Stoic Exterior

Summary: Hibari was Namimori Middle School's protector who ruled with an iron fist (or tonfas) with the trademark glare and phrase "kamikorosu". But what exactly makes this fearsome Vongola cloud guardian so stoic, and why? Despite his fastidious attitude, what makes people like Kusakabe stay loyal to him willingly? And what makes small animals like Hi-bird and Rolls adore him?

Chapter 1 - Truce
Hibari POV

I hate crowds.

Nothing personal actually but I find humans such an annoyance, especially the younger generation. All these air heads know of is to contribute to the waste and impurities to our environment and culture, apparently a thing of the past for them. Arts and music are distasteful noises and pieces of trash put together. To say I dislike them is an understatement. I simply abhor them. That's why I took on the job to discipline them.

It was another day of hard work as usual, biting people to death that is. My crisp uniform is now soiled with some herbivorous blood. Kusakabe bowed and greeted me as I walked into the reception room. I involuntarily let out an inaudible sigh at the sight of the mountain of paper work awaiting me to do. Most of these would probably end up in the trash bin and the others require signing which only comes after biting some more herbivores.

Kusakabe left me to sort out the monotonous pile and it did not take me long to be engrossed in the work. I had no idea how much time slipped by me while I finished the pile. The only indication of the time was the moon hanging in the backdrop of the darkened sky.

A little wave of panic washed over me when I realised that it was past dinner. No, I'm not worried about myself. Skipping a meal or two can't kill me. It was Hi-bird I was worried about. That little fluff ball should be starving by now.

I grabbed my tonfas and jacket before jumping off the reception room window only to find a certain accursed illusionist waiting by the school gates. As much as I want to tear him apart limb by limb, Hi-bird was of greater importance.

"Oya, what do we have here?" the annoyingly smug voice pierced the silence. I flinched, not liking one bit of our encounter. However I still kept my usual cold demeanour and glared at him. My voice not betraying my anxiousness to get back, "What do you want, Rokudo Mukuro…" murderous intent clouding my unnaturally icy aura when he smiled and winked at me.

"I heard that your school is organising an inter-school kendo competition. I was just wondering how the chairman of Namimori Discipline Committee is. It must be really stressful for you isn't it?" the illusionist leered.

"What business is this of yours?" I snapped. Clearly he was instigating me to fight. I would have graciously accepted his offer if not for the fact that Hi-bird might have already fainted from hunger by now.

"Aww, how cold. I was just concerned about you," he smirked.

If I had no other pressing matters to attend to I would have already bitten him to death. Nevertheless, I controlled the urge to kill him there and then. "I don't need it," I curtly replied before ignoring him. I need to head back now.

Apparently Mukuro does not appreciate being ignored. He lunged at me with his trident and I barely dodged it.

Narrowing my eyes I told him briefly "I'm not fighting you today."

He seemed to narrow his eyes more and pouted a little. "Fine," he said "however you owe me."

I was getting annoyed. Why can't this bloody pineapple leave me alone? "Shoot."

Mukuro looked surprised for a second, unable to believe his ears, before laughing his irritating laughter. He pondered a while before simply shrugging his shoulders and stating "I want you to let me stay at your house for the time being until I find a new home."

Now, it was my turn to be baffled. Of all people he had asked me. I think he really does have a death wish. No matter how sadistic a person is, no one could possibly be sicker than to ask refuge from his arch enemy right? I knew that Kokuyou land was going to be demolished but seriously, I cannot understand what goes on in this man's mind. It's either he's a psychopath or… wait. He is a psychopath.

Sighing heavily and closing my eyes, I frowned. Surely it was not a problem but if the word goes out that I was living with my arch enemy, my image and reputation would be ruined. The inner battle dragged on between my pride and my sense of duty. At long last I came to a conclusion. A deal was a deal, no matter how terrible it was.

"Fine," I agreed. His face glowed with joy but fell flat when I told him "but you must follow my rules."

"Fine," he scowled but nevertheless still followed me home. I was surprised at how he did not put up a fight or attempt to make any snide remarks. I smirk inwardly, a sense of contentment washed over me. Somehow, this quieter side of him appealed to me. If only he had not tried to disrupt the peace in my Namimori, we could have been acquaintance.

It wasn't much later till I regretted my decision to bring the illusionist home but I did not know that yet. For now, I was busy getting home to feed Hibird who may have died from hunger. Sure, there were some bird seeds left but I doubt it would last the whole day. Kusakabe had also not reminded me of the time although I did specify NOT to disturb me while I worked. I mentally sighed at my folly and cursed myself for being so foolish at times. I only hope I would make it home in time.

Nobody got in my way on my way back which was a good thing. I think the illusionist had conjured an illusion to conceal his presence to all eyes of the public. He had some sense after all. It might have been faint, but I was still able to detect his lingering presence. Smiling to myself, I thought perhaps it was not a bad thing at all having him to stay with me. I could learn the tricks to unveiling his illusions.