I ran through the rain, the wet droplets soaking my coat. I hurried to the conference building.

'I hope they don't notice I'm gone' I thought, swinging the doors open and taking my seat.

"What the blood hell took you so long?" asked the obnoxious git to my right, England. But, I didn't feel like dealing with his crap. I was wet, cold and irritated. But I did feel like messing with him.

"Oh, I was just sewing my face on." I said, smirking before I continued. " I mean, sewing on your face isn't to fun, but I gotta do it if I go into public." At that, a large grin spread across francey-pants' face.

"Whatever." Said England, turning his attention to America who was doing a presentation. But the rest of the meeting flew by in a daze, you know, with me fighting not to sleep and all.

I was exiting the conference building when I heard someone calling me. No, it was not my ex-grandmother from beyond the grave; the real person was not merely as awesome.

"Hey! (Y/N)!" England yelled, running to catch up with me. I quickened my pace and he caught on and grabbed my hand, making my face heat up a tiny bit.

Why the hell is he doing this? Heck, where's Eliza and her cooking supplies when you need em'? I thought, trying to cover up the blush on my face. Little did I know Arthur was doing the same.

~ Arthur's POV~

I was trying to grab (Y/N)'s arm but I missed and grabbed her hand instead, making myself blush an incredible red also from what I was about to tell her. I was surprised when she turned round, finally.

"What do you want, Arthur?" I could feel I was heating up when she said my real name.

"I-I…Ah…" I was at a loss for words.

"Well, come on, out with it!" when I didn't speak again, she yanked her hand away and stormed off. Well, so much for trying to confess to her today.