(( Hi! I'm doing a weird crossover again. I recently saw the new movie, Wreck it Ralph and I love it so much. So I decided to make a crossover. Because I can. Remember, I'm always open to critiques, it only makes the story better. ))

What Lies in a Body of Pixels

Chapter One: Closed Circuit Catastrophe

I shield my eyes in vain, as the bright sun shines in my path, as I wander aimlessly along the shore. Even my brown hair feels like it burns my skin. I'm mostly wandering because for once, it seems everyone is busy, but me. Kairi is somewhere I can't find her, and Riku is doing something apparently important with Tidus. I look to the shimmering blue water, the deep blue glittering on the horizon, the color losing saturation as it reaches the shore. My feet sink down into the pale yellow sand as I take each step. I let my thoughts wander as I stare at my surroundings.

It hasn't been long since Riku, Kairi, and I finally made it home after over a year of adventuring. After Riku and I returned from the Realm of Darkness, after we defeated Xemnas. Since then, we've all returned to what we were doing. Things have been quiet, and I like it that way.

I take a look at something glimmering on the shore, and walk towards it. I bend over and pick the bottle up by the neck, the bottom drips as I pop open the cork, and shake the roll of paper out of the bottle. I blink as I see the seal keeping the roll together, one large circle with two smaller circles on top, next to each other. That's King Mickey's seal! I break the seal, and unroll the paper, reading through the elegant handwriting.

Dear Sora,

I hope you're enjoying yourself back home! Things at the castle have been good, as well. Now I know that it has only been six or so months since you've returned, and I'm already asking you to go on another adventure. Thought it won't be as long, or as perilous. I'm not asking you to fight another Organization, but it important nonetheless. There is a seal at the bottom, just point your Keyblade at it, and it'll transport you to where I am. So if you're ready, please come see me, soon! Donald and Goofy miss you, anyway.

Sincerely, King Mickey of Disney Castle.

A new adventure, just me? Huh. Well, I'll definitely go to Disney Castle to see what's up. Besides, it's King Mickey. He wouldn't just call me up, for nothing. I reach out towards nothing, and concentrate my thoughts, and in a flash of light my Keyblade appears. The take the silver handle encased in a squared golden guard. I point the silver blade teeth at the seal. The teeth of my Keyblade start to shimmer, along with the seal. Light begins to envelop me. Everything becomes obscured, I start to become weightless as my own mind starts to cloud, something that always that happens when I teleport.

I'll fall into that short, short sleep and let the winds whisk me away.

Everything comes back to me. My senses become clear, my vision no longer cloudy, and I feel planted on the ground. I look around the brightly colored room, wooden bookshelves stretch across the room, painting that look like King Mickey, but older. They seem to be his ancestors, or something. I look to the small desk in front of me, and see King Mickey with a large monitor next to his desk. I walk up closer and rest my arms on the desk to lean on it.

Mickey lets a bright grin light up his face. "Well, I'm glad ya' came by! Well. I assume you're here because of the letter."

I nod. It seems the King wants to get straight to the point. "Heh, yeah. So-" I'm immediately tackled to the ground, but I look to see Donald and Goofy hugging me. Geez, I guess they really did miss me. "Donald, Goofy!" I squeeze the two, as well. I let go and get back up, patting my clothes free of wrinkles.

Goofy and Donald walk to stand next to the King. "Now. You're here because we caught somethin' weird. There's a trace of darkness that we picked up that's really odd. It's some kinda' closed circuit datascape, that's infested with Heartless. This is the first time we've seen Heartless in machines since Ansem's Study, in Hollow Bastion. They don't just appear, so that means someone putting them in there. That's what I want you to investigate, Sora."

I nod. "So is it like Tron's world? What's it like? Do we know who's doing this?" I launch my barrage of questions, shifting my weight from foot to foot.

Mickey looks to Donald and Goofy, then back to me. "It's an arcade. I'm sot sure why anyone would want to invade an arcade, but big things often have small beginnings."

I smile, and flail my arms excitedly. "An arcade?! I get to go inside an arcade and fight Heartless with my favorite video game characters? Hah! Wait until Riku hears about what I get to do. I bet I can even meet Mario. Or Sonic, or the guys from Street Fighter! Maybe even blast a few things in that shooter game that came out since I got back to Destiny Islands."

Mickey stares blankly. "…They have an arcade?" Donald scratches his head, as Goofy mutters about liking a… fixing game, or something.

I nod excitedly. "Yeah, it wasn't at the island where I live, but every once and a while I take a trip with Kairi to the bigger one, and play at the arcade. Though, I usually mooch off Kairi's quarters." Donald and Goofy tilt their heads, as Goofy starts to speak.

"Gawrsh. Ya' sound really excited about this new mission. Don't do anything dumb, though! The King'll be watchin'."

Donald rolls his eyes. "Yeah. This isn't a field trip. These are still Heartless you have to deal with!"

Mickey nods. "Yeah. You're still gonna' have to stay alert. We don't know who's up to this. Stay sharp, Sora. We'll convert you into data, and send you to this arcade. Somehow it's inter-connected, and in a closed circuit. We'll be watching from here, on the monitor and speak to ya' when we find more things out." He types a few things into a keyboard in front of him, looking to me again. "Stand riiiight there!" He points to a spot on the ground, marked with an 'X'.

I walk to the spot, looking to the small device on the monitor. It starts to glow softly. "Don't worry, Sora. We'll be watching the entire time. Just go in and do what ya' do best." Donald and Goofy wave to me. I wave back, giving a bright grin. "See ya'."

The machine beams its light at me, I feel my mind shut off abruptly, this time, another brief sleep falls and sweeps me away once more.

I come back into consciousness once more, and look around. I see a giant room, with lots of people walking about. The entire room is this pristine ivory, everything giving a sleek, modern feel. It's like I'm at a very fancy train station. I look to my left, there are stairs, and a small ramp next to them leading to all these corridors, all with signs above them. I look to my right, and I see the same thing.

Wait, was that Chun-Li who passed me by? That was Chun-Li and Ryu! I really am inside an arcade! I do an awkward excited dance, and fist pump. I run up to them, only to see a some cylindrical sign, with a video monitor. It has Sonic the Hedgehog standing in a white background talking. I get brushed to the side by… Bowser?!

This is all too much. Do they even notice me, though? It seems like everyone is some kind of rush, or at least they all have some place to be. Of course, seeing as this is some kind of train station, I think that didn't warrant all those thoughts. Duh. Still, it's odd. And then I feel someone tap me on the back.

I turn around to see a very large man. He's twice as tall as I am, or it seems really close to that. Wide, too. He's wearing an orange shirt, a blue undershirt, and red overalls that seem to be missing a strap. He has no shoes, and geez, his hands and feet are massive! Two head sizes, I'd say. And that's not exactly small, either. And on top of that head, is spiky brown hair that points upwards. Oh! He's that wrecking guy, from that retro game. I remember Riku playing it, one time.

Apparently I've been staring for a bit, he shook his head and let out a sigh. "Seems new games still seem to get scared of me." I tilt my head, and laugh.

"New game? I'm not a game, I was actually sent here to help with a little problem. Have you seen monsters that shouldn't be here? Dark, viscous, and not in any game you've seen?" I ask, shifting my weight from foot to foot once more.

The behemoth scratches his chin with a large, blocky finger. "Not a gam-!? ... I'll ask later. Cy-bugs? Or at least some weird lookin' ones, that's for sure." He asks. Cy-bugs? That sounds sort of familiar.

I shook my head. "No. They're not bugs. Well. Most of them. They're all black, and have yellow eyes. They have sigils that look kind of like hearts,"

The wrecking guy nods his head. "Yeah, I've heard of those things. At least from a few other games. Now what were you talking about, not being a game?"

I shook my head. "Not much time to explain. I'm sent here because I can get rid of them, because they're not a part of any game. I'm the only one here who can get rid of them, because they only go away with my weapon."

He nods again, scratching his head. This seems to be a common reaction to me explaining anything. Especially considering these were concepts that took a while for me to fully understand. Even then, I was thrown head first into them.

I hear a higher pitched voice start shouting in our direction, looking down as a diminutive man in blue overalls, undershirt, and hat starts tugging on the far larger person. "Ralph! Ralph! Those weird Cy-bugs are attacking the apartments! You gotta' come quick!" Oh, his name's Ralph! Wreck it Ralph. And I guess that's… uh. Fix it… Felix. Yeah, him.

I nod. "Show me where this is! This is what I came here for." Felix and Ralph start running towards their corridor, labeled 'Fix it Felix Jr.', We run inside the corridor, and get on the small train. I sat next to Felix, as Ralph took up the entire seat, in front of us. Ralph looks to me and asks. "So, what's your name, guy?"

I relax in the seat, and grin. "Sora, it's nice to meet you, Ralph." I stuck out my hand, as he uncurls his giant ham fist to take a few fingers to shake it. It's weird, you'd think game villains wouldn't be this nice, out of character.

Felix nods, and sticks out his hand. "Fix it Felix Jr., nice to meet you!" I took his hand, and shook it as well. The train stops as we reach out destination. I look around, and see that it's night. The forest around us seems to surround, the only thing that seems to be standing is a lone apartment complex. Odd choice in location, but okay. Everything seemed… square. It's an odd juxtaposition. Everything seems so real, yet everything has squares like it's pixelated when it tries to deviate from right angles. We get up from the train and run closer to the building. I look into the windows from afar, to see shadows roaming inside, and on top of the building.

The Heartless are already attacking the people inside. Crap. I reach out towards nothing in particular and summon my Keyblade. The two tilt their head at me, as they start to run inside.

Shadows pour out of the door, as Ralph and Felix near it. They both stop, as Ralph bears his fists, and Felix takes out a golden hammer.

I charge, leaping up and landing between the two, and the group of Shadows, small Heartless that are mostly round in shape. Small antennae, yellow eyes, roly-poly bodies. Very harmless looking, at first glance. But they can still take your heart, all the same.

I raise my Keyblade, and prepare to slam it onto the first Heartless I see.

As it turns out, I'm gonna wreck it…