(A/N: Here's chapter thirty-two of 'Hinata Meets Someone New'! I know, I know. I got some explaining to do. Well, you see, I just started college a couple of months ago, so updates will be slower than usual, okay? You guys are just going to learn to be patient with this story. But the good news is that this story is nearing its end. I say about eight to ten chapters left. More or less. So, if I'm lucky enough I'll be done by next summer on this story. At least I hope so. Well, I want to done sooner… Anyway, on to the story!)

Rigorous Training

The next day mid-afternoon to be precise. Miss Sayaka confronted Kira in her room. "Miss Sayaka, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Kira asked.

"Lady Kira…I…" Sayaka paused, thinking of a way to this without upsetting her leader. They were both sitting on the edge of her red bed, facing each other. "…I think I've found a solution for you to be able to fully control your inner demon from now on. But I want to know, are you ready for this, Lady Kira?" The AHB leader stayed silent, contemplating on it, but the red-haired woman clearly see the pain filled expression in her gold-green eyes.

"Miss Sayaka…" She took a deep breath before continuing "…I thought about it for some time, and if there's a way for me to fully control my demon side, then please tell me." Her voice turned into that of sorrow and pain. "I-I killed lots of people. I hurt Hinata badly. I…I almost slaughtered him with my own hands." She looked bitterly at her hands, and then clenched them into a fist. She closed her eyes, trying to keep those dreadful memories at bay. "I was a…monster then. I don't ever want to turn into that again. Never again." She shook her head. "Hinata barely survived. He was on the brink of death because of me. The next time I transform…Hinata…really will be…" She stopped, afraid of finishing that sentence. The dog demon nodded her head in understanding.

"Then I think there is a way to control your inner demon."

"What? How?" Kira was getting both anxious, and a little bit excited, but she couldn't help it. "I have to know. I never want…" Images and flashbacks of her slaughtering her friends and comrades come to stand. "…That to…" Images of Hinata came to mind. Her heart wrenched in pain. "…Ever happen again," she finished, sadly, voice filled with pain and regret. "I killed a lot of our friends… I almost killed Hinata… I never want to go through that again! Never again to do I want that to happen!" Miss Sayaka was surprised out how determined Kira was. There was also bit of sadness, guilt, and regret in her words. She's had enough. Kira's had enough transformation. The red-haired woman could tell.

"Okay. I tell you…"

Sometimes later, Kira found herself inside a dark forest. She was walking aimlessly around.

In reality, Miss Sayaka was catching intently at Kira's predicting form. They were as far away from the school as possible. In an open filled area. The dog demon had a barrier around Kira, in case, her training gone out of control and she went full-demon again.

Kira was transported to her inner world. A world keep inside the essence of her mind. She gripped Sen Sureiyazu tightly as she walked around the luscious green forest in her battle outfit. Her ears twitched as she jumped, and narrowly avoided a flash of red energy came her way. "It's been awhile, Kira," said a familiar voice. It sounded like hers, but more feral, wild, and demonic. Kira gasped as she recognized that voice. It was her inner demon's voice. She turned, and her eyes widen in shock when she saw her there. She looked exactly like her, except she had blood-red eyes and blue stripped markings on her face. Her fangs and claws were longer and sharper. "Well, Kira, we finally get to meet face to face," she said in a sickly sweet voice. Kira growled in defense.

"You…! What are you doing here?" Kira questioned, angrily.

"Are you stupid, Kira?" Demon Kira laughed. "Or have you become so infatuated with that lover mortal boy of yours that you can't think or use your brain properly."

"I don't have time to play games with you," Kira growled. She pulled out her sword. "So, shut up and die already!" She took a swing at her inner self, but she dodged out-of-the-way. Demon Kira shot a blast of dark red demonic energy at her other self. Kira flipped out-of-the-way. "If I'm going to have full control of my demon side, I need to beat her ass into a full submission once and for all." Kira's battle with Demon Kira commenced.

Hinata was wondering the halls in deep thought. His mind wandered back to certain golden-haired coyote princess. "I promised I'll stay by Kiki's side till the very end," he thought. "I'll stay by her side, no matter what. I promised to protect her. I will protect her…" All the memories of when Kira was critically injured flashed through his head. Like the time she got stabbed in the back by that spider demon, the harmonic clone pierced her chest, the time when Kira was attacked by Toyohashi twice, the time she was almost killed by Kitsune, and the time she was pierced by that demon's tail through her abdomen while trying to protect him. He punched a nearby wall hard, causing her knuckles to bleed a little. "Dammit," the bluenett cursed under his breath. "Dammit, dammit, dammit!" He punched the wall each time he said it. "I never did anything to protect Kiki…even though I promised her I would. How many times was Kiki hurt because I couldn't protect her probably? How many times has she almost died because I'm too weak? How am I supposed to protect her from Toyohashi when he comes, much less from a demon?" He placed his hand over his courtship mark. "I need to get stronger," the baseball player declared. "I need to find someway to get stronger… Strong enough to protect Kiki."

"Hey, Hinata!" Hinata turned around, and was greeted by the twin demon slayers, Yumi and Ami.

"Sup, you guys," Hinata greeted them trying to put on a cheerful façade.

"What are you doing wandering the halls, Hinata?" Yumi asked, curiously.

"Um, nothing really. Kiki went off training with Sayaka, and my best friend is hang out with his girlfriend." An idea popped into his head. "Hey, Yumi? Ami? You guys are demon slayers, right? Meaning you fight demons, right? Could you teach me?" The twins both smiled at each other.

"That's what we were going to do." He looked at them in confusion, so Ami continued speaking. "Miss Sayaka feels like there would be a big, epic, upcoming battle soon, so we need to get stronger and prepare as soon and as much as possible." A light bulb went off on the blue haired boy's head. This was his chance to get strong enough to protect Kira.

"Come with me, you two." He started walking towards the Afterlife Battlefront Headquarters. The twins followed right behind him.

Yumi, Ami, and Sayaka, who was already in the room, explained Yuri, Kanade, Otonashi, and the rest of Afterlife Battlefront about Sayaka's suggestion of them to start training. "You want us to start training?" Yuri inquired.

"Training?" Noda asked, incredulously. "What for? We are already strong as is."

"Plus, we've got Kanade on our side now," Ooyama inputted.

"You can't rely on Kanade to do all the hard work for you, Ooyama," Yumi chided. "That's called cowardliness, which I hope the self-proclaimed Afterlife Battlefront doesn't have."

"Hell, no!" Fujimaki exclaimed. "We aren't cowards!"

"What kind of training will we be going through?" Otonashi asked.

"Nothing much. We are just going to work on improving your skills and senses," Miss Sayaka explained. "We are going to train you to sense demonic auras." The Battlefront all stared wide-eyed at the red-haired woman.

"Really?" Takamatsu asked, straightening his glasses. "You can train us to do that?"

"Sure, we can!" Ami said, proudly. "But it's going to take a lot of dedication, sweat and tears, physical training, and lots of mediation." They all flinched at the evil and mischievous looks they were getting from Yumi and Ami. The Afterlife Battlefront knew immediately that this training is going to be worse than their fight with Angel.

Back to the fight with Kira and her inner demon. There was a huge explosion as both attacks collided, and cancelled each other out. Kira held out her arm as safely landed on the ground. She used the momentum to backpedal away from her demon self. The next moment, she was clutching her left shoulder as a gaping wound appeared from where she was cut. It looked pretty deep, but not too deep. She was then kicked in the stomach hard, knocking the wind out of her. The coyote princess skidded back a few feet. "What's wrong, Kira?" Demon Kira said, mockingly. "Given up already?" She laughed evilly at her half-demon counterpart. "Face it, Kira! I'm stronger and faster than you!" Kira shook slightly in anger. She stood back up, ignoring the pain in her shoulder. "You still won't give up, will you? That's fine. I'll destroy, and take complete control of your body and soul permanently!" The golden-haired princess scoffed defiantly.

"Like hell you will! Don't think for a second that I'm anything like you?" She tightened her grip on her sword. "I have someone I want to protect. Someone who has accepted me. He may not feel as strongly as I do for him…but I will protect him with my life! I promise! It's the least I could do for him after everything he's done for, as you said, a dirty half-demon, like me!" She swung her sword down, but instead of the usual blue demonic wave blast of Raven Crest, a golden-yellow purifying shockwave came out.

"What?!" Demon Kira shouted, greatly surprised. She howled in pain as her skin felt like it was on fire by the purify energy that struck her, causing her to disappear.

Most of the Afterlife Battlefront were being trained by Yumi and Ami. They all looked like they were about to collapse out of any second now, even Hinata. They were in the Anti-Human Battalions Base's training ground. It was a large room…probably about four rooms put into one. It was filled with all sorts of weapons on walls, mainly melee weapons, like daggers, scythes, swords, etc. They also have bows and arrows, and the SSS were flabbergasted at all the different assortments of guns they also had. They were completely awestruck. They never used guns as far as they know, and seeing them have almost every kind of gun known to man was a HUGE shocker. The Battlefront were fighting a Shikigami doll that Koko created with her spiritual powers. At first, they laughed at the stupid paper doll, but as soon as the chant was over…it grew into a giant humanoid form with slightly inhuman strength, and the smug looks on their faces were completely whipped off. Some of them even envied Shiina as she was excused from training as she had excellent senses…being a ninja and all. She was in another room meditating. "Man, this is crazy," Fujimaki said, almost out of breath. "How long is this going to take? We've been at this for hours now."

"Break them bones, bro," TK said while dizzily dancing.

"I know why Shiina doesn't have to fight this east doll with us, but why isn't Yurippe here?" Ooyama complained.

"Yurippe is already strong and as powerful as is. She doesn't need training," Noda said with admiration and confidence as he tried to swing his halberd at the giant doll, only for it to dodge and him to be swatted across the room, like a fly.

"Okay, okay! I'm going…!" The Battlefront looked at the floor as it swung wide open, revealing Yuri entering with a slightly angered, embarrassed, and frustrated look on her face.

"Yurippe?" Hinata said, surprised, taking a deep breath. "You have to train also?" he asked with a slight, teasing smile on his tired, and sweat dripping face. He was wielding a double-bladed spear as they weren't allowed to use guns, and had to choose one of the melee weapons in the room before this one. The SSS leader huffed in annoyance.

"I-I was forced to." Yuri started to explain what happened hours ago.


Yuri was in her usual spot in the ABHQ. She spun on the chair, and looked out the window, pondering what kind of training the members of the Afterlife Battlefront has to go through. She silently watched the NPCs playing a variety sports. The purple haired girl then heard a knock on the door. "You may enter," she spoke, loudly, so the person on the other side can hear her. The person walked in revealing herself to Ami. "Ami, what can I do you for?" the SSS leader asked.

"Yuri," Ami said, sternly. "You are supposed to be training." Yuri merely waved her hand dismissively.

"I don't think there's really anything you can teach me. I don't have any powers, but I'm already excellent with melee weapons, and an incredible markswoman."

Ami closed her eyes, trying to keep her frustration in with this stubborn, arrogant leader. Yuri is a good friend and all, but she lets her whole leadership get in her head, acting like she doesn't need to do anything because 'I'm the leader' phase. "Yuri, I know you don't have any powers, and you are really good with guns… But… I don't know how to say this any easier… You are almost a complete amateur when it comes to hand to hand combat." The purple haired girl flew off her chair, slamming her hands down on her, her temper flaring as she stared coldly at the blond-haired twin.

"What do you mean?" She almost shouted, a vein popping on her forehead. "During our battle against Angel, I was able to par with her hand to hand combat easily."

"Kanade is just one person. Kanade has her own fighting style." Ami narrowed her eyes. "All you did was merely copy it and countered it. Nothing more. And besides, your teammates were there with you. You can hardly call it a one on one combat fight." She stopped before the SSS rebutted. "Let's spar outside right now. I'll use my chain scythe, any you'll use your knives. If you win, you're dismissed from training, like Shiina. If I win…" The blond-haired demon slayer had a slightly evil glint in her eyes. "…You will have to train twice as hard as the others for disobeying orders."

"What…? Why?" Yuri whined.

"For skipping out on the trainer, oh great Afterlife Battlefront leader," Ami said, sarcastically. "Think of it as double or nothing her." After a few seconds of the thinking it over, the Battlefront leader nodded her head. "Good. Let's do this then."

Ami and Yuri were staring each other down. They were in a secluded clearing in the forest. Ami had her scythe in her while Yuri was dual wielding with a pair of combat knives. "You can make the first move, Yuri," Ami said, causing the SSS leader to let out a smirk plastered on her face.

"My pleasure!" Yuri charged at the demon slayer, knives poised and ready. She went to jab her in the chest, only for the blond-haired slayer to side step her attempt, and kick her side in the side. The Battlefront leader bit her lip, and yet twisted her body so one at the left knife kicked her leg a bit just as she retracted it.

"Not bad, not bad." Ami braced herself. "Now, it's my turn!" She swung her scythe down, only for the purple haired girl to block it with both her knives. "You open, Yuri," the demon slayer said with a smirk.

"Huh?" She turned in time see a fist coming her way. Ami's fist collided with Yuri's face, bringing the girl to skid across the grassy floor. Just as she was about to be stabbed by Ami's scythe, she quickly rolled away and twisted her arm upwards, so she cut the slayer's arm.

"Nice work, Yuri," Ami praised the purple haired Battlefront leader before a smirk plastered on her face. "But…you're too slow!" Before Yuri could react, the scythe came back, and cut deeply across her torso. She screamed in pain as blood started gushing out. She went limp. "Whoops!" the blond-haired demon slayer whistled as she watched the SSS leader fall unconscious. "I didn't mean to cut her so deeply. I thought she would be able to dodge that, which means she still has a lot to learn." She sighed. "I better bandage her up before she kills over from blood loss."


"And that's what happened," Yuri said she finished up her story with an annoyed look on her face. She even told them that Ami is pretty good markswoman. Most members of the Anti-Human Battalions are good marksman, including Kira herself. They just choose not to use guns. As they said, it's beneath them. The Afterlife Battlefront leader turned her sea green eyes to towards the giant doll. "What the hell is that thing?"

"It's a doll we have to destroy," Otonashi answered.

"Yumi and Ami said we got to look for the doll's aura in order to destroy, but we can't find it," Hinata added as he gripped the spear tighter. Yui was in the back, struggling to notch an arrow on a bow. She didn't know why she was using a bow and arrow. All she did know was that there had to be a reason why she had to use a bow and arrow. Maybe…it has something to do with her newly developed, unawakened powers. Hinata dodged another punch from the doll by rolling out-of-the-way. "Man," the bluenett said, breathing somewhat heavily as fatigue was beginning to overtake him. "How the yell are we supposed to defeat this thing?"

"Koko, Yumi, and Ami said we're supposed to find the demonic aura, which is the core life force of this stupid doll," Otonashi stated.

"I know that!" he retorted. "But where the hell is it?"

"Geez! I don't sense any damn aura," Yuri said, gritting her teeth in annoyance. She sliced at the doll's arm, creating a small gash, but it quickly recovered. The battle went on and on for hours. More and more of the Battlefront members went down. Yui was in shock that so many of the SSS were injured, and now even unconscious.

"Why can't we kill this stupid doll?" the pinklette thought, angrily and annoyed. She subconsciously clenched the bow even tighter. "I wish there was a way to kill this doll. I don't want to see any of my friends hurt anymore." She felt a glowing sensation from her hands. She looked down in surprise to see her hand glowing in a pink aura as well as the bow she was holding. She could feel it. She could feel this…warm, sensational, pure power flowing through her, waiting to be released. The pinklette also felt another aura. This one was the opposite of what she felt moments ago. Opposite of her own. This one was…dark…and possibly had an evil, sinister feeling to it. Yui tried to pinpoint the exact point of the aura while Hinata, Otonashi, Fujimaki, TK, Yuri, and Kanade were fighting with every last bit of their strength. She gasped quietly as she found the spot the aura was coming from. She notched another arrow, and fired. This time the arrow glowed in a pink, purification aura…just like Koko's. It hit the doll dead in the chest. The arrow went through it, and struck something behind it. The invisible item made itself known. It was a clay doll. Much smaller than the one they were fighting against. The arrow hit the small doll. The bigger doll roared in agony before dispersing into dust as well as the small one. "I… I did it…," Yui gasped out. A big grin broke out on her face. "Yes! I did it! I beat it!" She started pumping her fists forward as if she was boxing an invisible opponent. "I totally pummeled that monster to ground!" The Afterlife Battlefront, the member who were still conscious, rushed over to her.

"Good job, Yui," Otonashi praised her.

"I never knew you had it in you, Yui," Hinata said with a slight smile while panting a little. They all seemed to be tired and covered in sweat and blood.

"Wow, Yui," Yuri said, impressed, but also with a hidden hint of envy. She was the leader. She was supposed to have defeated it. Or at the very least…figured out a way to destroy it. But she hid her enviousness from Yui and the others rather well. Next time, Yuri. Next time. "I underestimated your abilities," the SSS leader continued to say.

"Yui, that was quite unexpected," Kanade said. "Why did your arrow glow pink? It was like Koko's."

"Excellent job, Yui," Yumi's voice rang out on in an intercom. The door started to open, revealing Yumi, Ami, and Koko standing there.

"You guys did a pretty decent job for your first try," Ami said.

"That's enough for today," Koko said.

"Everyone, except Yui, will continue this same training tomorrow before you can move to the next level of training, like Shiina and Yui is right now," Yumi said, a voice filled with authority. "Yui will be going to the next stage of training with Shiina."

"I will be helping Yui on that," the AHB priestess announced. The Afterlife Battlefront members went to carry out their injured and incapacitated comrades, and took them to the infirmary.

The Battlefront and Kira spent the next two and a half months training. They trained from the break of dawn to sundown everyday. They did take thirty minute to an hour breaks to eat and rest a little. They didn't have time to shower or eat breakfast in the mornings, so they had to shower and eat lots of foods at night to conserve energy for the morning, if they aren't too tired after training to be unable to do so. But all that training paid off in the end. Kira learned and perfected a new technique, and discovered that she had spiritual powers as did Yui. They were just dormant. The SSS could sense demonic auras now, and have gotten much better at melee weapons. So different from the shallow, sloppy, and decent skills they had before. It was more developed. Much more developed as best it could get in two months. It was more precise, timely, and most important…deadly.

It was a couple of weeks after that, an ominous aura was hanging about. It looked like a storm was coming, and coming hard, but Kira knew better. She knew this wasn't a storm. Kira stared out the window, and narrowed her eyes. "It's time for the final battle," she whispered under her breath. She clenched her swords, Sen Sureiyazu and Senhira, into her fists. "We shall not lose. I will protect Hinata and everyone else with my life! I swear!"

Sagasou yume no KAKERA hiroiatsume

(Let's search for and gather the shards of dreams)

Setsunakute mo ima nara sagaseru darou

(Even if we're sad, we can probably still find them now)

Mekurumeku mainichi no katachi kaete

(Changing the shape of the brightly turning tomorrow)

Setsunakute mo tashika na ima o kanjiyou

(Even if we're sad, let's feel the sure present)

Mikake yori mo tanjun de dakedo tsutaekirenakute

(It's simpler than it looks, but I can't tell it all)

Iitai KOTO wa itsumo POKETTO ni shimatteru NE

(I'm always putting what I want to say away in my pocket)

Kodomojimita KOTO nante ima sara ienai

(I can't say things with childlike plainness now)

Toki ga kaiketsu suru to ka yuu kedo wakariaezuni

(It's said that time settles all, but without understanding)

24 (nijuuyo) jikan kimi o shinjiteru yo

(I believe in you 24 hours a day)

Mitsumeteru yo arifureta kotoba demo

(I stare wide-eyed, even at common words)

Toki wa itsumo isogi ashi de warau

(Time is always laughing on its swift feet)

Omoide yori motometai ima o mitsukeyou

(Let's find a present we want to look for more than memories)

Ugokidasanakya hajimannai

(If we don't move, we can't start)

Nayamidasu to tomerannai

(If we worry, we can't stop)

Hitoyo kagiri no yume ni amaete itaku wa nai shi

(I don't want to be coddled by dreams of this world's limits)

Otome CHIKKU na negai mo sono mama okizari

(A maiden's cheeky wish is left behind as it is)

Ai ga subete SA

(Love is everything)

Bokura no jidai wa koko kara hajimaru

(Our era starts from here)

Sora o tsukinuketeku tori mitai ni NE

(Like a bird cutting through the sky)

Oozora mau IMEEJI ga ugokidasu

(The image dancing in the great sky begins to move)


(Let's walk)

Michi wa tooku tsuzuku

(The road goes on for long)

Keredo itsu no ma ni ka kagayakidasu DAIYAMONDO

(But it'll shine like a diamond before we know it)

24 (nijuuyo) jikan kimi o shinjiteru yo

(I believe in you 24 hours a day)

Mitsumeteru yo

(I stare wide-eyed)

Arifureta kotoba demo

(Even at common words)

Toki wa itsumo isogi ashi de warau

(Time is always laughing on its swift feet)

Omoide yori motometai ima o mitsukeyou

(Let's find a present we want to look for more than memories)

Sagasou yume no KAKERA hiroiatsume

(Let's search for and gather the shards of dreams)

Setsunakute mo

(Even if we're sad)

Ima nara sagaseru darou

(We can probably still find them now)

Mekurumeku mainichi no katachi kaete

(Changing the shape of the brightly turning tomorrow)

Setsunakute mo

(Even if we're sad)

Tashika na ima o kanjiyou

(Let's feel the sure present)

(A/N: That's the end of chapter thirty-two. I hope you enjoyed it! Were you guys surprised? You thought Hinata was going to be the hero, but nope. It turned out to be Yui. Yes, both Kira and Yui have spiritual powers. They always had them. It's just been hidden deep inside them, and needed to be awakened. Yes, Kira has both demonic powers and spiritual powers. It will be explained way later in the series. Yes, I have decided to turn this fanfic into a series. The point of Yuri in this and the way she acts is that I believe is that she's arrogant. C'mon! You guys know most leaders are either too arrogant and/or power-hungry. Yuri is definitely not power-hungry, but she is arrogant. I think her arrogance comes from the fact that she's a leader. I try to make her arrogance and over confidence be her downfall in things. And Yuri was feeling jealous of Yui for a second there because since she's the leader she believes it's her job to figure out what to do, and how to fix something all the time. She was frustrated because it was the first time she felt useless. Completely useless compared to the other SSS members! I hope I didn't OOC her. I was just trying to make her reactions as realistic to her character as possible. Like I said before I'm not good with action stuff, and that includes battles and training sessions. The next chapter will be the final showdown. How will it play out?

Ending song: Inuyasha Opening two: I am

Anyway, please read and review! Constructive Criticism is welcomed, but no flaming!)