Darkened Jealousy – Chapter 10

Oh. My. Gosh. I'm so grateful for all of the reviews that were posted after my little authors note,and I apologize. I was having a bad week, and probably shouldn't have overreacted like that, but I'm still going to personally reply on here to every review! This will be a huge authors note, so I apologize in advanced. It will be posted on the bottom, as to not disturb those who want to read the chapter ASAP. I might be ending this fanfiction here soon, and I may or may not create a sequel. Tell me what you think; do you want a sequel or no? I'll post a poll on my page; please tell me what you think! I'm not psychic.

I do believe this will be the last chapter of this story, but the sequel will be indefinitely better, as I already have a plot in mind… I will probably rewrite this one eventually, but I feel I should just get over this story and write a new, fresh one. One without a million plotholes, eh? Come on, followers. Tell me what you think! I need your opinions so I can do this ;v;

Don't forget to review and follow! MERRY CHAPTER 10!



I buried my face in my hands and cried, a burning realization crashing down on me as I realized that Shou was right, and always would be. How could anyone love someone as foolish as me…? I chased a man who hurt me to practically the ends of the earth just to prove a point. All it did was hurt people. Tsuruga-san would never hold any feelings for a woman like me… How immature could I be?

I chased after Shou for revenge, but yet, what did that do for me? All I did was let myself and others get hurt for a stupid grudge. Even if I loved him, I should've just let it go, not put myself through all of this.

"Kyoko…?" Ren asked, tentatively brushing his hand against my forearm. "Why are you crying…?" He whispered, but I couldn't look up at him. I didn't have the right. He was always so kind and patient with me, and I've only been a troublesome leech that constantly takes up his time.

"Because… All I can do is hurt people. Shou was right; nobody could ever love me… I'm an immature little brat with no regards for anyone else… He's always been right. He was right to call me a whore, and he's still right now."

"He's right… I shouldn't have let anyone close to me, but yet I still did… I'm still so foolish… Now, I'm just a mess. I love you, but why would anyone like you ever love me?"

A hand suddenly descended, grasping my chin and forcing me to look up. Even through my tears, I opened my stinging and puffy eyes at his voice.

"Kyoko… he's wrong. You're not immature; you've grown since I met you. You've became a stunning actress and an amazing person. You're not a whore at all, and I still can't fathom why you don't believe me." He sighed, but smiled at me with a warm and tender gaze.

"You've always cared about those around you, and fought to protect what you believe in. Most of all, do you want to know how I know he's wrong?"

"Why…?" He smirked at me, brushing the hair out of my face before continuing.

"Because I'm in love with you." Shock permeated through me, my eyes widening. Did he really just say that he loved me…?

Tsuruga Ren—The man that every woman swooned for, was in love with me?

His lips descended upon mine, and I no longer cared about Shou, or anything else that might happen. I didn't care that his fans would probably hate me, or about anything else. Suddenly, my world that had been darkened for days was filled with a warm golden light, and the last lock was broken. I had given my heart away once more, and it was finally treasured. I had finally found happiness, and nothing would ever take it away.

"I knew I had loved you for a long time… but I never told you. I didn't want to ruin things between us… but now, I know that you love me… so I'm not afraid to say it."

"I love you, Kyoko… Will you go out with me?" He asked, a warmth unfamiliar to me shining in his eyes, and I felt myself smile. I felt like I was in heaven, and I'm certain you know what the answer is.

"Yes…" I breathed, and he kissed me once more. I only barely recognized the hoot of pure joy coming from the hallway from who I assumed was Ren's manager.

But little did I know that things might not stay the same forever.

Short, but I have nothing else to write.

I will probably continue this story as a new story… I don't know. Should I? Yes? Maybe? I think we should. Eh? Okay. Now, onto the reviews… xD

Jettstar64 Yeah. People don't seem to realize that we aren't paid to do this. I really don't think I should be worshipped or anything, though! Thank you for taking the time to write such a huge review!

SakuraAkatsukiTaichi Of course I'll update! I'm glad that someone can relate; I really wish more people would think before they act/write/speak.

Harmony D'awww. Thank you! Yes, some people have a bee up their butt. I completely agree with that. As for me, I happen to have the attention span of a 2 year old on red bull and candy xD But yes, I was depressed not just over this on FF but real life shtuff. Thank you for reviewing! I'll keep going as long as I can!

Magiaoculta Don't worry, I will! Thanks for reviewing

Jaedeon Sierra Thanks for the show of support! I appreciate it :D Most people just don't see that Fanfictions are supposed to be a writers take on how a story should've gone, and I guess we've forgotten what Fanfiction truly is.

TabKinesis OOC is definitely needed! Practically all Fanfictions are OOC, since we aren't that character. They have to be OOC, because Fanfictions are different takes on what should've happened in a story, thus changing how the character did something, which makes it OOC. O3o See what I'm saying?

xAnimeaddict1 Mmhmm! I'm older now and can write more professionally, I still suck, but still. People just need to learn that writing and anything arts related takes practice and time! You can't expect someone who just learned what a piano is to play a Mozart piece, and it's the same with this!

JapaneseAnimeChic I now have a Beta Reader, but she's MIA for a little bit. I will consider, though! Thank you! And yeah, people really should learn just how hard writing is.

cece4japan Of course! I'm not putting down this story, but I was a little bit upset before! I probably overreacted, but thank you for taking the time to review! There's too many buttheads on here.

Dragonviolinist Thanks for taking the time to review, and for the compliment! I try to make my characters as realistic as possible, but it doesn't always come out that way… .

Brendaramirez I agree! Haters gonna hate. But, I don't block people because I feel it's just giving them what they want. I just simply love to prove them wrong and point out the falsities in their statements. I'm sad to hear that her mom died of Lupus, but in death there is life. Sometimes, it's better that they pass on so that they don't suffer. Not saying death is a good thing, but it's sometimes better than having them suffer for a long time, right? I'm not very good at this kind of stuff, but I hope you see what I'm saying.

Guest D'awww! Thank youuu! Screw them! I agree. I'll go get the screwdriver.

FangirlYugioh Thankies ;v; You made my day with that one a while back. If I didn't reply, I'm sorry! But thank you for being so supportive of me, and I'm glad to know that so many people care.

Lineve Woah. Huge review there. Thank you for being so supportive and taking the time to review I'm glad to see people are still reading my story, even if they haven't been there from the start! I don't know much Spanish, so I don't completely understand portions of your review, but I get the gist! I don't use my email for communicating very often, though, but feel free to PM me on here!

Jikarashino Haru It's fine! I'm glad to see that some people have a brain in their skulls still! I agree; why continue reading it if you hate it? Don't like, don't read it! I never leave really bad reviews, and I instead just click off of leave a nice, constructive review.

Misao Thank you so much for reviewing! I'm not going to abandon Gambatte!

Yukitan Thank you ;v; I'm not having those thoughts very often anymore, and I try to stay positive nowadays.

Era Dubois I agree! That's practically on my daily to-do list. 1.) Feed the animals 2.) Do the dishes 3.) Find the jerk you're destined to meet today Check!

xD Thank you for reviewing and reading.

Regulusgal Your right! I really want to rewrite it, but I don't have the time. I'm just going to make a sequel for it and ensure that it makes sense without reading this story. It's kind of a slap to the face when you're working your butt off and then nasty reviews come in. I'm not getting paid enough for this… In fact, I'm not getting paid at all! D:

Celtika82 I can handle criticism, but flames? Not so much. Maybe people should get their heads out of their butts—(It's not a hat….)— And wake up to reality. The yardstick part made me laugh, though! Thank you for the awesome review

Machi3663 Psssh. I do run on sentences all the time without realizing it. There aren't enough good stories in this category, though, and people need to realize that writing requires initiative and self-esteem. Constructive criticism is one thing; being mean, hateful, and spiteful is another.

kittyCatnip Don't be sad! I'll continue ittt!

Shatto D'awww. Thank you!

Muchachomomo I'm glad to know I have amazing people like you supporting me! I'm not going to give it up now, and thank you for the compliments

Guest People be jealous all up in dis fiction. Mmmhmm. Don't like don't read is what I do, and some people just don't understand what that means…

DragonHeart456 I will continue this story, and I'll continue writing till the day I die. Thank you for taking the time to review Some flames were deserved, but not all of them.

Nanicita Your English is fine xD I understand you. Thanks for taking the time to read and review!

Somosamadas D'awwwww! Thank yuuuu ;v; I feel happy now. xD YOU THINK IM PRETTY? Jkjk. I appreciate the review, and I'm glad you like the story !

Pantherlily1 I'm not gonna discontinue! DON'T BE SADDDD D:

rsrdiall I completely agree. I'm not getting a paycheck for this, so don't be hating and complaining. Skip beat is probably so negatively reviewed because of how many pairings there are being supported, and how publicized of an anime it is. 3 Thank you so much for this review!

tiara calla Yes, but it's always a double-edged blade that accompanies the words that cut.

Guest No hablo mucho espanol, pero gracias por tus amables palabras!

I hope you all enjoyed. I may create an epilogue that begins the second story, depending on what you guys want! Sorry for such a lengthy authors note, but I felt it was my duty to reply to each and every review!
