This is my first story. I hope you enjoy it. All mistakes are my own. I do not own PLL or anything to do with it. That all belongs to ABC Family and Sara Shepard

Ezra's POV

I am currently standing outside of the Montgomery household. To say that I am nervous is an understatement. I'm freaking out! For almost a year Aria and I have been having a relationship together and the time has finally come to tell her parents about our relationship. Jackie and her threats will not ruin my relationship with Aria. I love her too much for that. I am pulled from my thoughts when Byron opens the door looking confused.

"What are you doing here Ezra?"

"I wanted to talk with you and Mrs. Montgomery about something important."

"Ok come on in."

I heard him call for Mrs. Montgomery and I knew that there was no turning back now. Even though a part of me did I knew that if I didn't do it now Aria and my relationship would not survive and I wouldn't risk it. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

"Hello Ezra what a lovely surprise. Byron said that you wanted to speak with the both of us. He said you said it's important."

"Yes it is…I" I was about to continue when Aria walked down the stairs. It was then when I found my courage within myself. Aria always had that effect on me. With her by my side I could do it. They all three sat on the couch.

"I wanted to tell you something important. And before you guys react please let me finish. We wanted to tell you something important."

"You and who?" Mrs. Montgomery asked.

"Aria. We met the day before school started. She had walked into the bar and looked sad and depressed. I couldn't just let a beautiful girl just sit there. After we introduced ourselves we got to know each other more and more. I was so intrigued by her. She was the most interesting, beautiful, smart girl that I had met. The day after was the first day of my teaching job. When I walked in that morning I didn't expect to find the same girl I met in the bar sitting in my classroom. I tried to keep my feelings in check but I was already captivated by her. For a week I ignored her when she tried to come on to me. That all changed when I saw her standing up the stairs by the window. She told me that she would never want to do anything to get me into trouble. That's when I knew I couldn't let her get away. I knew if I did I would regret it for the res t of my life. Our relationship might not be under the right circumstances but I would do anything for her even if that meant losing my life. I love her so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. "

After I had finished Aria came and stood next to me and took my hand in hers. Her parents just stood there in astonishment. I didn't know whether to be relieved or afraid. Finally after what seemed like eternity Byron spoke.

"I can't believe that you would use this to your advantage. You were her teacher and you still went and did what you wanted. I have no reason to judge you though. I was no better with my own student Meredith 2 years ago. At least you had the courage to come here and tell us the truth and I will give you credit for that Ezra."

Aria's POV

I couldn't believe my ears were my father actually saying it was okay for Ezra and I to date? There was no way that this could be real.

"Dad are you being serious right now? I mean I'm not going to complain but this just isn't like you."

" I know this isn't like me but I have no reason to judge you when I did the same thing 2 years ago. I'm just thankful that your mother gave me a second chance to prove to her I love her more than anything."

When my father mentioned my mother's name this made me realize that she hasn't said a word about the whole story Ezra had just told them.

"Mom are you okay? You haven't said anything so far. Are you okay with what Ezra just told you?"

My mom just kind of sat there for a little longer before finally speaking.

"Look, when Ezra began to tell your guys story I couldn't believe my ears. I didn't want to listen to what he had to say because he took advantage of his job. But when he was going on about how you and him connected and mentioned he loved you with all his heart and that he would risk his life for you I knew I couldn't stand in the way of true love. Like your father said at least Ezra had the courage to come and be honest with us about you two."

"Thank you Mom and Dad you have no idea how much you two accepting us means. It just proves that I can be honest with you two about anything in my life. I am so thankful to have you guys as my parents. I love you guys."

Ezra's POV

I can't believe I just told my girlfriend's parents who happen to be my former student accept our relationship. I just pray one day they will let me do the honor of marrying their daughter. One step at a time Ezra one step at a time I keep telling myself.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery for accepting us. I promise to treat your daughter right with the most upright respect. I love her so much."

"You guys are welcome. I swear though Ezra if you hurt my baby girl the mama bear will come out and beat your butt." Ella joked.

"I promise. I will do whatever it takes to make her happy." I said.

"Do you guys mind if Ezra and I go to his place for a little bit?" Aria asked.

"Well I suppose as long as you are back before 11 pm. So it's 3pm now that will give you guys 8 hours. If you break the rule there will be no more going over. Got it." Ella said.

"Yes. I promise to have her home before curfew." I said.

After Aria went and got her coat we headed out to my car. I opened the door for her, but before she got in she gave me a kiss to the lips.

"What was that for beautiful?" I asked.

"That my good man is for being the most amazing boyfriend a girl could ever want." She said.

"Well in that case." I said while leaning down again and capturing her lips once more. I pulled away and got in my car after shutting Aria's door.

"I can't believe that you came to my house and told my parents about our relationship." She said.

"Aria if you haven't noticed by now I would do anything for you. I love you so much. I wasn't about to let Jackie ruin the best relationship I have been in my entire life. I'm just glad your parents are letting us keep seeing each other. I don't know what I would have done if your parents would have called the cops on me." I said.

"I know. I can't believe how cool my dad was. I for sure that that he was going to punch you. I mean you were my teacher when we started our relationship." Aria said.

Aria's POV

I can't believe that I'm on my way to Ezra's without have to be using an alibi. I will be forever grateful that my parents accepted us.

"I know babe no need to rehash what we both know." Ezra laughed.

"Hey mister no laughing at me or you get no kisses for a week." I said.

"Aria, baby I'm sorry I was just saying." He pleaded.

"Gotcha." I laughed.

Before he could respond I jumped out of the car and ran to his apartment. Laughing uncontrollable. Ezra was running after me in a fit of giggles. I got the spare key out from under the mat and unlocked the door. I opened the door and shut it in his face before locking it. I ran to the bed laid on my back. Before too long I felt a presence on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw Ezra.

"Hey how did you..." before I could finish Ezra kissed my lips.

When we parted Ezra leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Just remember one thing babe. I live here. You can't lock me out. "He said.

He then leaned down and kissed me with more force and passion I have ever felt before. Ezra began to kiss down my neck.

"Ezra…"I said in between breaths.

"Hmm" he mumbled.

"I'm ready for us to take the next step." I said.

He pulled back and looked deep into my eyes.
"Are you sure? I mean we don't have to if you are not ready." He said.

"I'm ready. I promise I want you more than anything." I told him.

That was the last thing we spoke that night.

Authors note: If you guys like this story let me know and I will be happen to upload the next chapter soon. I'm already working on it! PLEASE read and review (: