to be bothering Arthur. Matthew glanced to his watch to see they didn't have much time until the dreaded.

"M-Mr. Kirkland, there's only five minutes left. A-Are you s-sure you're ready?"

"Of course not! Why on Earth would I be ready?!"

"I-I was just asking, okay? Gosh...Do you want anything?"

"Get me tea."

"Y-yes, sir." Matthew bowed and exited the room as quickly as possible. Once he was sure Matthew had really left, Arthur finally sat down and tried to put up a professional front once more. With his eyes on the door, he knew that at any moment someone would come in and tell him his time was up. The reason for this conference was very clear at the back of his mind but he didn't want to admit it, not until denial was no longer an option.

Arthur had let out another tired sigh when he heard the turning of the doorknob. Someone was coming. He quickly stood and pat down his suit one last time, and he told himself he would bear whatever was ahead of him. With his heart racing, his hands clammy, and his eyes dialated, Arthur was beckoned towards the door by one of crew members.

He took in a deep breath, trying to put on a serious expression as he walked forward in an almost robotic manner. The click of his heels echoed against the halls as faces of the paparazzi passed by, flashing their cameras. Within three minutes, Arthur finally realized he was sat at a table with extra spaces for his father, his grandfather, and another speaker.

His hands in his lap, Arthur waited for the other three, hoping to get this conference over with. In front of him were people whose thirst for knowledge could only be satisfied by pure gossip.

Another minute passed, and soon three more people approaching the table. His father and grandfather were present, of course, but the very last person Arthur expected or even wanted to see was with them. He immediately stood up and angrily pointed at Francis.

"What is he doing here?!" Arthur yelled, forgetting where he was for a second and silencing the crowd.

"Arthur!" Benedict hissed, glaring at his grandson. Taken aback, Arthur swallowed his pride and sat back down again with a murmured apology. Both he and Francis were in the middle, and Arthur scooted away from Francis the moment he noticed this to ensure nothing would happen, glowering at the Frenchman as he did so.

"Why are you here?" Arthur asked with as much malice as possible.

"You'll see in a second~!" Francis replied, grinning slyly and placing a hand on Arthur's shoulder to pose for pictures.

"Let's begin, then," George said. "We have called you here today to announce the unification of two companies and lives. With the marriage of my son, Arthur Kirkland, and Bonnefoy Co.'s Francis Bonnefoy, we unite the companies."

"No! Don't you dare say it, you old man!" Arthur screamed, but he was ignored and a hand forced his face to turn. It happened in a matter of seconds, and in those seconds the world still. Francis held Arthur's head, kissing him pasionately. Shock forced him into stillness, his eyes blank, and it was then Arthur saw something in the distance that he really wished he hadn't seen.

There, behind everyone else, was Alfred. He stood there, frozen, his face the picture of someone having their heart ripped in two.

Alfred's POV

I was running pretty late to wherever Francis wanted me to go, but ever since I got to his house everything seemed to be going smoothly from there on out. Parking my car on the sidewalk, I saw news station cars outside and reporters piling into the building. There was a conference. I glanced down at the note the guard had given me, took in a deep breath, and approached the building, trying not to be seen as I kept my eye on the easiest route away from so many people

Walking down the hallways, I was soon met with a clear space that conveniently led to the conference room. I slowly went inside as I heard the sound of the crowd die down. It had already started. The note was clenched in my hand, even ripping slightly, then suddenly the crowd grew wild, snapping pictures here and there as best they could.

I was curious.

Though scared for whatever I would see, I sucked up my pride and stepped forward. I'm the hero, I chanted over and over again as I drew closer to the doorframe. There in front of everyone was a scene I thought I would never see again. It hurt, to say the least... It hurt to see the man I was falling for kissing his ex. A hole had been stabbed through my heart, but I stayed there. Arthur would never do something like this—Francis would. I took in a deep breath and waited for them to separate, and when they did, Arthur's angry yet flustered experssion gave me some hope. The paper in my clammy hands was starting to feel soft. I bit my lip as the silence continued; then someone spoke.

"Oui, it is true. Everything was planned since we were small. I have been waiting for this for a very long time; seeing him with another man was so hard. In fact, that relationship was all for show, wasn't it, Arthur?" I heard Francis say. I almost couldn't believe it. This was the reason he called me here. Hate, fury, and despair brewed within me, but I couldn't bring myself to speak up out of fear of being surrounded again. I simply stood there, waiting for the rest.

"Y-yes," Arthur started," it was all just a cover from the very start so that the first scandal wouldn't ruin the company. What really happened was nothing more than a misunderstanding. I do not have feelings for Mr. Jones. I never did. I was only doing what was right, and when I was reminded of the engagement I had to find a way to end it, but this proved to be troublesome. That is why my grandfather arranged this conference."

And as he said those words, my mind went blank, my brain trying and failing to process every emotion as quickly as possible. I felt empty. I wanted to cry, but then I realized just how foolish I was. To think I was actually starting to believe he cared, that he wasn't such a heartless man.

To that, I say bullsh*t! I knew he could see me. His eyes were soulless, reciting the words as if he was reading off a teleprompter.

I had nothing left to lose. I turned away, eyes hidden behind my long bangs, but something stopped me. Francis announced that he would now introduce the face behind Spy On The Inside. I looked back towards the conference room, waiting to see the one who had singlehandedly ruined my life through bending my reality. Everyone clapped their hands, excited, as the doors slowly opened.

And the very same emotions I had felt before coursed through me once more.

"Everyone, meet my dear friend Kiku Honda, our spy!"

I couldn't take it anymore. The world around me was suddenly so alienated—it made me feel dirty. The trust I had placed with these people was now broken. Who else was lying to me, I wondered. What had I done to deserve this? Had I done something wrong? Nothing felt right. Everything had been some cruel joke from the very start, and I so stupidly had allowed them to use me as their toy.

I could imagine them laughing at me, teasing me about how oblivious I was. At that moment something within me changed. Maybe it was my mindset, or maybe my demeanor, but whatever it was I knew I had to escape again. I had to leave, build a new life, just as I had done all those years ago.

The paper in my grip fell to the floor, and I wiped away the tears that had started to spill down my cheek. I turned away, my head down.

The world around me was spinning. It was almost as if my claustrophobia was acting up again, but this time I knew why I felt trapped. It was because all of my emotions were blocking the clear view I should have had of the future, as usual. Betrayal had replaced love and now, I assumed, it was there to stay. I couldn't remember the last time I had felt so hopeless. For the first time in forever, I couldn't think of a heroic line to cheer myself up.

I bumped into someone as I left and they apologized, but then they called my name, sounding concerned. I looked up to see Matthew, holding a cup of tea and staring at me worriedly. He could obviously see how sad I was, but when he asked me what was wrong I knew I couldn't tell him, unlike the many times before. Instead, I rudely carried on past him and stormed outside, my eyes stinging.

No. I would not cry over something so stupid. You would probably think a smart guy like me should have predicted this, but hey, no one can know everything.

I ran to my car and drove home without a second thought. Everything I owned was quickly repacked, and I told James he would be staying with Matthew. My pets knew what was going on, they'd seen this pattern before, but when they stared at me with pleading eyes I could only dismiss them coldly.

"I'm sorry, guys, but all this crying really does me no good. All I ever wanted and more is gone. I need to start over again. This life isn't what I thought it'd be, so I have to change it. I know I'm not completely alone yet, but I can't live like this. I know I'm a coward for running away from my problems, but I'm only human. Sometimes I wish I could have my own hero to help me when times are rough, but dreams are for children and it's about time I grow up."

"I'm no hero," I said with a sad smile. I boxed away everything that was bothering me as I held back my tears, knowing it was time to forget and push forward.

"Tomorrow's another day. See you, James. Make sure Matt sees that letter and promises not to tell anyone where I am."

I took my fat cat and luggage and walked out the door of my best friend's apartment, looking back one last time with a smile. Maybe I could return in a few weeks, after starting my new life. But for now, I needed to leave. Though I thanked those two for opening my eyes to how foolish I had been, the cuts on my heart needed time to heal.

Admin: Yeah,I know this chapter may suck...TBH, I forgot what this while fanfic was about. I only remember the ending...Anyways, please review and tell me if you're still with me... I'm still trying to work on how I made these chapters so long. I promise the next one will be longer. If any of you are into snk I write some of those fanfics as are similar on the drama level with this fanfic. Anyways,thanks for reading, until next time. Don't get eaten by any titans~!