A/N: This is it you guys! THE! LAST! CHAPTER! I hope you all have enjoyed Marie and Vegeta's journey!

Chapter 32

They watched the other fighters continue to pour in. The group stood off to the side, unknowingly catching everyone's attention, as it seemed that not only were they strong, but they had the only female to enter in their group. Some of the fighters swallowed, feeling the power radiating off her as she stood silent, among equally strong men. The woman got interesting stares, but those were quickly dispelled by the man beside her, glaring at anyone who gave her a second glance. The fighters kept their distance.

They all listened as one by one, everyone was called to pull a number. The woman named Marie slowly walked up, ignoring some cat calls from the fighters around the arena. She pulled a number, a smirk appearing on her face as she turned and walked back to the men. They heard the tall, wild haired one ask her what number she got. She didn't answer, a smile appearing on her face. Soon, the other, hard faced man walked up, his crossed arms and frown intimidating. He pulled a number also. They saw him smirk as well, looking over his shoulder at the group. He didn't announce his number either.

Everyone was called to the waiting area minutes later, the fighters filing in and watching the little group make themselves comfortable. The wild haired one, the happiest one, zeroed in on the food, while the serious man and the woman leaned against the wall. A small smile crept over the woman's face, her eyes shining with amusement. She ignored the barbs sent her way about being the only female. She just continued to smile.

After the junior division ended, one by one the fighters were called up. The people diminished as the competition wore on. Finally, everyone looked around as numbers 11 and 12 were called. They watched in surprise as the slightly spiked haired man and the woman walked out, side by side as they mounted the steps of the arena. The happy warrior went to the opening, a huge grin on his face as he watched them walk to the ring. The rest of the Z fighters watched with him as well, waiting in anticipation. This was gonna be a good fight!

They topped the steps, one going left while the other went right. They circled, eying one another as they stopped. Both of them turned, facing one another. Vegeta kept his arms crossed, his eyes slightly narrowed as he watched Marie relax her stance. He smirked. Marie's hands balled into fist as the announcer came on, shouting their names into the loud speaker, momentarily pausing as a roar went up, the loudest coming from the section of black haired, olive skinned fans. He continued, after about five minutes, stating the rules once again and getting the crowd pumped. A movement caught both their eyes. They looked, watching as Gideon, Brock, and Pace ran up to Goku, pumping their fists in the air and shouting encouragements to their parents. A little black haired girl of five years old walked out with them, holding a little doll and watching them with interest. Their daughter, Rin. They watched Gideon, almost as tall as Goku now, lean an elbow on his uncle's shoulder, punching a fist against Pace's and smiling. They looked back at one another, slowly smiling.

"Is this deja vu, or what?" Marie asked softly, listening to her sons' shouts. They watched their daughter roll her eyes at her brothers' antics.

Vegeta smirked, a grin sliding across his face. He took a step forward, chuckling as she tensed, rolling his shoulders and glancing at his boys once more. He looked back at his wife, watching in amusement as she assumed the horse stance.

"So, what? You wanna call this one quits too and go 'train' in the hyperbolic time chamber?" Vegeta asked, laughter in his eyes.

Marie grunted, crunching her body up even more as she saw the man in a monk's suit walk towards the drum. She narrowed her eyes at her husband.

"Not on your life!" she smirked, watching as he noticed the man too.

They launched themselves at each other as the bong sounded.

A/N: Don't you just love when things come full circle!? I enjoyed writing this story. Hope you enjoyed reading it! I'm out!