This is going to be an ongoing series of top five lists.

Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own it. More's the pity.

Spoiler Warnings: Some for Unending, obviously.

Five Gifts Teal'c Gave After the Odyssey

Teal'c swore never to reveal anything that happened in the 50 years only he remembered, lest he create a time paradox. But he didn't see a problem in giving his fellow crewmates a gift to help them in their life's journey. These are the gifts he gave to the five people with whom he'd shared a lost lifetime...

Samantha Carter

For fifty years, Teal'c had watched as Samantha Carter taught herself to play the cello. She'd become quite proficient at it and he'd seen how much she'd enjoyed the activity. She'd told him it was something she'd always wanted to learn but had never found the time. He knew she'd never take it upon herself to do it now that they were back in the "real world", as Colonel Mitchell called it, so he'd bought the instrument for her. He hoped she'd take the time now to do as she wanted, not only what was expected of her, in all aspects of her life.

Colonel Mitchell

Teal'c had watched as the close confines of the ship drove Colonel Mitchell slightly mad. He'd tried running and sparring to stave it off but nothing seemed able to keep the man from slipping further and further away. After their return to Earth, Teal'c had offered to teach Colonel Mitchell the art of Kelno'reem. After only a few sessions, Teal'c noticed a difference in his friend. He appeared more centred and the Jaffa hoped it would aid him should he ever find himself in a similar situation to their time on the Odyssey.

Vala Mal Doran

Teal'c had searched eBay for the perfect gift to give to Vala Mal Doran. He knew she felt confined living inside the mountain, missing the freedom she'd held dear ever since her extraction. So, when he came across a pair of hot pink roller skates, he knew they were the perfect gift. At first, she'd had no idea what they were but once he explained their purpose, he was gifted with a bright smile and exuberant hug. She took quickly to the sport and, on any given day, could be found speeding though the corridors of the SGC much as she had aboard the ship. It had gotten so frequent, in fact, that she'd been given permission to leave the base unescorted any time she wanted. It was as small freedom, but Vala was not one to take that for granted.

General Landry

Teal'c had enjoyed spending time in General Landry's hydroponics bay aboard the Odyssey. It had felt like a small piece of Earth in the face of so much metal and most of his ship mates found some excuse to visit at least once a day. Teal'c had quickly realised that it was the one thing that kept the general sane so when they returned to Earth, the Jaffa gave the man a large plant native to Dakara. General Landry immediately started a garden inside Cheyenne Mountain where members of the facility could be found on a regular basis. Many had also donated some plants of their own and the garden flourished, but it was still General Landry's baby.

Daniel Jackson

Daniel Jackson had been the most difficult person for whom to find a gift. Teal'c knew that the normal things would not satisfy this man so he gave him the one thing the archaeologist craved above all else: knowledge. He was aware that he could not come right out and tell Daniel Jackson of his experiences aboard the Odyssey, but he could subtly hint at them. When his friend confided in him that he wanted to as Vala Mal Doran on a real date, Teal'c had encouraged him. When Daniel divulged that he wasn't sure where Vala stood on a committed relationship, he persuaded the man to talk to her. And when his friend came to him with the engagement ring he'd bought and confessed to his worries over being rejected, Teal'c merely told him he'd never know if he didn't try. And this is how he came to be standing up as best man in Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran's wedding.

A smile lit Teal'c's face, knowing he'd bestowed the perfect gifts upon each of his friends. He'd given them all a chance at happiness and he hoped they used it wisely.

The End