Keep Holding On

2nd Story to my: Snape's Daughter Series.

1. Even if it Breaks your Heart

2. Keep Holding On

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Avengers... although I do wish I did. :) Also any references made to ANY other Novel/Movie/TV Show IS NOT MINE I own nothing except Angelica and the plot.

Last chapter of this story, sorry for taking FOREVER! I know I've been slacking. :( But have no fear it appears my Muse decided to finally corroporate with me and this story again! YAAAAYYY! Also on top of my Muse coming off and on I've had a bunch of Real Life Problems and had to work through sadly nothing helped me get inspired for this story. However, as I said only two sentences before my Muse has returned! I shall update whenever possible. :)

Also I have a question... On my profile I have placed a poll on if I should do an all summer story, just something simple and it revolves around a Summer at Avengers Tower, visits and things like that. It has Ideas that I came up with if you would like that. Also did you all like how Draco found out about who Angel is really related to?

Chapter 14

"ANGELICA!" Hermione yelped, after being struck by a pillow, when she was deep in sleep.

She toppled off of her bed and Angel laughed hysterically. Angel thought it was hilarious, after all it was the day they went home. Home... Wonder if Auntie Nat will be there... Angel thought to herself. As she finished packing, and put on her school robes before walking out of the Dorm, to leave Hermione in peace. She went into the Common Room and looked around, knowing fully well that the Twins had planned something and placed something in the room. She stayed in place for a few moments before the Twins scared her from behind, causing her to jump right into the detection spell and her dark hair which she had pulled back was bright red and her face was spotted with freckles along with being orange.

"Funny." Angel replied sarcastically.

But the twins were laughing before they started to speak, "You-"





"-Face!" George finished still laughing.

Angel rolled her eyes at the two replied, "Oh now it's on. And I got the God of Myschief on my side." She smirked evilly at the two as they smirked back.

"YOu can't get us back! We are the Weasley Twins!" Fred grinned.

"Alright then. Prank war. All summer. Whoever gets the best pranks, according to our families, wins." Angel smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Deal." They replied together, and Angel shook hands with the two.

After shaking hands with them she quickly added, "Oh by the way, neither of you ever said I couldn't get help from Loki, Remus, or Tony. Have fun." She then walked off to go get breakfast before the train ride, leaving the two Weasley Brothers confused as to how she would even get them back in the first place.

Clint watched quietly, standing on Platform 9 and 3/4's with the other Avengers. Natasha wasn't far from him, but he could tell she was looking for Angel. He just knew his partner like that. He knew the subtle things that signaled that she was actually watching everything going on, not just looking for her niece. He watched Natasha as Angel came into view, and went running over to the deadly female assassin like she was her mother. Natasha dropped to her knees and wrapped Angel into a tight hug. Clint thought this would be a perfect Kodak moment... and knew Tony would think of it as a perfect Blackmail moment with which he could use against the Black Widow.

Clint smiled as he watched the woman he loved and his adopted hug as if they had almost lost each other. He would never admit to Natasha that he loved her, for he knew her views on love, and that she wanted no part of love. He walked with Steve to go retrieve Angel's trunk and of course Gus from the train. He let Steve take the trunk as he picked up Gus's cage, the Tawny Owl only looked at him before giving a hoot in greeting.

He walked back to the others and saw that Angel was hugging the others, before going to Loki, giving him a hug then asking him something in a different language. No matter how hard he tried he just wasn't able to grasp Norwegian. Russian on the other hand, he understood, along with some Spanish and a few words in Latin, which Natasha was determined to give a better library in so he could understand what some of the root words of the spells Angel used. He had noticed that Bruce had picked up on some of Norwegian while Steve had found that it was easier to learn Russian that Norwegian for him. Tony hadn't picked up anything saying he would never need it.

Clint had always found it amusing that Angel was able to switch between languages with ease, while everyone else struggled... that is almost everyone. Thor and Loki were the only ones able to keep up when she started flipping between languages far too fast for any of them to keep up. "Ready to go, маленький ангел?" (little angel) Clint heard Natasha asked Angel after she greeted everyone.

"Yep!" Angel grinned, and followed them out of Kings Cross Station, before getting into several sports cars, which Tony of course had insisted on getting, and everyone had just given in after a good ten minute fight with the billionaire about which cars they should take. Clint let Tony take Angel... well more along the lines of Tony ran off with Angel before Clint could even say any objections and Tony had gunned the engine and fled before Clint was even in the car behind him.

Upon arriving at the Tower Angel was talking rapidly about her year at Hogwarts, and everything that had gone on. To everyone's surprise, Thor was in the Penthouse talking with Pepper and Remus. Angel ran over to Pepper giving her a hug before going to Thor and hugging him. "Thanks... I know for a fact you were in the Hospital Wing for a while... looking out for me and the other students. Thanks."

Thor hugged her back, "You are welcome, Little Angel. The All-Father called me away before you had awaken, so I had to bring Dr. Banner."

"Hello, Remus!" Angel grinned, giving the werewolf a hug after Thor let her go.


End of this story. Please vote so I know if you would like to see the big Prank-War, along with any other of my ideas on the poll. You can even PM me with your idea.

Thanks so much for reading!
