"Get out," Sonny said quietly. Will looked at him in surprise.

"Sonny, I'm- I'm sorry," Will stuttered.

"Will, I asked you to leave. I can't do this right now," Sonny replied. Will looked at Sonny and saw that he was serious. He nodded and walked out of the apartment dejectedly. Sonny slammed the door behind him and Will put his forehead against the door. He let out a choking sob and it took all of Sonny's resolve not to pull the door back open. Will took a shuddering breath and started to leave the apartment building. In order to avoid talking to anyone, Will stayed clear of Horton Square and headed home.

Sami was getting coffee from the kitchen when she heard the door open. She turned around and found her son standing in the doorway. He looked very upset. Sami put down her coffee and quickly walked over to him. "Will? What's wrong?" Immediately, without saying anything, Will flung his arms around his mother and buried his face in her shoulder. Taken aback, Sami wrapped her arms around her son's back. Will let out a sob and Sami stroked his head. "Okay, shh. Let's sit down," she suggested. Will pulled away and looked at his mother with puffy eyes. He nodded and the two of them sat down on the couch. "Now, do you want to tell me what's going on?"

Will sat on the couch wrapped in a blanket, and stared blankly at the television screen. Sami came out of the kitchen with a glass of water and handed it to her son. "I was supposed to go in to work, but I can stay if you need me," Sami said.

Will shook his head slowly. "I'm okay. Go to work," Will replied.

"Well, if you're sure… call me if you need anything," Sami said.

"Okay," Will said in a small voice. Sami squeezed his shoulder before grabbing her purse. She opened up the apartment door and made one last parting glance at her son. Then she headed off to work.

Sami passed through Horton Square and saw Lucas sitting on one of the couches, looking at a book. She hitched her purse up on her shoulder and walked determinedly toward him. "What the Hell is your problem?" she demanded. Lucas looked up at Sami.

"Hello Sami. Nice to see you too," Lucas said sarcastically.

"You really screwed up, Lucas. Do you know who I just saw?" Sami asked.

"No, Sami. Enlighten me," Lucas replied.

"Will just came home very upset. Sonny kicked him out of his apartment because of some ridiculous idea you put into our son's head!" Sami said. "I thought you supported Will and his new relationship with Sonny!"

"They are moving too fast, Sami! I practically walked in on them about to have sex!"


"Yeah. I came to Sonny's apartment because Will wouldn't answer his phone. And it took them an awfully long time to answer the door. I merely pointed out to Will that Sonny was using him," Lucas explained.

"That's ridiculous! Well whatever you said to Will, he clearly told Sonny about it! Our son is currently sitting on my couch, inconsolable!"

"Will is a grown man now. He will be okay," Lucas insisted.

"I… oh, I can't even look at you right now! I'm going to work! Do me a favor and don't talk to Will. I think you've done enough," Sami said. She left in a huff and Lucas watched her go, shaking his head.

One Week Later

Will hadn't slept in days. He had been lying in bed, unable to get up for anything. Sami was becoming extremely worried about him. One morning, Sami let herself into Will's room and sat down on his bed. "Will?" She pulled the covers down and found her son curled up on his side, shivering. Will are you okay?

Will shook his head. "My whole body hurts and I feel sick," Will mumbled pitifully.

Concerned, she placed a hand on his forehead. "Oh Will, you're burning up." She quickly ran to the bathroom and grabbed a thermometer. "Will? Baby, let me take your temperature."

Will groaned and rolled over onto his back. He allowed his mother to put a thermometer into his mouth. After a minute, Sami removed it and looked. "Oh baby, you have a 101 degree fever," Sami said.

"My stomach hurts," Will moaned.

"Okay. How about some ginger ale and saltines?" Sami asked. Will nodded his head weakly. "Okay baby, I will be right back."

"Mmk," Will murmured before pulling the covers back over his shoulders. Sami frowned and got up from the bed. She went to retrieve her purse, wondering as she did so how Will had gotten sick. She knew he hadn't been eating or sleeping well; maybe his immune system was weakened. She sighed and headed out the door.

Sami was checking out at the grocery store when she saw Sonny in the next line. She hurriedly grabbed her bags, paid, and rushed over to the brunette. "Sonny?" She said.

Sonny turned and looked at Sami in surprise. "Hello, Ms. Brady," he said nervously. Sami looked at him and noticed bags under his eyes.

"Hey… er… you look tired," Sami said, stating the obvious.

"Um, yeah well, I haven't been sleeping that well," Sonny replied.

"I see. Does that have anything to do with my son?" she asked.

"Listen, Ms. Brady, I really don't want to talk about Will right now. I need to get back to the coffee shop. So if you don't mind…" Sonny began.

"Wait! I hope you know that Will really cares about you. He wouldn't hurt you intentionally," Sami interrupted.

"I just need some time away from him," Sonny said.

"Yes, of course. But I just have one more question for you. It's important," Sami said.

Sonny sighed. "Okay… shoot."

"Besides feeling tired, have you been feeling sick lately?"

"Um, no…" Sonny asked. It was then that he looked down and saw the ginger ale and crackers in Sami's arms. "Wait, is… is Will sick?" Sami could hear the worry in his voice.

"Yeah. I think he came down with the flu… he hasn't been eating or sleeping very well, so his body is worn down," Sami replied. Just then, her phone rang. "Will you excuse me for a second?" She answered her phone. "Hello? What? No, I can't come in right now…well I'm sorry but Will is sick… What?" Sami sighed. "Ugh, okay, I will be there as soon as I can. Yeah… uh huh, bye." Sami flipped her phone closed and looked back at Sonny who was waiting patiently for her to get off the phone. "Sonny, I'm sorry but I need to get home quickly so I can get Will this stuff. I need to go to work."

"Um… wait, uh, I can… I can take it to him…" Sonny replied.

"Really? Are you sure? I thought you needed to get back to the coffee shop?"

"Well… they can get on without me," Sonny said.

"Okay, yeah…that would actually be very helpful… Um, let me give you my apartment key," Sami said. She rifled through her purse and found the key. Then she handed it to Sonny along with the crackers and the ginger ale. "Thank you so much, Sonny. I know you and Will are on the outs right now, but I really appreciate this."

"No problem. Good luck with whatever's going on at work," Sonny replied.

"Thank you," Sami replied. With that, she hurried off towards her car.

Will's head was pounding and he could feel the bile rising in his throat. He quickly got out of bed, stumbled from dizziness and ran for the bathroom. The next thing he knew, Will was heaving into the toilet. Then he sat back and rested his forehead on the cool porcelain.

Sonny let himself into Sami's apartment and heard retching coming from the bathroom. He quickly deposited the crackers and soda on the kitchen counter and rushed to the bathroom. Sonny found will in a pile on the floor, his forehead resting against the lip of the toilet.

When another wave of nausea overcame him, Will sat back up and vomited again. Suddenly, he felt a strong hand on his back. The hand began rubbing circles as Will threw up. Once Will was finished, he sat back and returned his forehead to its original position. "What are you doing here?" he mumbled.

"I ran into your mom at the grocery store. She had to go into work and I offered to drop off the ginger ale and crackers she bought for you," Sonny said.

"Well you delivered it, so thanks. You can leave now if you want," Will said.

"That's not fair," Sonny said.

"I… I know, I'm sorry," Will mumbled. He sat up from the toilet and leaned up against the wall, his eyes closed. Will moaned. "I feel awful."

"You look awful."

"Gee, thanks."

"Are you going to throw up again?" Sonny asked. Will shook his head. "Okay, let's get you back in bed then," Sonny said. He helped Will to his feet and Will swayed a little. "Whoa, are you okay there?"

"Yeah. Just a little dizzy, that's all," Will said. Sonny frowned and wrapped an arm around Will's waist.

"Lean on me," Sonny stated. Will nodded and leaned into Sonny's side. The two boys made their way into Will's bedroom and Sonny helped him get back in bed. Will nestled his head onto the pillows and groaned. He felt the mattress sink as Sonny sat down on the bed. "Can I get you some ginger ale and crackers now?"

Will shook his head. "Not right now… I still feel a little queasy," Will replied.

"Mmk… well I left the crackers and ginger ale on the counter so… I guess I'll see you later," Sonny said. He started to get up from the bed when Will's hand shot out and grabbed his wrist weakly.

"Sonny, wait," Will exclaimed. "I'm… I'm sorry for the other day."

"Look, Will, now's not the time to talk about this. You're sick," Sonny replied. "I need to go to work." He pulled his arm away and got up from the bed. He started for the door when Will whispered:

"I miss you."

Sonny stopped in his tracks when he heard the pain in Will's voice. He turned and looked at Will, whose eyes were wet with unshed tears. "Please don't go… I can't sleep, I can't eat… You're all I think about, Will pleaded.

"Will, you made accusations that were based on the word of your dad… and the fact that you don't trust me? That hurts," Sonny replied.

"I- I know… I'm s-so sorry," Will stuttered. He struggled to sit up in bed and then held out his hand. "Please… please stay. Let me explain…"

Sonny sighed and came back over to the bed. "You have five minutes."

"Okay um…I was scared," Will began. He looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing. "Sonny, when we first started dating, I couldn't believe that someone so amazing as you would be into me! I still don't feel good enough for you… and then my dad put these thoughts in my head and my insecurity got the better of me..." Will trailed off, tears streaming down his cheeks; he looked down at his hands.

Sonny's heart clenched and he reached over to grasp Will's hand. "Will, look at me," he murmured. Will slowly raised his eyes to meet Sonny's. "You are an amazing guy. And I realize that coming out was hard for you; that this is all new to you. But I need you to trust me… and like I said, it really hurt that you didn't."

"I know Sonny, I know and I'm so sorry… I just…" Will stopped mid sentence when he felt the nausea again. "Hold that thought." He sprang out of bed and rushed to the bathroom.

Even though Sonny still felt hurt by what had happened between him and Will, he couldn't deny the fact that he cared for him. Will being sick made Sonny's heart leap into his throat. Sonny got up off the bed and followed Will to the bathroom. Will was throwing up bile and Sonny knelt down next to him and rubbed his back. "How about some ginger ale now? It will help and I'm sure throwing up pure stomach acid doesn't make your throat feel good."

Will sat back and groaned. "Okay," he whispered.

"Can you get back to bed on your own?" Sonny asked.

"Yes, I can," Will replied.

"Okay. I'm going to go get you ginger ale," Sonny said. He got up from the floor and extended a hand. Will took it and Sonny hauled him off the floor. Then Sonny went to the kitchen. As he poured the ginger ale into a glass, Sonny pictured Will on the floor, puking his guts out and his stomach rolled. He couldn't deny that he was worried about Will and could feel himself begin to forgive Will for what had transpired a week ago. Sonny took a deep breath and headed back to Will's room.

Will was curled up on his side, facing away from Sonny. While Sonny had been getting him some ginger ale, Will was thinking about what had happened between them a week ago. He thought about what Sonny said about feeling hurt that Will didn't trust him and that made Will feel like slime. He really cared about Sonny and felt incredibly lucky that they had started dating. Now it felt as though he'd ruined that. It didn't help that Will's entire body hurt. He felt horrible body and soul and the thought of losing Sonny caused an ache in his chest. Soon, choking sobs overtook him.

Sonny hurried over to the bed when he heard the anguished cries. The pain emanating from Will solidified Sonny's resolve to forgive him for what had happened. He knew in his heart that Will was truly sorry and cared for him deeply. Silently, Sonny placed the cup of ginger ale on the bedside table, lay down next to Will and wrapped his arms around the distraught man. Will stiffened and then relaxed into Sonny's side. Sonny stroked Will's arm as the sobs slowly turned into sniffles. He nestled his chin on Will's shoulder and whispered, "It's okay. I've got you."

"I'm s-s-so s-s-sorry," Will whimpered. "I n-never m-meant to hurt y-you."

"Shh. I forgive you, okay? I forgive you," Sonny whispered.

Will turned and looked at Sonny. "Y-you d-do?"

"Yeah. I do. Look, Will, I care about you. And I can see that you care about me too. I just want you to do one thing for me," Sonny replied.

"Anything!" Will said.

"I want you to promise me that you're going to trust me. I want you to promise me that next time you have doubts, come talk to me about it. Don't jump me and try to have sex with me instead of telling me what's going on. The first time we have sex should be special. It should be because we want each other not because you have doubts about me. Okay?" Sonny said.

"I promise you. Oh Sonny, I promise that I will tell you when I'm having doubts. I want our first time to be special too," Will agreed.

"Good. Now, this is what's going to happen. You are going to drink this ginger ale. Then you are going to take a nap. I will stay with you until you fall asleep, but I need to get back to the coffee shop. I'll come back later tonight," Sonny said.

"Okay," Will replied.

Sonny sat up and Will followed suit. Sonny passed Will the ginger ale and watched as he sipped it slowly. Once he was finished, Sonny took the glass and put it on the table. "Does your stomach feel better?"

"A little."

"Good. Now, lay down and try and sleep," Sonny ordered. Will complied and snuggled down under the covers. "Close your eyes."

Will closed his eyes and smiled. "Thank you for forgiving me," he said.

"Hey, quiet. You need to rest," Sonny scolded mockingly.

"Yes mom," Will teased back.

Sonny chuckled. "Sleep." He began to stroke Will's head. Soon, Will had fallen asleep, as indicated by his snoring. Sonny slowly disentangled himself from Will and got up from the bed.

As he was closing the bedroom door, Sami walked in. "Oh, Sonny! You're still here!" she exclaimed. Sonny smiled.

"Yeah. Will's asleep now. He's thrown up a couple times, but I was able to get him to drink some ginger ale," Sonny replied.

"Oh Sonny, thank you! But you didn't need to stay," Sami said.

"That's okay Ms. Brady. I'm actually glad I did. Um, would it be okay if I came by when I'm done with work?" Sonny asked. Sami looked at him with surprise.

"Of – of course! Did you and Will talk?"

"Yeah. I think we're going to be okay," Sonny replied.

"Oh Sonny, I'm so glad," Sami gushed. "Well thank you again for taking care of my son. And I am so glad you two had a chance to talk."

"Me too. I'll see you later, Ms. Brady," Sonny replied.