Two chapters in one day! This is the chapter that changes everything. It's also the second last chapter (excluding a possible epilogue). All good things must come to an compass comes back in the next chapter.

Cora stepped through the portal with ease. How many times had she done this? She could do it blindfolded with both arms tied behind her back. As she entered Storybrooke a car whizzed by, honking as she landed on the pavement gracefully. She smoothed her dress, slightly wrinkled by the journey. It was raining.

She knew exactly where to find her daughter. Knowing her daughter, it would be the most extravagant house in the town. She found 108 Cricket street with ease and knocked on the door with the golden knocker. A little boy wearing pajamas opened the door. That must have been her grandson, Henry.

"Can I help you?" asked Henry.

"Henry," whispered Cora, smiling at the child. Henry backed up a step. A click-clack of shoes indicated Regina's imminent presence.

"Who is it, Henry?" asked Regina coming to the door.

"Regina, it's been too long," said Cora. Regina's face was bloody murder.

"Good morning, love," whispered Killian, stroking Emma's hair. She smiled sleepily at him as she allowed him to kiss everywhere his lips could reach.

"Morning," she replied, her hand reaching to the back of his neck, pulling him to her.

She wanted to spend every waking moment doing this with - her cell phone rang.

"Sheriff Swan," she answered.

"Good morning, sheriff," it was Gold

"Whatever it is, it better be important," said Emma.

"Cora is here." Emma sat bolt upright. Killian glanced at Emma, worried.

"How?" asked Emma dumbfounded.

"She portalled in. And now she and her daughter are fighting in front of Regina's house. Using magic. They were going to kill each other if I hadn't intervened."

"Well what do you want me to do about it?" asked Emma not really understanding where she fit in to all this.

"I want you to come and calm it down. Bring your friend too, I haven't met him yet. I want to make his acquaintance," said Gold. Emma's stomach dropped. Gold was going to kill Killian.

"Who was that?" asked Killian.

"Cora's here," said Emma after a moment.

"What? How?"

"She portalled in. And now she and Regina are trying to kill each other," said Emma.

"Well let's go," said Killian.

"No. I'm going," said Emma.

"Emma, I promise I will behave," said Killian.

"That's not it -" Emma said. But Killian was already getting out of the bed and getting dressed. Emma sighed and followed Killian.

Ten minutes later, Emma's cruiser, sirens going, pulled up to Regina's house. Rumplestiltskin had magically created an invisible barrier to prevent Regina and Cora from hurting each other. Killian tensed when he saw Rumplestiltskin. "You didn't tell me he would be here," said Killian.

"You didn't give me the chance to," said Emma. Killian swung his door open and walked quickly to Rumplestiltskin. Belle and Henry were at the window watching on.

"Well, well, well. Looky here," said Rumplestiltskin tauntingly. "If it isn't Captain Hook." Killian just lunged forward and plunged his hand into Rumplestiltskin's chest, grabbing at his heart. Instead of screaming in pain like most people would, Rumplestiltskin just laughed. "I told you it would take a lot more than that to kill me, dearie." Belle was screaming from inside the house.

"Killian!" shouted Emma. Killian turned. "Not now Emma!" he roared. Cora looked positively bored as Killian grabbed his sword from the scabbard at his belt and lunged at Rumplestiltskin again. Emma ran toward Hook, trying to stop him, but he shook her off. Cora snapped her fingers and Emma was gone.

"EMMA!" shouted Killian, no longer focused on getting revenge on Rumplestiltskin.

"Oh, it shouldn't be that difficult to find her. She is what your heart truly wants, isn't it?" asked Regina.

"Are you actually siding with her?" asked Killian.

"Regina has a point, dear," said Cora maliciously.

"What was the purpose of making her disappear?" asked Hook.

"Payback. You took something I needed. So I took something you needed. That's why I came here. And to speak to Regina, and meet my grandson," said Cora.

"You're not getting anywhere near him," Regina hissed, trying to throw a spell at her.

Killian wasn't even paying attention anymore. His mind was still trying to digest what had happened. The compass he realized. After they had returned to Storybrooke, Emma had given it to Snow.

"We have unfinished business, crocodile," he sneered to Rumplestiltskin. Rumplestiltskin just grinned maliciously at him and said, "I look forward to it dearie." Killian ran down the street to Snow and Charming's house. He banged at the door loudly. After a moment, David showed up, Snow behind him.

"Hook. What is it?" asked Snow.

"Cora. She's here. She made Emma disappear. She's somewhere, but I need the compass," said Killian desperately. Snow pulled the compass from her bathrobe pocket and handed it to him. He thanked her and ran off down the street following the compass's direction. But Snow was on his heels.

"Don't think I'm not coming with you. She is my daughter after all," said Snow.

"I do not blame you," said Killian. The compass was pointing him in the direction of the forest.

"You love her, don't you?" asked Snow.

"Who, Emma?" asked Killian. Snow nodded. "Yes, I do. And I need to find her."

After an hour of walking/running through the forest, they stumbled upon the cabin. Emma had to be in there. The compass needle was spinning in all directions, which meant the thing they wanted most was there. Killian tried the door. It was locked, so he kicked it down. Emma was lying spread-eagle in the middle of the floor, unconscious.

"Emma," said Killian, dropping to his knees beside her. He shook her to wake her, but to no avail.

"True love's kiss," said Snow suddenly.


"It's strong enough to break any spell," said Snow. "Kiss her."

Killian knelt down next to Emma's face, and whispered in her ear, "Don't leave me, darling. I need you," before kissing her on the lips gently.

Emma gasped and her eyes fluttered open.

"Killian," she whispered, her hand on his face in a second. "Mom."

"He saved you, honey."