'Mother! Father!' I screamed, taking a few steps back towards the door. My house was on fire.

A tear rolled down my cheek - I couldn't hear their voices anymore. They were gone.

The wooden ceiling, engulfed in flames, fell to the floor and I ran outside, shaking in fear. Not only my home, but the whole village was burning – it was attacked. I didn't know who did this and I didn't care. My family...

Panting heavily, I glanced back. Just a few moments ago everything was fine. And now... They're dead. No one can bring them back.

I fell on the cold ground crying and looked around – the streets were in chaos. People were shouting and fighting around me, but they looked blurred and unimportant.

Why... Why did they have to die? They weren't even shinobi! They never said a word against another village, so why did they have to die?!

I sobbed even harder, clutching my head in despair. I have nothing left. I should just die too...

'What a pitiful sight...'

I flinched at the cold hissing voice and lifted my eyes to see a man smirking at me. Everything around me died down, or at least so it seemed. My orbs widened and a gasp escaped my lips – who was he? I have never seen him before. Even then, to my childish mind, he looked majestic and powerful - long onyx black hair was falling gently on his very pale graceful face while his snake-like golden eyes with black slits, piercing down my very soul, gazed at me playfully. My hands shivered slightly so I hid them behind my back – I couldn't take my eyes away from him. He put me under his spell in an instant. I felt like I was seeing the death itself.

The man chuckled at my surprised reaction and leaned in slightly, so his face was in line with mine. My jaw hit the ground – his unhuman but charming features made me hold my breath, as if something was going to happen. It already did – just the fact that I met him was somehow intoxicating.

'What's your name, child?'

'M..Ma...' I stuttered quietly, feeling sweat form on my forehead. My cheeks were blushing, only to make the mysterious man's smirk grow wider. 'M-Manami Kato, s-sir.'

His enchanting eyes searched for something in my face, and I gulped shyly, lowering my head.

'Look at me when I'm talking to you,' the stranger hissed quietly before gripping my chin firmly and turning my eyes back to him. 'Where are you parents?'

My eyes were getting teary again and I just did my best not to sob in front of him. It didn't feel like the right thing to do.

'T-They... T-They just died in f-fire...' I muttered in a barely hearable voice, but the man heared me, because he smirked again.

Why was he smirking? I couldn't understand.

'I see. How old are you?'

'S-Six years old, sir,' I answered truthfully, wondering why was he asking all these questions.

Was he going to kill me? Even if a minute ago I wanted to die, a fear suddenly got stuck in my throat – no, I don't want to die yet. I don't want to die..!

The man kept staring at me, as if reading my wish to live – I felt like he could understand my deepest secrets. There was no such thought that I could hide from him.

'Very well,' he hissed again. 'My name is Orochimaru. Do you want to come with me?'

My eyes widened.

'C-Come with y-you...?'

Orochimaru let out a devilish laugh, but at that moment it sounded like the kindest voice ever. I gazed at him, amazed. Was he really going to take me in..?

'Yes. Or do you want to die here, like those pathetic people...?'

The man looked around emotionlessly and I followed his eyes. He was right – there were many injured people around, even those who weren't shinobi. My body froze, seeing all of them writhe in pain. Why... Why did all of this have to happen?

'N-No. I don't want to die...'

I felt my hand getting clasped by Orochimaru's slender fingers. I looked up to see him smirking smugly – all of a sudden he licked his lips and his ultra long tongue showed up. Who was he...?

'Don't worry, my child. I will take good care of you from now on,' he told me, leading my way slowly through all the dying people.

'Y-Yes, Orochimaru-sama.'

He chuckled again.

'You learn very fast, dear. Now let's go.'

Nodding slightly, I just followed. The truth was that I was fascinated by him. He looked like the brightest flash of hope, even if surrounded by complete darkness. I would follow him anywhere.

'From today on your life belongs to me, understood, Manami-chan?'

'Yes, Orochimaru sama... My life belongs to you.'

*Six years later*

I stared at the mirror, fixing the obi on my waist – it was pure red while my kimono was deep violet with silver floral pattern. I loved wearing it, because Orochimaru-sama admired it once. He said it matched my eyes perfectly.

Why did the master treat me so well? I couldn't understand. There was nothing special around me – my shape wasn't curvy yet, my eyes had this annoying dark purple shade in them and my hair... Well, that was probably my most precious thing. It was plain black and long, almost reaching my waist. It reminded me so much of Orochimaru-sama...

I smiled to myself when a memory flashed in my mind. That night my master told me that I would grow into a beautiful woman. That night he kissed me for the very first time. I would never be able to forget it.

I wish nothing more than to be beautiful for him.

Brushing my hair a few times, I left my room. The halls were gloomy and dark, but I wasn't afraid of them anymore. If Orochimaru-sama wanted them to be like that, let it be this way.

I entered my master's work room and sat at the chair on the left, next to him. He let out a quiet hiss when I appeared by himself and quickly snaked his arm around me – nothing made me more comfortable than that. Kabuto, sitting on the right of my master, smirked at me but I ignored him. He was the only person I found irritating in this hideout.

'When is your next vessel going to arrive, Orochimaru-sama?' I asked the man silently.

He turned to me and licked his lips. He has been really happy nowadays, mostly because of that Sasuke Uchiha. The way Orochimaru-sama adored him was a bit displeasing – all he talked about was that boy. However, there was nothing I could do.

'Soon, Manami-chan,' Orochimaru-sama answered before tightening his hold on my waist. 'You do understand how important he is for me, right?'

I frowned to myself, making sure that my master wouldn't notice it.

'Yes... I understand.'

'Good. Seems like he is already here.'

I heard quick footsteps on the other side of the wall and glued my eyes to the door. I wonder, what kind of boy that Sasuke is going to be?