Author's Note: So! Here is the first chapter of my new story, Mistakes… What do you think about the twist? You've read the summary, and you obviously liked it…because you're here, reading this. So I thank everyone who's come to give my story a chance. :)

And so…I hope you all enjoy this first chapter of Mistakes. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, though, of course, Jeanette is mine.

Chapter 1

Bella's Point of View

I was walking home from Forks Middle School, when I saw a high school girl being bullied by her fellow male students.

Immediately, I felt anger. Forgetting that I was merely thirteen and in the seventh grade, I marched forward and went to confront them.

"Hey, I told you to give us the money!" one of the boys said, yanking on the girl's pigtails. "Where's the money, eh? Give it to us!"

To my shock, he slapped her across the face so hard that he left an ugly red mark on her left cheek.

"Hey!" I snapped, striding forward.

The five boys turned, and the girl looked up, tears brimming in her eyes. The boys sneered when they saw me.

"Oh, look," the boy who'd slapped the girl said. It was obvious that he was the leader. "It's the rich Swan girl. Goody. Why don't you give us money? You probably have more than ugly Jeanette here."

The girl, Jeanette, widened her eyes, fearing for me. I could read the message in her eyes: Run away.

But I didn't. I hated when people bullied their fellow peers. It was cowardly and cruel. I always stood up to those people. If they refused to apologize, they would regret it soon enough.

"Well?" the boy said, sneering. "Where's our money?"

I smiled angelically. "Just as a matter of curiosity… Where did you intend to use Jeanette's money?"

"What's it to you, Swan?" one of his sidekicks asked. He strode forward, intent on hurting me.

But I saw his hand raising to slap me, and my years of defensive training took over.

Seizing his hand, I pulled it down as hard as I could, then twisted it around sharply behind his back.

"OW!" he yelled, wincing in pain. He was grimacing.

The leader looked taken aback. He obviously hadn't expected a thirteen-year old girl to know how to defend herself.

I looked at him calmly, raising my eyebrows. "Now. Do you want to apologize to Jeanette quietly, or do I need to kick your ass first?"

"You little-" He advanced forward with his other sidekicks.

With no other choice left, I kicked my prisoner towards one of the other sidekicks, making him fall over. I dodged the leader's fist to the right easily, then took hold of the extended arm. I used it to push him backward on top of his friends.

He landed with a heavy grunt. The remaining two boys looked hesitant.

"What are you waiting for?" the leader growled. "Get her!"

By this time, all five of them had recovered and were now advancing towards me. They surrounded me, completely ignoring Jeanette.

Jeanette was free to run away, but she didn't. She looked horrified now.

I ducked when a huge guy swung his fist at me. I stuck out my foot, and being big and clumsy, he stumbled but didn't fall down. Next, the one I had taken prisoner earlier tried to kick me in the face.

Big mistake.

I retreated slightly, leaving him to try to regain his balance. Too late. I kicked him in the butt, and he landed in the dirt, face first.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to beat all of them. These were five sophomore boys who didn't know how to fight well, but they were still bigger than I was. Eventually, I was going to get tired of trying to distract them from Jeanette, and I would make a mistake.

Fortunately, I soon heard a familiar voice behind me.


We all stopped fighting and looked around.

I bit my lip when I saw my brother, Jasper, with his friends Edward and Emmett, as well as their sister, Alice. I was relieved to see him, but at the same time, I knew I was in for a scolding once again for trying to rescue someone from bullying.

"What do you want?" the leader asked rudely.

Jasper, Emmett, and Edward looked livid. I could see the overprotective attitude coming out from all three of them. They hated it when people bothered me.

"That's my sister you're fighting right there," Jasper said evenly. "I can't exactly ignore you and leave my sister to die, can I?"

I nearly snorted. I could defend myself just fine.

Alice, who was petite and small, was standing right behind the three boys. She gave me a tiny smile. She knew as well as I did that I was capable of defending myself.

"Oh, right, I forgot. You're the oldest Swan," the leader said sarcastically. "The adopted one." He obviously didn't know Jasper very well if he thought that he would be bothered by the fact that he was adopted.

But still, it bothered me. He was insulting my brother.

Furious, I glared at him viciously, raised my right hand, and slapped his head.


While he was stumbling around, trying to get his head back into the game, I kicked him onto the ground. He fell backwards.

"You little…!" one of his sidekicks said, and he restarted the fight.

I dodged his blow easily, turning around and elbowing him hard. I saw Jasper, Emmett, and Edward joining the fight this time.

I was retreating from the big guy, who seemed determined to get revenge on me for tripping him earlier. The wall was right behind me, and there was no room to duck sideways.

I was bracing myself for a punch in the face, when he suddenly got kicked to the side. I looked to my right and saw Edward frowning at me in disapproval.

I bit my lip guiltily.

Five minutes later, all five of the boys were on their knees with their hands up in midair. Their faces were beaten severely and their lips were torn and bleeding. They all looked resigned.

Emmett and Edward were standing on either side of me, looking down at the boys coldly. Jasper was right in front of me, looking down at them in disgust as well. Their clothes weren't even wrinkled. The girl, Jeanette, was with Alice, who was comforting her in soothing tones.

"So you were trying to steal money from Jeanette to buy cigarettes?" Jasper asked coolly.

The leader nodded readily. He'd found out what his punishment would be if he didn't answer Jasper's questions right away. His left eye was black, and he had a bruise on his cheekbone.

"Do you know what I'm going to do?" Jasper asked him.

The leader looked apprehensive.

"I'm going to tell the principal," Jasper informed him. "If they knew you were trying to bully a fellow student into giving you money to buy cigarettes, I'm sure you'll be regretting that decision for the rest of your life."

The leader's eyes bugged out, as did his friends'.

"No, wait!" he said frantically. "Don't tell Mr. Greene. Please. I can't get expelled. My parents would kill me!"

"Well, that's what you would deserve," Emmett said, raising his eyebrows.

"No, no," the leader pleaded desperately. "Please. I'll do anything."

"Good," Jasper said coldly. "First, you'll apologize to Jeanette."

The boys all murmured apologies to the girl. She looked relieved.

"Second," Jasper went on. "I'll have you know that I will not let this pass. This is what you deserve for trying to hurt my sister."

"No, please!" the leader cried. "We'll apologize to her too! Just… please! Don't tell the principal! Please! Come on, Jasper! We grew up together! We went to school together our whole lives! Please…"

I knew that threatening them was wrong. They had gotten beaten up as a punishment, and they seemed to know what they did wrong. So I stepped forward to stop my brother.

"Jasper," I murmured, nudging him gently. He ignored me.

"You deserve more than a beating, you son of a- " Jasper began.

Before he could finish the curse that I hated to hear him using, I turned to the five boys.

"Go," I ordered authoritatively.

Jasper looked at me in surprise. The boys looked bewildered.

I frowned impatiently. "Go. You've learned your lesson, haven't you? Don't bully anyone ever again. Now go."

They exchanged doubtful looks before scrambling to their feet. They grabbed their backpacks before running away down the street.

"Isabella Marie Swan!" Jasper said indignantly. "I was going to beat them up again!"

I turned to him, disapproval etched on my face. "No, Jazz. They've got enough beating from you guys. Leave them alone now."

His expression turned incredulous. "You're kidding! I'm going to have them expelled-"

"No, Jazz," I said severely. "You've done enough. Now promise me that you won't go telling to your principal."

Jasper stared at me.

Finally, Alice spoke up. "She's right, Jasper. You've done enough. You don't have to ruin their lives, you know."

Jasper frowned but didn't speak. Emmett and Edward looked dissatisfied as well, but they didn't say anything.

"Are you okay?" I asked the girl.

Jeanette nodded. "Thanks for saving me. I thought I was going to die." She smiled. "You know, for a seventh grader, you've got guts." She picked up her backpack, then waved bye towards Alice and the others. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She started her way down the street, leaving us alone.

"Which reminds me," Jasper said sternly, turning to me. "What do you think you were doing all by yourself, young lady?"

I bit my lip.

Jasper placed his hands on his hips. "I thought I told you not to stand up to people bigger than you anymore? Especially not boys? Those guys could have beaten you up, Bella! What were you thinking?"

"But they were going to hurt her!" I defended myself. "Do you expect me to just walk away? You know I can't do that, Jazz!"

Jasper opened his mouth to retort, then closed it again. He glanced at Emmett and Edward, who looked amused now.

"Aw, come on, Jasper," Emmett said, striding forward and placing a hand on my shoulder. "You know what kind of a person Bella is. She can't stand to see injustice. Cut her some slack. You have to admit, that was pretty brave of her." He turned to me. "You did well today, Bella."

I grinned. "Thanks, Em."

Jasper frowned at me. "Getting into a fight is not something you should get complimented on, Isabella."

I stuck my tongue out at him, then hid behind Emmett's huge body.

Edward and Alice laughed at my immaturity.

Jasper sighed. "Oh, Bella. What am I going to do with you?"

I peeked out. "You're not mad?"

He picked up my backpack, which I'd abandoned to fight the boys. He slung it over his shoulder before walking away alone towards our house.

I glanced up at Emmett, worried. He smiled down at me warmly and reassuringly. I looked at Alice. She grinned at me. My eyes flickered to Edward. He was the only one with the same expression as Jasper. He merely stared at me with unreadable eyes.

The way he looked at me was making me uncomfortable. He'd been looking at me strangely lately. I'd had a crush on Edward ever since I was young. I still liked him, but the way he studied me intently made me want to look down and blush, unlike the way I'd acted around him before.

Emmett, Alice, and Edward Cullen were extremely close siblings. The Cullens and my family, the Swans, had been friends forever. We'd all grown up together, and we were extremely close.

Our fathers, Carlisle and Charlie, were successful businessmen, owners of the biggest corporations in the world. Being rich did have its limits, though. Carlisle and Charlie were both in New York, working, while we were stuck here in this small town of Forks, Washington, going to school and entertaining our mothers, Renee and Esme.

Emmett was now a senior, finishing up his high school education. Alice and Jasper were both juniors, and were struggling along with schoolwork. Edward was a freshman in high school, while I was the only one stuck in middle school, making me frustrated and impatient to grow up.

"Come on, Bells," Emmett said, taking my hand. "Let's get you home."

"Do you think he's mad?" I asked anxiously as we approached our house.

"No," Alice and Emmett chorused.

"Even if he acts stoic like that, we know he's really proud of you, Bella," Alice said. "Because we're proud of you too. You did great today."

I grinned. "Thanks, Alice."

She smiled. "But if you keep doing this, I think you're really going to kill Jasper someday."

I sighed. "I know."

"Hey, guys," Renee, my mother, greeted us at the door. "Why is Jasper like that? Did something happen?"

"Of course not, Renee," Edward said, lying easily. He was good at that. "Nothing like that. It was just a long day for all of us." He flashed her a reassuring grin.

Renee smiled. "That's too bad. He's upstairs, starting homework. Maybe you'd like to join him, Alice." She winked at her, making her blush.

"Uh…sure, Renee," Alice said, embarrassed. She disappeared upstairs.

I grinned. I knew that Alice and Jasper had liked each other ever since we were young. Neither of them would admit it, so we were always frustrated when we saw them hesitating to make a move.

"How's Esme?" Renee asked Emmett and Edward.

"She's fine," Emmett answered. "She's missing Carlisle, but…" He shrugged. "What can she do? He's a businessman, and is required to live in New York alone for work."

"What about you, Renee?" Edward asked softly. "Have you heard from Charlie?"

Her face fell, and she sighed. "He's busy, I suppose. Being a businessman is no joke…" She shook off her morose expression before smiling pleasantly again. "Why don't you kids go upstairs and start your homework? I'll bring you something to eat." She disappeared into the kitchen.

We trudged upstairs. I saw my backpack in front of my door. Jasper must have dropped it off.

"See you later," I said before disappearing inside my room.

"See ya, kid," Emmett said easily.

Edward smiled at me wistfully before following his older brother into Jasper's room.

And as I closed the door, I couldn't help wondering what made him smile like that.

AN: So…what did you guys think? Please review, favorite, and alert! Thanks, and let me know what you think. The main story line isn't hinted in this first chapter, but I thought that this would be a nice way to start. Please give it a chance, and I promise that you'll like it! ;) Thanks!