Swords and Arrows by Maddyson Ruby

Characters: Clint/OC

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit. All recognisable characters belong to Marvel.

Here is the last chapter! Enjoy it.

Last time in Chapter 11:

Rayne stood up slowly from the table, "Who are you talking about? Dad? Fury?"

Wade sighed, "We're talking about your mother, Ray."

Rayne's breathing sped up slightly as she looked between the two men with wide, innocent grey eyes, eyes so different to her father's, "What are you talking about? What about my mother? Who is she, even?"

Fury looked to Wade sharply, "You haven't told her? I mean, I suspected you hadn't but even still..."

Wade fixed fury with a glare before fixing his almost childish eyes on his adult daughter who looked more and more like her mother every day, a blessing and a curse for him. "Your mother was a mutant seer named Jasmine."

"What?" Tony asked, piping up for the first time in about ten minutes, his coffee forgotten, "Like as in seeing the future? With tarot cards and a crystal ball and all that crap?"

"Stark!" Rayne, Wade and Nick barked in sync, their penetrating glares fixed on the now defensive billionaire.

"What? I was just asking," he defended.

Wade sighed turning back to face his only daughter, Rayne, "Your mother was named Jasmine Fury." When Rayne just looked at him with wide, confused eyes, he spoke again, "Rayne, your mother was the daughter of Director Nicolas Fury of SHIELD. You are Director Fury's granddaughter."

Chapter 12

Rayne stood in shock, watching her father and the man she now knew to be her grandfather stand there and tell her of her mother like they were discussing the weather. They were just so blasé about the whole thing, like it wasn't earth shattering and monumental news in its own right. She felt like she couldn't breath as a bubble of emotion welled up in her, rising from her stomach to her throat until she felt like she would be sick. It was vile and chilled her to the bone as she stood in the living room of the Avenger's loft in what used to be Stark Tower.

"Rayne? Baby girl? Are you okay?" her father asked, his voice sounding distant to her ears.

"Rayne!" another voice yelled from her side, her blurry eyes managing to register Clint's face before her sight faded away before her eyes and left her seeing the endless halls of her nightmares. The very same halls she could remember running down and through in her dreamscape. The dream world blurred, as it always did at that moment, and Rayne looked down to see a woman on a metal table, the rusty chains biting sharply into her wrists. A scream tumbled from the woman's dark lips as the man standing above her, pressed a knife into her palm slowly and painfully.

"Stop!" A voice hissed in a manner more befitting of a snake as he strode into the room purposefully. The other man stepped away from the table like a child being told of by their parents. "Jasmine Fury," the man hissed again, "Oh, how the mighty have fallen…"

Rayne took in every detail of the woman's face numbly, the familiar grey eyes, the milk chocolate skin and the ever-present physique of a woman who fought for a living.

"You've certainly kept us running, haven't you, my dear?" he hissed into her ear, taking glee in her whimpers. "Now, my lovely," he whispered, "We here, at HYDRA, have a treat for you." He snapped his fingers and two men walked in dragging someone between them brusquely.

The new person's face was hidden from Rayne but the mop of black curls struck a chord far too close to home.

"We found her breaking in, trying to get to you." He sneered at the pair, "She, too, gave herself up for the one she 'loves'. She sacrificed herself for the archer. It's laughable, is it not?"

Rayne gasped loudly as her vision returned to normal and she saw the faces of her father, Fury and Clint surrounding her as she blinked open her eyes and fought to catch her breath after the traumatic ordeal of the images she had just seen.

"Are you okay, Rayne?" Clint asked her softly, looking about as scared as she'd ever seen him.

Before she could answer, her father snapped at Clint," Of course, she's not okay! She just passed out, you moron!"

"Dad-" Rayne tried to protest weakly but he didn't listen.

"I can't believe you'd ask such a stupid question!" her father thundered, working himself up, out f his normally suave demeanour whilst Clint sat and took the hurled abuse.

"Wade," Fury grumbled, smacking the back of his head, catching the other man's attention, "She's a seer."

Silence reigned through the room as everyone absorbed the words, before Natasha spoke up, "How do you know, sir?"

Fury smirked at his agent, "I raised one, Romanoff. Jasmine was a good seer, seems to me like every two minutes she was 'seeing' something." Fury turned to look back down at Rayne, a slight shimmer of worry in his dark eyes, "Now, Rayne, what did you see?"

She took a deep breath, leaning back to rest her head on the floor, "I saw my mother," she murmured so quietly they had to strain to hear her. Rayne saw her father and Fury exchange a loaded glance before both of them looked back to her.

"What about her?" Wade asked, watching his daughter's face carefully, wanting to growl at the sight of the archer, Clint, so close to his only daughter.

Rayne took a deep breath, "They have her. HYDRA do," she whispered softly.

It became silent again before Stark spoke, "Jarvis?"

"Yes, sir?" the AI asked politely.

"Get on that right away."

"Yes, sir. I will notify you when I have results."

Rayne smiled slightly at Tony before begging Clint with her eyes to help her up into a sitting position, he slid his arms around her shoulders and gently eased her upright so she could sit on her own instead of lying on the floor incapacitated like an invalid.

"We'll find her," Clint whispered in her ear softly, pressing a gently kiss to her cheek. Fury stared him down, as did Wade, but both never commented as Rayne was escorted to the kitchen by Steve and Clint, their eyes following her carefully, watching as she accepted a cup of mint tea from Bruce and a pat on the head from Tony.

It was subdued and quiet amongst the Avengers as they all subtly watched Rayne and helped her out in their own ways. Jarvis' interruption of their peace brought silence to them all.

"Sir?" Jarvis asked. " I have located the HYDRA base. I am sending the co-ordinates now."

"Brilliant, Jarvis," Tony praised before looking to the others in the room, Avengers, Deadpool? Suit up."

The team all scrambled and left, each running to their rooms for their equipment. Rayne did the same, relishing the feel of her body suit and the familiar weight of her weapons as she armed herself. She knew then that she wouldn't be coming out of the mission with the others and that was a hard pill for Rayne to swallow but she would grin and bear it. If her mom could do it, so could she.

Thinking quickly she pulled out a pad of paper and began to write.

To Clint,

I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner or face to face but time is against me – I love you. Even if you don't. If you're reading this then, I have been captured by HYDRA and am currently being held with my mother. Please, do not come after me, it isn't worth it. I'm not worth the risk to your life.

Love, Rayne Wilson

She quickly folded the letter and slid it into an envelope labelled, Clint, before pulling out another sheet of paper and beginning to right once more.

To my fellow Avengers,

Thank you for saving my life and saving New York with me. You have been my first whole family and please, don't forget that. I love you all, live long for me.

Love, Rayne Wilson

She wiped away a stray tear and put the letter into a marked envelope before leaving them on her bed next to each other.

"Jarvis?" she asked, looking to the ceiling, waiting for an answer.

"Yes, Miss Wilson?" the AI, known only as Jarvis responded calmly.

"Can you, please, tell the Avengers to get these two letters from my room when they get back here after the HYDRA mission?" she asked him hopefully.

"Yes, Miss Wilson."

Rayne smiled shakily, before steeling her nerves and pulling on her harness for the swords she always wore into a fight and striding out of her room proudly and grouping up with the Avengers on the roof by the large helicopter pad.

"Ready, Rayne?" Clint asked, taking her hand pulling her into the Quinjet after she smiled at him in reply. "Good."

They all sat in silence as the jet flew to the coordinates Jarvis had found and determined HYDRA to be at. They arrived silently, each of them creeping out of the Quinjet and into the open, looking at the petrol station they knew the base to be under.

"Ready?" Steve asked with his Captain America voice in place, his stance immovable.

"Ready," Tony agreed and within seconds the front of the station had shattered, allowing the Avengers to just walk into the place and head to the store room at the back where the stairs to the lower levels were – where HYDRA were. They stormed the compound before coming to a large room with three doors going off. They team paused, dividing up to carry on going.

Rayne watched as Tony and Bruce took the first one, Natasha and Steve took the second and she and Clint ran for the third one. Rayne felt the familiar sense of déjà vu as she ran along the hallways, Clint at her side, his bow ready to fire. She had pulled out her sword, ready to take down any agent in her way. They carried on quickly, only pausing to incapacitate guards. Rayne led them along before the sound of many feet reached her ears and she knew then that something had gone wrong. A distant roar signalled that the Hulk was out to play. She and Clint walked into the next hall only to be met with the sight of twenty or so guards stationed and ready to take them out. With a nod to Clint she ran into the open, her dual swords out and spinning, dicing up the guards and dodging and blocking bullets. With a growl, she ran through the last one before looking at Hawkeye's shocked face.

An explosion sounded to their right as the wall caved in and the Hulk ran through, a hoard of agents on his tail. Rayne grinned, slicing her way through them like they were air. A single agent appeared at Clint's blind spot and Rayne watched, horrified as he took aim. She dove, slicing through the bullet aimed at the man she loved. It split into two, darting to the sides and sinking into two of the agents around them.

She took a punch to her side and shied away from the pain as the hits kept coming. She was hoisted into the air and she could feel herself being taken away.

The last thing of Clint she heard was a distorted, "Rayne! No!" as she watched Tony Stark pick him up and fly him out of there. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she faded into blackness.


Clint lay in his bed, holding her letter close as he read over its precious words again, 'I love you'. She loved him enough to sacrifice herself for him, to die for him. Clint couldn't deal with it as he let several tears fall from his brown eyes. He hadn't even told her that he loved her, too.

The realisation had him sitting up and clutching his chest as he scrabbled and fought with himself to gain control of his turbulent emotions. He loved Rayne Wilson – nobody could take that from him. They had taken Rayne from him, though. That was not acceptable. He stood up and walked out to see his comrades all huddled up at the kitchen table.

"We're getting her back," he told them fiercely, "if you won't help me, I'll do it myself."

Tony looked up and smirked, "We're in, what have you got in mind?"

Clint didn't say a word, he just smirked in reply, folding up his letter and putting it under his uniform, close to his heart. Just like Rayne.


Rayne blearily opened her eyes at the new pain in her legs as she was roughly dragged along by two burly men, her legs unresponsive as the dragged along the floor. She could tell from the congealing blood on her wounds and the developed aches and bruises that she had been out for at least a day or so. A door opened in front of her and she felt herself being pulled through into the stark white lighting of the room. It was all white tiles and reminded her of her prison in the SHIELD Helicarrier far more than she would have liked to admit. The thing was, she wasn't on the SHIELD Helicarrier, she was in HYDRA's subterranean base.

Rayne saw a man standing over a blinding metal table with the slim legs of a woman on top from what she could see. A man in a lab coat stood on the other side of the table with glee written in his eyes and all over his face as he looked at the whimpering, sobbing woman that Rayne knew to be Jasmine Fury – her mother.

The man nearest to her drew her attention as he leaned right down near her mother's face, "We found her breaking in, trying to get to you." He sneered at the pair of them, "She, too, gave herself up for the one she 'loves'. She sacrificed herself for the archer. It's laughable, is it not?"

Rayne pulled her head up slightly to glare at the man through her curtain of black hair that she could see she'd also gotten from her mother, something she'd suspected but never really believed, despite her father's assurances.

She was strapped down on another metal lab table besides her mother and stormy grey eyes met stormy grey as mother and daughter looked at each other for the first time in far too many years.

"Aww…" a voice interrupted, "How… touching." The mocking drew Rayne's attention to the HYDRA agent who seemed jubilant at the sight of her infuriation. He chuckled again, walking to their feet and placing a hand on both Rayne and her mother's shins.

He lowered the knives and just allowed them to feel the coldness of the metal biting into their skin. A monotone voice came over the system, "We have a security breach on level four, all able personnel to stations. I repeat, all able personnel to stations."

"Avery!" barked the man in charge, "Go see what the fuss is all about!"

"Yes, sir," the man said, disappearing into the hallway just as gunfire rung through the place. The man fell back through the door, his lab coat stained red with his own blood and his eyes lifeless and vacant.

An arrow flew through the doorway, embedding itself in the HYDRA agent standing above Rayne and her mother. He clutched at his arm, his eyes widening in horror as the Avengers filed in one by one.

"End of the line," Clint growled, an arrow nocked already as he took aim at the man's skull.

The agent let out a maniac laugh, reminiscent of Loki as Clint's patience waned and the arrow hit its mark perfectly.

Clint rushed forward, unstrapping her and heaving her into his arms. He looked down at her as her eyes sought his and rushed from the room, the others in tow with Jasmine Fury being carried by Captain America.

The left quickly, just outside when the petrol station exploded in a ball of flame, toppling in on itself and trapping and killing everyone inside instantly.

Rayne let out a breathless laugh as she was carried to the Quinjet in Clint's arms, her eyesight fading to black sporadically.

Rayne felt her eyes zone out and watched as a slightly older version of herself cradled something close to her chest, a big smile beaming across her face as she looked down at the blankets with love in her eyes. An arm appeared around her shoulder and Clint looked down at the prized object in her arms, "You did good, Ray."

She smiled up at him, pressing a kiss to his jaw, "No, baby. We did good. He's perfect, isn't he?"

Rayne suddenly could see what rest in her arms, swaddled amongst several big blankets, a tiny baby boy lay gazing up at her with dusk coloured eyes and sandy brown hair. He yawned, stretching his little arms before falling into a deep sleep.

"I love you, Clint."

"I love you too, Rayne."

Rayne's vision slowly cleared and she snuggled deeper into Clint's embrace, smiling sleepily at the bright future she had.

The End

It is over. My longest story so far is now done. How awesome! Yay! Consider it an early Valentine's Day present for my awesome readers, now can we boost my reviews to over ninety, or even one hundred? I don't know but please, try. Tell me if you liked it so when I do one of the other Avenger stories floating in my brain, I will do it better than this one. Also, if you want to see more on the Avengers then favourite me as an Author.

Now, I'm off to bed…

Love you all, Maddyson Ruby.