Chapter 1:

Jeff looks at Shannon as they sit in his living room. "I'm bored.. What should we do man?"

Shannon grins. "Didn't you get two new bikes the other day?" he asks.

"Well, yeah… want to go tear up the track some?" Jeff replies as he gets up and walks to the kitchen. Shannon follows him into the kitchen. "Bet I can still kick your ass…"

Jeff turns away from the fridge with a funny look on his face. "Getting kind of cocky there aren't you?" he rebuts. Shannon laughs. "I'm not getting anything. I can beat you, and that's the bottom line Jeffrey." he taunts.

Jeff shakes his head. "Oh hell no… I didn't just hear you call me Jeffrey."

"You did. Jeffrey.." Shannon says with an evil smirk.

"Oh hell no…. that's it…. You and me out on the track.. This shit is going down…" Jeff snaps.

Shannon laughs and darts out the door to the garage. Jeff follows him, grabbing his helmet and boots from the shelf. Shannon looks at him. "Really? You're even going for the boots? Wow…." he says rolling his eyes.

Jeff laughs. "Hell yeah I am. I'll need them when I kick your ass.."

Shannon mutters something under his breath as they walk the bikes toward the track. Jeff looks at Shannon before putting on his helmet. "Oh, before we start.. I want to warn you that I made one of the jumps bigger. It's a little tricky when you land. I've wiped out a few times since I did it. I keep forgetting about it. I just don't want either one of us hurt."

Shannon nods. "Nice try Jeffrey, you're not going to psyche me out this time."

Jeff starts his bike and zooms ahead of Shannon. They round the first turn and Shannon tries to gain a lead on him. Jeff lets up and lets Shannon speed past him coming out of the turn. Shannon gets close to the first jump and Jeff darts past him and takes the jump. Shannon makes it over the first jump and Jeff races through the second turn, nearing the second jump. Jeff jumps the second jump and there's a cloud of dust. Shannon slows down as he rounds the corner. "Jeff?" he calls out.

He begins to worry when Jeff doesn't answer him. He stops his bike and puts the kickstand down as he gets up unbuckling his helmet. "Jeff?… come on man… this isn't funny…"

He gets off his bike and walks around the jump finding Jeff lying in a heap with his bike on top of him. "Jeff!"

Shannon pulls the bike off of Jeff and carefully moves Jeff off the track. "Jeff?" he says as he carefully takes his helmet off of him.

Jeff lies unconscious as Shannon tries to wake him. In a panic he pulls out his cell phone and calls 911. "He…hello… my name is Shannon Moore. I need an ambulance at 265 Boys Camp Road…. My friend is hurt…"

"No… he's not conscious…" he responds.

He leans down and puts his head on Jeff's chest. He takes a deep breath trying to compose himself.

"No, he's not breathing… hurry!" he shouts.

He hangs up with the operator and leans down giving Jeff CPR. He pushes on his chest and looks at him. "Jeff, please don't do this to me man…"

The ambulance arrives and they rush Jeff to the hospital. As soon as they arrive at the hospital, doctors rush Jeff back to the OR. Shannon makes his way to a pay phone and dials Jessica's number. It rings straight to voicemail.