Really, I am. I promise. Things got away from me in life... There was high school, I finally deccided on what book idea I'm going to flesh out and actually publish, family issues/tragedy, and friend drama. -.-" This is what I get for actually being social... Oh, and then I found a boy! I'm so excited! Boys are great! Well, sometimes, anyway. He's on here too if any of you care to stalk him. I'm talking about CyanidicalCyan, so if you're also interested in My Little Pony, check him out! (If you already know who that is, then yes, I am the one he claims to be the Twilight to his Cyan.) He's... ok at writing. Sorry, дорогой! You know it's true... (I kid, I kid. He's pretty good for someone who dislikes English)

Anyway! So I recently(a couple months or so ago ish) got a kick in the butt from Gigigue, reminding me that yes, I did have this story up and that people were actually waiting for new chapters! I have failed you guys...

So, a new chapter shall be posted soon! Hopefully by this weekend, so stay tuned! I shal also start editing and rewriting previous chapters. I can't believe what my younger self was thinking...

Hope you all have been doing good and if you haven't, keep your chin up! It gets better!
