The next morning, Hikari woke up and soon discovered that they did not arrive at the Kingdom of Earth. She examined the area and frowned at the sight. There were no birds in the sky and all she saw were dark clouds. She also saw that the beach was in a shade of dark blue and she didn't like the thought of swimming in those murky waters. She even doubted there were any fish or other sea creatures living in the water. She then looked at Takeru and Mimi who were still sleeping and decided not to wake them up yet. She sighed then climbed down of Gennai. She kicked the sand below her feet and felt that they were really cold. "I wonder how we ended up here..." She thought for awhile as she continued to scout the area. She heard voices calling out to her from behind. She felt shievers upon hearing them but she turned around anyway and to her relief, there was no one around. She also noticed that the forest was not as lively as the ones in her own kingdom. It seemed to hide entities that would come out anytime if she made the wrong move. She backed away for a bit fearing that the voices that called her was coming from the forest but she tried to shake the thoughts away. "No, it can't be..." she mumbled to herself. She decided to go back to the others when she heard voices again calling out to her. She looked back to the forest and saw nothing again. She started to get frightened by this and was about to run to the others when a shroud of mist encircled her.

"What the-? Where did this came from?" she started to panic and ran to where she thought the location of the others were but to her dismay, she ended up inside the forest. She looked around but she could not see where the shore was anymore so she started to run in whatever direction when she heard the voices calling out to her again. As she ran, the voices were slowly getting louder and louder with every step she took. She almost felt hopeless until she heard the sound of the waves getting closer. She ran as fast as she could and saw the faint figure of the sleeping Gennai. She felt safe again until she stopped dead in her tracks. She couldn't budge anymore and started to feel her body weighing her down. She tried to call out for help but it seems like her voice got swallowed by the mist that was starting to cover her again.

"Help... Gennai... Mimi... Somebody... Help me..." her breathing was starting to get weak as the mist engulfed her. "Takeru... save... me..." she blacked out.

A few moments later, Mimi woke up and climbed down of Gennai. She didn't like what she saw but she looked around nonetheless. She didn't notice Hikari was gone as she was preoccupied in figuring out where they were. Gennai also woke up and soon found out where they were. He gulped and looked around the area to confirm his thoughts about the place. He wanted to think that they were in a different kingdom but to his dismay, he confirmed that they were indeed in the kingdom he thought it was. He felt shivers run down his spine at the thought of it. He gently stood up feeling that Takeru was still on his back to look around for his missing companions. Later, he spotted Mimi on the shoreline picking up sea shells.

"Your highness…" Mimi heard him and went closer to him "W-We are in the Dark Kingdom" he shivered at the sound of the name.

"W-What?" Mimi also didn't like the feeling of the place. "No wonder why the sea and everything around were lifeless..."

"We better leave right away" He whispered to her.

"Why are you whispering?"

"Because dark forces might hear us" Gennai looked around cautiously. "We wouldn't want to stick around here for long. It's dangerous. A lot of people have mysteriously disappeared upon reaching this place" he looked worried. "I hope the princess didn't wander off too far"

"What do you mean?" Mimi was starting to look worried. "Isn't she still sleeping?"

"No, only his highness is sleeping on my back" Gennai replied. Mimi climbed up to confirm if Hikari was there or not but she frowned at the sight of only Takeru sleeping. She immediately rushed to wake him up. Takeru stirred awake from the sudden disruption of his sleep.

"What is it?" Takeru yawned.

"Takeru, we need to leave right away. We are in the Dark Kingdom" Mimi answered.

"Oh… that's good" Takeru was about to go to sleep again but he instantly sat up to confirm what Mimi said. "What?!" Mimi didn't need to answer him because as Takeru abruptly sat up, he could see their surroundings clearly. He then stood up and told Gennai to get ready to get out of here as soon as they can because he didn't want to stay any longer.

"Takeru..." Mimi clenched her fist. Takeru turned to look at her.

"Hmm?" he merely answered but he was still preoccupied with examinaning his surroundings so he was only half listening to her until he heard Hikari's name. "What? What did you say again?" he was in full attention now.

"I said Hikari's gone!" Mimi said. Her mixed feelings of worry and annoyance reflected in her tone. "Listen when someone's talking to you. I said Hikari is nowhere to be found. When I woke up, she was already gone. I didn't know at first until Gennai pointed it out to me later" she explained. She looked away feeling guilty for not realizing right away that the girl was missing.

Takeru didn't answer and Mimi thought that he was angry but when she looked up at him, she saw that he was speechless. She can't read his facial expression at all. It's like a mixed of anger, worry, confusion, and panic.

"She is... gone" Mimi cautiously repeated with a worried look plastered on her face.

Takeru looked around and didn't see the brunette. The thought of Hikari gone and he had no idea of where she is made him feel pain in his chest. He didn't want to admit it but maybe he is worried for the girl. He then thought of her escaping and put his hand in his pocket to feel the necklace he took from her. It was still there so he was sure she didn't escape. He somehow felt relieved at that.

"What should we do, Takeru?" Takeru snapped out of his thought and looked at Mimi who looks like she was going to panic. Takeru closed his eyes for a bit and sighed deeply.

"Calm down..." Takeru opened his eyes again to look at Mimi. The latter was somehow relieved to see that Takeru's expression changed from mixed emotions to that of only worry. Takeru then turned his gaze to the dark forest. He was deep in thought for a moment. Mimi was sure his eyes turned ice cold for a minute but shrugged the thought away. "You stay here..." Takeru said to Mimi and climbed down of Gennai. "I'll go look for her" before Mimi could say that she wanted to help, Takeru sped off into the dark forest.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Mimi mumbled but Gennai overheard her.

"I feel the same way you do but do not worry... His highness knows his way around here..." he said to comfort her.

"... I also don't like the look in Takeru's eyes" Mimi added and Gennai didn't answer her at all.

Somewhere deep inside the forest, a castle stood atop a mountain. Only its shadow could be seen through the mist that is surrounding it. In the dark sky above, flying creatures of hideous appearance scouted for preys that want to trespass into their territory. Inside the castle itself were countless demon guardians waiting for a feast if someone dared to try entering their abode. In the lower level of the castle is a dark dungeon where monsters lurked ready to pound on whoever comes their way. A dark hallway leads to where prisoners are held captive and beyond that was a lone room with chains securing the door so no one could go in or out. In the said room, only a spark from a tiny candle was the source of light in the cold room.

Hikari woke up feeling pain throughout her body. She tried to sit up but to no avail. She noticed that her hands were cuffed and she could barely see anything in the dark room. She only saw the tiny flicker of light but that didn't even help at all. She tried adjusting her eyesight to the darkness but she can tell that the kind of darkness here is not the same as when one would turn off the light in a room to sleep. No, it was different and it scared her. Her eyes started to water and she could feel tears would fall from them soon. She shivered because of the cold atmosphere and trembled with fear as she felt a presence looking at her with piercing eyes.

"You're finally awake" a voice echoed in the room.

"Who… who are you?" she stuttered.

"I am the ruler of this place" the voice answered "And you are trespassing in my territory" Hikari could sense a devious smirk on whoever it is talking to her.

"We didn't trespass anything" she pointed out.

"Oh?" the voice answered. "You and your companions have landed on my kingdom without permission and that is not trespassing? How foolish you are to come here!" the voice chuckled "I am going to enjoy your company"

Then more candles lit up with the snap of his fingers and Hikari saw a guy wearing some kind of face mask so she couldn't see his face but she knew he was grinning evilly at her.

"Who are you?" she scowled at him but he ignored the question.

"Did I mention one of your companions is coming here?" he said nonchalantly. Hikari looked like she was surprised but she was also in disbelief. He snapped his fingers again and a giant screen appeared behind him. He then gestured for her to look at the screen as it turned on to reflect the familiar face of a blonde boy with blue eyes. "He looks quite determined to come here but I don't know if my underlings will allow him to..." he chuckled again as the screen showed Takeru's expression changed from determination to alertness when a bunch of the flying creatures swooped down to attack him.

"Takeru!" Hikari shouted out of worry. "Stop this! Leave him alone!" she demanded.

"That's what you get for trespassing" he answered. He snapped his fingers again so the screen immediately turned off and disappeared again. "Why don't we wait at the reception hall to greet our guest... if he comes out alive I guess..." he let out a maniacal laugh.

"You're crazy!" Hikari hissed at him but he just ignored her.

"Let's have fun playing with him" he grinned.

"Takeru…" Hikari mumbled to herself and then was shrouded with darkness once again.

Takeru somehow arrived at the castle safely. He was sort of worn out from the earlier battle with the flying creatures. He carefully entered the castle ready for anything. He didn't let his guard down because he knew that the king in the Dark Kingdom loves to play tricks. He walked slowly towards one of the hallways glancing from left to right. He cautiously moved to where he suspected was the way to the dungeon which is probably where Hikari is held captive until he saw the demon guardians ready to attack him.

"Tch. How troublesome..." He unsheath his sword with a slight grin on his face. "Come if you dare monsters!" the guardians then attacked him. After awhile of attacking and dodging, the guardians one by one slowly fell to the ground unable to stand up anymore. "Hmph. Is that really all you monsters can do?" Takeru sheathed his sword again and sighed deeply. He was little by little feeling exhausted. "I really don't like this place..." he mumbled to himself. He then continued walking down the hallway and looked from left to right to see where the stairs to the dungeon is located but he was not able to find it. He fianlly reached a huge steel door greeting him but he was not amused by this at all. He needed to get to where the dungeon is before the king finds out he is here but little did he know that the said king was already monitoring him from the beginning. He turned around and was ready to leave when the steel door opened.

"It's been a long time" the same voice that greeted Hikari greeted Takeru as well. "I missed the times we used to play... " the voice sounded nostalgic but Takeru knew it was not sincere at all. "Takeru..." When Takeru heard his name being called, he spun around immediately and saw the person he wanted to avoid meeting at all cost when he entered castle. His face darkened at the sight of the dark lord.

"Where is she, Ken?" Takeru asked him coldly. He was worried for the girl's safety but he didn't show it to the dark lord.

"What do you mean?" Ken asked as innocently as possible but Takeru didn't believe his facade at all.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know you have her so give her back to me now!" Takeru glared at him and Ken was amused by this.

"Tsk, tsk... Come on Takeru. We're old friends. Won't you at least ask me how I'm doing?" Ken smirked. Takeru didn't answer him and continued to glare. Ken sighed in defeat but later, maniacally laughed. "This is where the fun begins!"

"I don't have time to play games Ken. I'll ask again... WHERE. IS. THE. GIRL?" Takeru was already about to unsheathed his sword to forcefully make Ken tell him the whereabouts of Hikari.

"Why don't you look that way?" Ken pointed to his left as Takeru followed his direction when a door opened revealing Hikari tied up on a chair unconscious but before he could call out to her, she instantly disappeared. That took Takeru by surprise and his expression changed from a cool demeanor to that of panic. "What's the matter, Takeru?" Ken laughed evilly and Takeru once again glared at him.

"Let her go Ken!" his tone was dangerously serious now.

"Aww... you're no fun, Takeru~" Ken teased him. He snapped his fingers and instantly Hikari appeared on his side. She was still unconscious and tied to the same chair.

"Hikari!" Before Takeru could run to her, he was stuck in his place by some kind of force weighing him down.

"She is quite beautiful Takeru" Ken cupped Hikari's face and slowly leaned in to kiss her "You hit the jackpot old friend" his lips were mere inches away from Hikari's until a knife flew in between his face and Hikari's almost grazing him. Ken turned to the person who threw the weapon and saw Takeru's emotionless face.

"It seems that I have angered you now..." Ken let go of Hikari's face and faced the really pissed Takeru now. "How about playing our favorite game, Takeru?" he suggested but Takeru didn't even reply. "If you win, I'll let the all of you go safely" he said but Takeru wasn't even interested. He was determined to kill this guy. "Oh come on now, this is a fair game. If I win, I'll get to keep her and the rest of you can leave the island without a scratch. That's all." he added with a grin on his face.

"Whether or not I win, I'll definitely send you to Hell" Takeru threatened but Ken took this as an acceptance to play the game.

"So it's settled. Let the games begin!" he announced as the walls started to move and the floor turned into one big board game. There were huge dices and all sort of traps.

"Do you remember how to play this game?" Ken moved closer to him.

"Of course I do" Takeru crossed his arms. "But I don't remember real traps and monsters being in the game."

"It wouldn't be fun if it is the plain old game. It's better if the game is real and the players' lives are at stake" he smirked. "Let's play our favorite game then~" they both floated to the starting line. "Life or Death" Ken's face plastered a mischievous smile.