Sorry all these chapters were short, but this whole story was drabble filled on purpose. Sorry guys. Hope you like this chapter.

Don't own twilight.


Over the Military base, guards watched over, calling out to each other the all clear. Not one noticed the dark figure melting from one shadow to another, easily scaling walls and landing lightly on the roof of the intended victim. Dark eyes looked through a window to see the blonde close the basement door. A low growl slipped from the covered lips and the plan was set in motion. She easily and silently broke the lock on the window, slipping into the upstairs with and ease and silence that was practiced. She closed it a little too loud though and the noise alerted Jasper, who was down the hall now. He charged down the hall and flung the door open, looking around and under the bed.

"Huh… Odd." He shrugged it off, smirking at hearing the muffled screams from the basement. He left, turning off the light and heading down the stairs. Bella released her grip on the ceiling, flipping and dropping down, landing without a sound. She smirked, padding down the hallway, and jumping into the rafters above, stalking across. Seeing the unsuspecting man watching TV, she glanced at the basement door and saw it was heavily locked. Well, fuck, he was kinda smart. With a low growl, Bella devised a plan. She wanted to kick the man's ass anyway. She set a swift trap for him and threw a loose bit of wood from the rafter off into a direction to drive the man into her trap. Jasper froze, shut off the TV and stood, at first cautiously but soon his brash side kicked in and he bolted toward the noise, in enough time that Bella triggered the trap. Within seconds, the man was hanging upside down by one leg, fighting to get free.

Bella slowly made her way down and husked out "That won't work, boy."

The blonde snarled, his rugged face twisted in rage. "Who are you?!"

"The important question is where the key to the basement is." Bella circled the hanging man slowly, her voice deadly calm and staff held tight in her hands. She stopped and Jasper just scoffed and spit in her cloth covered face. Bella chuckled and faster than he could blink jabbed him in the stomach with her staff. He coughed, holding his stomach as best he could.

"Still want to fight me right now?"

"What the hell do you want?" Jasper weezed, glaring.

Ohhhh I think he may almost be as scary as a box of kittens….

"The key, dammit. Where. The. Fuck. Is. The. Key?"

"Fuck you!" He coughed.

"Boy, I grow impatient." Bella gripped the end of her staff and pulled, seconds later revealing that it was a hidden sword. She put the blade against the soldier's neck, meeting his gaze with hard, cold eyes. He gulped, lips quivering as he realized he was not talking his way out, and this was real. "Now tell me, the key. Where is it?"

"T-the key… it's in my pocket. Left front pocket. Please don't hurt me. Just take her, I don't want her."

Swiftly Bella took the key, cut him down and knocked him out. She unlocked every lock and quickly ran down the stairs. There was her girl, tied up and gagged. She set her hand on Alice's back and she jerked up.

"Alice, it's me. It's Bella." The panicked eyes met hers and she relaxed as she was untied and lifted her lover into her arms, swiftly exiting the residence, but not before growling and kicking the fallen kidnapper in the crotch. Alice clung to her until they were finally home. Bella pulled off her mask and while Alice took in the facts of what had happened. The Ninja Soldier removed her suit and put all the pieces in the right place and dressed quickly. She sat down beside her girlfriend and took her hand.

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you sooner."

"You saved me and that's the point."

Bella looked down at her with sad eyes and Alice cupped her cheek, trying to sooth the taller women. Bella leaned into the touch and wrapped her arms around the smaller woman, effortlessly pulling her into her frame. They clung to each other, both having feared they would lose the other. But they were okay. Leo was safe, they knew, but tonight they needed each other and that's what they would have.


This is the end, for now. The sequel will be posted in time.

Hope you liked it.