Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

Everyone saw Alfred F. Jones as an idiot, though it was hard not to. Prancing around, smiling and shoving hamburgers down his throat as he yelled about god know what. Really, who wouldn't?

But what everyone didn't know was that Alfred had another side of him, a much darker side, which made sense; there's no way he could be such a powerful nation if he was a complete idiot.

The other side of him was his exact opposite; cunning, bloodthirsty, extremely unforgiving. It was that side of him that won bloody wars, that made him one of the strongest nations in the world.

However, he never let that side come out unless he absolutly had to; he was the hero, after all, and no hero used the power of a villian to get the job done. Sometimes, though, he couldn't help it; the rage and pain inside would become too much and he would snap, releasing his dark side. Which is why he always tried to be cheerfull and disgustingly happy, to protect the people around him.

But today was one of those days, when he lost it and his dark side took over. The reason?


At the moment, there were only two things on your mind: chocolate and a ticket straight out of here.

It was time for the world meeting again and, as usual, no one would shut up. It was starting to give you a headache, which is why you were trying to think about nice things, less obnoxious things.

Sitting up straight, your eyes darted around the room, occasionally landing on one of the countries, before you located the clock. A sigh of immense relief escaped your lips; excellent, only twenty more minutes until you were allowed to indulge in manga and ice cream.

Your eyes met Alfred's baby blue ones and you smiled, giving him the thumbs up sign. He shot back a toothy grin.

"You seem to be quite happy, love."

You turned to grin at your British boyfriend sitting next to you. "Well, of course I am Arther." You replied, leaning on his shoulder. "This stupid meeting ends in twenty minutes."

He lightly kissed you on the forehead, smiling when he saw you blush. "I suppose I can see why. I want to leave this bloody meeting as well." His smile widened. "And, by the way, do you know how adorable you look when you blush?" The red covering your cheeks darkened.

The American's grin faded as quickly as it came and was replaced by a scowl. Oh, that's right, you were dating that guy, weren't you? Mr. Arther I-always-have-a-stick-up-my-ass Kirkland, representative of England.

It was a fact Alfred resented, due to his super sized crush on you. Yet no matter what he did, you never seemed to see him as anything more than a friend. And it drove him absolutly nuts.

Just seeing the Brit hold your hand or make you blush sparked 2P!Alfred's rage. The American always kept his rage until control, but now...Well, let's just say it wasn't getting better.


The American's fingertips glided over the rough leather of the books as he searched. He finally touched a large, black scrapbook and he smiled sadly.

Removing the book from the shelf, Alfred crashed on the couch and flipped to the first page. You were standing next to a grinning Alfred, a frozen smile plastered to your face as you flashed a peace sign. The American silently flipped through the scrapbook; it was full of pictures you took with him and he treasured each and everyone of them.

It was then that he reached a blank page. Of course, all the pages from there needed to be filled; it was around the time you started dating Arther when you took less pictures and spent less time with him.

He abrutly slammed the scrapbook shut, his fingers curled into such tight fists that he drew blood as he glared daggers. It just wasn't fair! Alfred had always been there for you, always! It was him you should've fallen for, not Arther!

If only that stupid Brit would just die...

Wait, what?

What the hell brought that on? He felt a sharp pain in his side and gasped, falling off the couch. Barely holding himself up by his hands and knees, he continued to feel sharp pains.

Kill him.

"N-No..." The American gasped. Shit, his 2P! was coming! Shit, shit, shit!

KILL HIM! You know you want to...

"NO!" Alfred shrieked. "No, shut up!" He slowly felt himself fade away. "Shit..." He breathed before falling into the black.

For a moment, he lay still on the floor. But then he got back up, blood red eyes flashing dangerously. He took a quick look around before smirking. "It's certainly been a while since I came out."

He walked over to the closet, throwing the door open. He gently picked up a baseball bat covered in lethal looking nails, cradling it like it was his newborn son. He swung in around a couple times, his dangerous smirk growing. "Haven't used this in a while."

Keeping a firm grip on the baseball bat, he grabbed a pair of shades and slid them on, effectivly hiding his eyes. "Oh, Artherrrrrrr." He cooed, flashing an evil grin that showed off his shark-like teeth.

"Alfie's not lettin' you win that easily..."


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