So my first attempt eek! Please be warned I've not read a lot of Alex Rider but I enjoy them so much and just couldn't get this story stuck out of my head. I will try to stick to main details but other things may get 'smudged' sorry hardcore fans! Feel free to yell at me and stuff and I'll see what I can do.

Alex stood, crammed into a tiny wardrobe, trying desperately to stand still and make as little noise ad possible. They must not hear him. He was fed up of having his cover blown or his hiding place revealed on every mission. This time he wouldn't fail. He peered out between the small gaps in the slats that covered the top half of the wardrobe doors. Outside of his hiding place was a large expanse, an ornate ballroom. Unfortunately for Alex the owners enjoyed a minimalistic taste. As he had snuck his way around the mansion he heard voices echoing down the particular hallway he found himself in. Quickly he had dove into the nearest room only to find himself in the grand ballroom. With footsteps fast approaching and growing louder from behind Alex dashed down the short set of stairs which led down to the open floor. Any other time he might have paused to gaze at the carvings in the ceiling or the gold embellishments but now he only glanced around looking for somewhere to hide from the footsteps and their owner, there were only a few white cupboards and wardrobes scattered around the edges of the room and a metal, heavy looking door which he doubted he would reach in time even if it wasn't for the keypad next to it. With nowhere else to hide Alex now found himself in one of the small wardrobes hoping desperately that maybe, just this once, trouble wouldn't find him.

What Alex failed to consider was finding it first.

A pale, slim man entered the room from the door Alex had used and made his way casually down the stairs. This was a man Alex instantly recognized, causing his breath to hitch. The Man was blonde, slim yet evidently muscular and had a cruel look to his face. Alex watched as he walked to the middle of the hall and stood, staring menacingly at the metal door at the other end of the room. The Man then shook his head and moved back towards the stairs, sitting on the last step and leant back, perched on his elbows. This position too seemed to displease him as he then progressed to stand and lean on the right banister, remove a blade from his pocket and begin twirling it nonchalantly. A sharp glint came into his eyes and a cold feeling gripped Alex by his heart.

'Bring them in' the Man commanded into the air. Alex wondered who he could be talking to and realized the room was probably miked*, he hoped he hadn't made too much noise entering his hiding place. A loud beep interrupted Alex's thoughts and the metal door swung open. A group of four burly, thick set men entered dragging a fifth by the back of the chair he was tied to.

The chair was roughly dragged and left facing the Man at the stairs; a wooden, brittle looking thing the chair showed signs of wear, as did the man tied to it.

Alex stared as he took in the man's bruised face, torn shirt and beaten body with blood spattering most of him. Alex wondered what the man might've done to deserve such a beating and whether he should do something to help the guy. Perhaps he was just some crony or a client who'd done wrong…

Despite the Stranger's current condition Alex could see his face was handsome, with dirty blonde/brown hair and an easy tan anyone could see he would be considered good looking, which apparently the Stranger knew too. 'You just couldn't leave the face, could you? Just had to go and bloody it up!' A thought suddenly occurred to the stranger as he let out a slight groan. 'AND we've got new ID photos coming up soon. I warned you….' The Man at the stairs stopped twirling his blade, his face set. 'You warned me? You warned me!? Well, that is an interesting point of view. I think however it was I who warned you. Why else do you think I so kindly returned the last NCIS agent you sent here to you?' He smirked.

Alex was puzzled, NCIS wasn't an organization he'd heard of before yet it still felt familiar somehow. It certainly wasn't anything criminal seeing as he knew most of them quite personally by now… unless a new group had been formed while he was on mission and had … failed… to be informed. It wouldn't be the first time something like that had happened. But still, a niggling thought ate away at Alex's mind, an echo of a thought or memory rolled around his head … something to do with the Navy.

These words however seemed to have a huge effect of the man strapped to the chair. 'Kindly?' he whispered eyes wide and hollow with rage. 'Kindly!?' he was yelling now 'Kindly would have been to leave her with fingers! Kindly would have been to leave her teeth! Kindly would have been to leave more to identify her by than just the fragments of reconstruction and the tiny amount of DNA we could get! Kindly was not the charred corpse you left of her…' The man was emanating a rage and despair Alex knew only too well, to lose someone you loved.

Ooh right will write more soon if you want me to ^^ sorry it's not very long. Let me know what you think etc. Thanks for reading!