Ok so this is my 2 story. Go easy on me! I know it's kinda been done a lot but give it a chance?!

Disclaimer: Rick Riordan is not 13 years old, and if he was then I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be a girl. So no, I am NOT the owner of any of the PJO series or books.


Annabeth POV

I was sitting cross legged on my couch that was in my room, while absent mindedly strumming my sea green and grey electric guitar.

I was singing the tune to my new song, You've Been on My Mind, (DAVE DAYS)

I don't know how we happened we just kind of did
I was being sarcastic and asked for a kiss
You've been on my mind
You've been on my mind

I don't know what to call us but you're cool with that
I told you I was nervous, you smiled and laughed
You've been on my mind
You've been on my mind

I won't say goodbye

I won't let you go (go) all alone
Keep me inside
When I'm strung out, full of doubt
You keep me alive
With the smile on your face and the hair in your eyes
I won't let you go this time
I won't let you go
Won't let you go

I've lost track of the days since you've entered my life
They all think that we're crazy, I tell them they're right
You've been on my mind
You've been on my mind

I won't say goodbye
(I won't say it, I won't say it)
I won't say goodbye
I won't let you go (go) all alone
Keep me inside
When I'm strung out, full of doubt
You keep me alive
With the smile on your face and the hair in your eyes
I won't let you go this time
I won't let you go

I won't let you go (go) all alone
Keep me inside

I was half way through when my manager knocked on my door.

"Come in" As she entered she looked slightly nervous.

"I have some news for you guys. Can you meet me in the living room?" I nodded and put my guitar back on its stand.

I know what you're thinking. Manager, guitar, songs? Well I'm in a band with my 2 best friends, Piper McLean, and Thalia Grace. Our band's name is 'Someday'. We are extremely famous, and popular, though we aren't snobby about it.

I walked downstairs and sat comfortably on the comfy couch, next to my fellow band members.

"Ok, I have some news," our manager Suzie, started. We waited expectantly. "Well, the thing is…" We were getting anxious, and for 3 ADHD kids that was not good. "You're gonna have to go to school in a week…" she mumbled looking away.

We just sat there gaping at her. School?! Really? I mean we were obviously homeschooled and stuff, while on tour, but still.

Thalia was the first to speak up "So where are we going to be going?"

"Goode High School," We all nodded, "which is in New York City!" she finished. I was shocked and so were they. What if we saw them?! With that she sent us up to our large mansion rooms. We glumly marched up the stairs.

See, school and New York for that matter, was a sort of touchy subject for us. The last time we went to school was with them…

Flashback starts

I was sitting on the swings with me BFFS Thalia and Piper. We were also with our best guy friends, Percy Jackson, Jason Light (I didn't want them to be related), and Nico Di Angelo. We were about 8 and we had been best friends for the longest time!

We were all laughing, and playing a lame game of Truth or Dare and I had been dared to kiss Percy.

He had tried to come up with a lame excuse like we had cooties or something, but eventually I laid a kiss on his cheek.

The other boys looked like they were gonna puke, but we just laughed! Percy blushed a deep red, and grinned at me.

"May I have another kiss?" He asked sarcastically, and I was about to reply with a snarky comment, when our parents dragged us to the airport.

It was the last moment I had with the 6 of us together and happy. You see, the girls and I had been caught singing by our parent's and they immediately called a producer in LA and sent them a demo. Now we were moving there, without the boys.

I cried so much on the plane, along with Thalia, and Piper. I had always had a crush on Percy, Thalia on Nico, and Piper on Jason.

That was where our band's name came from.'Someday' as in someday we will meet again.

Flashback ends

That was my last memory before I fell into a long, deep sleep.

So, first chapter done. Tell me what you think! R&R please

Should I continue?