
Early April brought the birth of the second Malfoy daughter. While her body still remained a healthy pink, not yet settled into the paler skin tone of her other family members, there was no doubt about the color of her hair.

Draco cradled his daughter close to his chest, smoothing the fine tufts that wanted to stick up away from her head. "I was almost hoping for another redhead."

"Blondes are good-looking, too."

"I know," he smirked. "I'm one of them."

Returning his attention to the baby, Draco continued lowly. "I wanted her to not look like the girl in your dream."

Ginny squeezed his upper arm. "I haven't had the dream since February. It won't dictate Imelda's future."

"Imelda…" Draco tried out the feel of the name. "Imelda means –"

"Battle, yes, I know," Ginny interrupted before he could get off in a direction she did not intend. "Because we will fight for her. Because we will not give in to fears and superstitions about the future. Because she will be strong to demand a life that she loves."

He nodded. "To live in hope, not despair."

"That's perfect," Ginny breathed. "Imelda Hope."

As the baby stirred, Draco smiled. "It looks like our daughter agrees." After transferring Imelda carefully from his arms to Ginny's, Draco sought her face. "Are you ready for Eliza Jane to come meet her sister?"

"I'm tired, but there's nothing I'd love better. To have my entire family together."

Draco kissed her. "Then I'll bring her in for a short visit."

When her husband had left the room, Ginny focused on the baby, her second daughter. "I love you, Imelda Hope. I already love you so much, and so does your Daddy, and Lizzy as well."

Stroking soothing circles over Imelda's back, Ginny closed her eyes. "And I will do all I can for you. I will live with you now, cherishing these few short days when you're a precious baby. I won't live in fear of what may or may not come when you're grown."

The door opened, bringing Draco and Lizzy, who could barely hold her excitement in. As she held Imelda so that Lizzy could see her sister better, Ginny caught Draco's eye. He had heard her promise and agreed. There would doubtless be difficult times, times that stretched and tested them. But they would choose to stand, firmly planted in the present. They would not live in the fear of the future or the guilt of the past.

No matter what, they would wrestle through. Together.