AN: Complete at last! It took me ages to write down the allegiance and character personalities, that's why it a day longer to post this. I've been listening to the King's College Choir, and their music is phenomenal. I highly recommend it to those who need a little R & R in their lives.

As for the story, this is only the beginning of Rebirth. The title may change depending on who wishes for a better title, and you're more than welcome to create a cover for the story. The story itself revolves around five kits, all of which are at around five or six moons. You'll find out who the main characters are as the story progresses ;)


Warm still air blanketed the forest. There was no moon in the midnight-black sky, but the stars shown as brightly as ever. The soft trickle of a river sounded nearby as the reeds rattled against one another. Somewhere in the distance the breeze picked up, churning leaves that had fallen a couple of nights ago.

Suddenly the stars began to dance in the night sky. One by one they fell to the ground, until the form of a cat emerged within the pale light.

A golden-brown cat with ginger flecks approached the river. His eyes were a dark shade of green, but their light shown as bright as the stars had. Muscles rippled beneath his thick pelt as he reached the winding river. Behind him were more cats who either flanked him or bounded ahead.

"You can't be serious about this prophecy, Leopardheart," growled a white she-cat with brown and black patches of fur. "This will doom the Clans if you go through with this plan," she added with a snort.

"I agree with Sorrelfern. This prophecy means nothing but trouble for the Clans," hissed a brown tabby tom with patches of fur missing around his ears.

Leopardheart, the tom in question, turned around to face his companions. His expression was filled with sympathy as he glanced at the two cats. They had been around for moons watching over the Clans. Seasons of waiting had turned them into anxious elders.

"My friend, how is it that even in StarClan your fur is missing?" Leopardheart asked when he glanced at the brown tabby. "Mudpelt, I am afraid that there is nothing we can do. This prophecy has been foretold seasons before even you were born."

The two cats stared at each other anxiously. Behind them the rest of the StarClan warriors shuffled around as they whispered to one another. Each whisper was filled with both fear and worry for the cats that were living now.

Leopardheart was about to say something else when a gray-blue she-cat with a silver-tinged muzzle stepped out of the crowd. He knew this cat all too well - she was one of the former leaders of ThunderClan. But there was something wrong about the way she looked. Her body looked paler than usual, and Leopardheart could see the grass though her torso.

She is fading, he realized. The thought saddened him, and another more fearful thought suddenly interrupted his sorrow. If she was fading than that meant more cats would fade with her. There would be fewer cats to defend the borders of StarClan.

"If what you say is true, than there really is no hope," she rasped. "The light of StarClan is fading, and soon the warrior code will as well. The Clans will be no more if this prophecy comes true."

"We must kill the cats mentioned in this prophecy!" one cat screeched. Leopardheart narrowed his eyes and saw that it was a small black and white tom with unusually long ears. WindClan's former medicine cat had sprung to his paws and was glaring at Leopardheart now. "If we kill them than there will be no on to fulfill the prophecy," he added as cats stared at him in shock.

"We cannot take the lives of innocent kits," Leopardheart growled back. "How do you think their mothers would feel if they found their kits dead in their nests?"

The black and white tom looked down at his paws in embarrassment and what Leopardheart guessed was guilt. He shook his head and thought of what could be done. The gray-blue she-cat spoke up again, this time her voice firm despite the fading outlines that shown through, "We need help."

"The Great Five could help us... they have after all faded," a gray she-cat with blue eyes pointed out.

"Dovewing, to do such a thing would-" She cut Leopardheart off with a stern look.

"I know the sacrifice," she whispered. "But it is all we can do to protect the Clans."

Leopardheart dipped his head respectfully. Out of the chosen Three, he was thankful that she had spoken up.

"Which kits shall we choose to complete this task?" he finally asked. When no cat answered, he sighed and decided for them, much to his disdain. "There will be one from each of the four Clans-" He was broken off by a yowl coming from the back of the crowd.

A creamy brown tabby she-cat sprang to her paws and glared coldly at Leopardheart. "Are you not forgetting the fifth Clan?" she demanded. "We came back to the lake after so many seasons of banishment. I think it is only fair that we are included!"

Leopardheart ducked his head in embarrassment. He had forgotten about SkyClan. Yet the Great Five included SkyClan, so how could he? Eventually his tail lashed and a decision was made.

"Out of Thunder, Wind, Shadow, River and Sky comes the Great Five. They will have no memories of their past, but they will be reminded of who they are when it is needed most. May they lead us through seasons of peace, and remind us of what the warrior code really means!" His voice rang throughout the forest, shaking the trees to their roots. As he said those words the Clans down below felt the power within them.

The time of the Great Five had begun. The time of Rebirth was now.



Leader: Petalstar - light gray she-cat with white paws, belly and muzzle; has blue eyes

Deputy: Hawktalon - light brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Medicine Cat: Dusknose - gray tom with a darker gray nose


Oakfire - ginger-brown tom with tabby markings along the tip of his tail
Apprentice: Hazelpaw

Stormshadow - dark gray, almost black tom with yellow eyes

Feathermist - gray and white she-cat with feathery-tipped ears
Apprentice: Kestrelpaw

Robinwing - brown and white tabby tom with amber eyes

Shademask - gray tom with a darker gray, almost black face

Timberleaf - slender brown she-cat with pale green eyes

Foxfur - dark ginger tom with green eyes


Hazelpaw - tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes

Kestrelpaw - light brown tabby tom with amber eyes


Roseclaw - ginger and white she-cat with green eyes, mother of Flamekit, Lilykit and Shrewkit by Oakfire

Heatherpelt - pale gray she-cat with yellow eyes, expecting


Rockfur - dark black tom with a white-tipped tail and pale amber eyes; partially blind

Daisytail - black and white she-cat with amber eyes


Flamekit - ginger tom with faint brown stripes along his tail

Lilykit - pale ginger she-cat with amber eyes

Shrewkit - light brown tom with darker brown stripes along his legs and tail


Leader: Russetstar - brown tom with dark ginger paws

Deputy: Grayshadow - gray and darker gray tom

Medicine Cat: Scorchheart - dark ginger tom with green eyes
Apprentice: Ravenpaw


Cloudfall - white she-cat with patches of gray along her fur; has blue eyes
Apprentice: Snowpaw

Sageleaf - gray and white she-cat with green eyes

Barktail - light brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Mousepaw

Talonclaw - pale tabby tom with yellow eyes

Briarheart - brown, white and black she-cat with amber eyes

Sleetstorm - very pale gray, almost white she-cat with pale green eyes

Nightclaw - black tom with yellow eyes


Mousepaw - light brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Snowpaw - gray she-cat with amber eyes

Ravenpaw - darker gray she-cat with yellow eyes


Poppyfur - brown and ginger she-cat with green eyes, mother of Longkit, Bramblekit, Marshkit and Newtkit by Talonclaw

Thistlepatch - spiky-haired tabby she-cat with amber eyes, expecting


Pineclaw - dark tabby tom with amber eyes; former deputy


Longkit - pale brown she-cat with green eyes

Bramblekit - light ginger tom with amber eyes

Marshkit - tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes

Newtkit - pale ginger tom with amber eyes


Leader: Icestar - white tom with gray paws

Deputy: Rowantail - gray and ginger dappled she-cat with a tabby-striped tail
Apprentice: Owlpaw

Medicine Cat: Furzewhisker - light brown she-cat with unusually long whiskers


Wildheart - mottled brown and ginger tom with amber eyes

Harewhisker - gray tabby tom with white paws and yellow eyes
Apprentice: Antpaw

Leafshine - tortoiseshell and white she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice: Sootpaw

Ferretpelt - short-haired tabby tom with yellow eyes
Apprentice: Olivepaw

Whitebirch - white she-cat with brown spots along her back leg

Twigfur - dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Berrystripe - brown and ginger tabby tom with amber eyes


Owlpaw - silver tabby tom with green eyes

Sootpaw - dark gray tom with amber eyes

Antpaw - brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

Olivepaw - brown and white she-cat with amber eyes


Larksong - tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes, mother of Sprucekit by Leopardheart

Palemist - pale gray tabby she-cat with yellow eyes; expecting Wildheart's kits


Redstripe - dark ginger tom with stripes along his legs

Sparrowsong - very old brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes; Larksong and Leafshine's mother


Sprucekit - slender pale brown she-cat with amber eyes


Leader: Minnowstar - light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Deputy: Mintwhisker - gray tom with amber eyes

Medicine Cat: Blizzardwind - silvery white she-cat with pale green eyes
Apprentice: Scarletpaw


Watertail - gray-blue she-cat with amber eyes

Cinderfire - dark ginger tom with green eyes
Apprentice: Acornpaw

Foampelt - silvery gray she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice: Pebblepaw

Pricklefur - long-haired dark gray tom with yellow eyes

Blossomwind - tortoiseshell and white she-cat with amber eyes

Eagleclaw - brown and white tom with amber eyes


Pebblepaw - fluffy gray and white tom with yellow eyes

Scarletpaw - dark ginger she-cat with green eyes

Acornpaw - golden brown tabby tom with amber eyes


Ashfang - silver and gray she-cat with amber eyes, mother of Reedkit, Hollykit, Larchkit and Willowkit by Mintwhisker

Ambertail - brown she-cat with a ginger-tipped tail; mother of Scarletpaw and Acornpaw, expecting Cinderfire's kits


Ripplecloud - silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes, mother of Blizzardwind, Watertail, Ashfang and Mintwhisker

Sandfang - pale ginger tom with green eyes


Reedkit - long-haired silver tom with pale blue eyes

Hollykit - black and white she-cat with amber eyes

Larchkit - gray and white she-cat with amber eyes

Willowkit - gray she-cat with yellow eyes


Leader: Emberstar - ginger tom with darker ginger ears

Deputy: Birchpelt - silver she-cat with light ginger markings

Medicine Cat: Dewspots - gray and darker gray spotted she-cat with yellow eyes


Thorntalon - smoky black tom with pale yellow eyes
Apprentice: Wrenpaw

Mothflower - tawny colored she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Brightpaw

Hollowstorm - dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Ebonypaw

Lightningstrike - black tom with green eyes
Apprentice: Driftpaw

Frozenfoot - gray she-cat with darker gray paws

Specklewing - tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes


Wrenpaw - gray-brown she-cat with amber eyes

Brightpaw - tortoiseshell and white she-cat with bright green eyes

Ebonypaw - dark black she-cat with amber eyes

Driftpaw - pale gray tom with darker gray paws


Darkflower - black and white she-cat with green eyes, mother of Birdkit by Thorntalon


Goldenpelt - golden ginger she-cat with amber eyes

Ivyclaw - dark gray she-cat with yellow eyes

Bouncestep - long-legged tabby tom with amber eyes


Birdkit - white she-cat with gray patches of fur and dark blue eyes

Cats Outside Clans

Frost - white and dark gray she-cat with pale green eyes, mother of Smoke, Luna and Dusk by unknown tom

Smoke - dark black she-cat with piercing green eyes

Luna - dark gray she-cat with yellow eyes

Dusk - smoky gray tom with green eyes

Pinion - spiky-haired tortoiseshell she-cat who lives near the abandoned horseplace

AN: So what did you think of the prologue? And can you see why I had such a hard time writing the allegiances down? Updates on the alliance will be every ten chapters, and with each Clan that is listed differently. You'll find out what I mean when it comes. Please remember to review :)