Branded with Carson Love

A/N: A special thank you to CrazyMaryT for helping develop the Carson Family idea into the story you have been reading and for helping me name this last chapter. You rock!

"Elsie, I'm not ready for this. I don't think I can manage it."

Elsie turned and gave him a disapproving huff and a glare to match. "Charles Carson, stop being so silly. We've gone through this before and you survived. What makes you think you won't survive this time? What makes this any different than before?" Her words had been short and direct, though her heart did not miss the emotions and sentiments he was expressing softly in his words.

"Because she is my last, my baby, my sweet darling lass. She has always been a Papa's girl, but that will change today. I won't be the one she turns to when she's scared. She won't come to me with her problems and worries. I won't be the one she turns to first with happy news or just because she wants to share a pot of tea with someone." He sank heavily onto the chair and buried his face in his hands, trying to mask the deep sadness playing across his face.

Elsie shook her head and crossed the room to kneel at his feet. "No, you're right about all of those things, but it doesn't change the fact that you are still her Papa. She will still want you to share in her happiness and her sadness. You, Charles Carson, are the man who taught her all the important things in life about what it means to find a good man, an honest man, a hard-working man who will love and cherish his wife, support his children, and give them the best start in life that is possible. Without your shining example, who knows what the future would have been? Just because she's moving away and starting her own life and family doesn't mean she won't still love and adore you. To her, you will always be her strongest protector, her biggest supporter, and most importantly … her beloved Papa. Don't you ever forget that, love." She pulled his hands away from his face and kissed each cheek then his lips. "I love you so very much, but you seem to be forgetting what this will mean for us. Why not focus on that today instead of everything else?"

Charles sat back in the chair and pulled Elsie into his lap, hugging her tightly to him. There wasn't time for much of a cuddle, but he felt he needed it if only to settle his racing mind and heart. "And what exactly will this mean for us, Elsie? Tell me how you see our lives changing."

They'd had this discussion on at least three other occasions and each time she answered, her reply was different. With each child moving out of the house and marrying, she had focused on something new, something different. Now, with the last child due to be married this very afternoon, Elsie had a plethora of answers on her lips.

"For starters, there will be no more worrying about planning weddings or overseeing the groom's side of things. I'm certainly going to enjoy that. We can sleep soundly at night knowing each of our children have been successful in finding their spouse, someone who completely adores them and who only wants what's best for them. I'd say that alone is worth smiling about, wouldn't you?" She pressed her lips to his temple and ran her fingers through his hair. "No more children living at home, which means we can be as free as we'd like with our time and activities," she purred into his ear, giving it a gentle nip, though careful not to leave any marks. "I know I am most certainly looking forward to that and to making up for all those years where caution and restraint were necessities. I'm happily looking forward to grandchildren that we can spoil and then send home to their parents, trips to the seaside, sleeping late with my husband on a rainy or particularly cold morning." She kissed him soundly on the lips, pouring all of her hopes and expectations into this warm, tender moment. "Need I continue?"

He chuckled and drew her back into his arms, savoring the closeness. "No, I think I get the idea. I'm glad I have you here to remind me of what we're gaining instead of what we're giving away."

"You have to stop thinking of it that way, Charles. We're not giving away anything or anyone! She will always be our daughter, our firstborn. She is still very much a part of our family and will always be our firstborn lass. We could no more disown her than we could deny her very existence. Charlie, Edward, and Victoria are happily married and we haven't lost contact with them. Sometimes, I think we hear more from them now that they're not under the same roof, and I know for a fact that they still communicate with each other. Besides, if we hadn't allowed them to marry, we wouldn't be blessed with two additional daughters, one additional son, and those three beautiful grandchildren who seem to believe their Grandpa hung the moon."

"Four," he corrected. "Soon to be four …" He eased Elsie off his lap and took her hands in his. "I'm sorry if I've upset you today. That's the last thing the mother of the bride needs, much less the father of the bride. I suppose I should go check on my baby one last time before we walk down that aisle." He smiled at Elsie and kissed their joined hands. "I love you, Elsie Hughes Carson, and I'm incredibly grateful to have made this wonderful life with you."

"And we have so much life left, Charles. We can now enjoy our retirement, our children and grandchildren, our freedom to plan holidays and our daily lives without taking into consideration how it might affect someone else. Just think … for the first time in our married life, we can do what we want, when we want." Her eyes sparkled with excitement as her mind whirled with all the possibilities. "You take a moment and think on that while I go have one last word with my little Elisabeth. I had a moment alone with each of my other babies before they were wed, and I'll not let Elisabeth get off so easily," she teased.

Elisabeth stood in front of her mother's full length mirror and admired herself and her dress. "I still cannot believe Mum was able to replicate the dress we saw in that expensive store in London. I was sure she was going to tell me that something had gone wrong or that it didn't look exactly right, but I swear, Victoria, I cannot tell any difference."

"That's because our Mum is very good at what she does. You, of all people, should know that if she didn't think she could do it, she would have told you so from the start instead of getting your hopes up. I still think you should have worn her dress, though. She would have altered it to suit you."

"We've been through this a thousand times," she said with frustration. "I didn't want to wear it because you'd already worn it at your wedding. I told you then, and I'm telling you again now, that her dress and that style suited you better. Besides, I couldn't deny my future niece the opportunity to wear your wedding dress at her own wedding." Elisabeth reached over and rubbed Victoria's rounded belly.

"You don't even know it's going to be a girl. Edward and Sybil thought their baby was going to be a girl and it turned out to be a boy. Charlie and Margaret just swore up and down that their twins were going to be boys and they got one of each. So, I'll thank you kindly to not try to predict what Michael and I are having. As long as it's healthy, I won't care either way."

"You sound more and more like Mum and Papa every day."

"And that's a bad thing? I'd say they've taught us well and we've all made happy lives for ourselves. I'd like to think they're pleased with each of us and our choices."

Elsie took that moment to step inside the room. She'd been listening to the two sisters talking and now was as good a moment as any to interrupt. "We are very proud of each of you," she said as a way of announcing her presence. "You've all followed your hearts and used your heads. That's all we ever wanted for our babies." She kissed Victoria and Elisabeth on the cheek before placing both hands on Victoria's tummy. "Not long now, lass. This one is very active and won't stay still for long."

"As long as he or she waits until after the ceremony to start the process, I'll be happy."

"Go find your father and keep him company for me for a bit, please. I'd like a word with Elisabeth and you can rest before the ceremony starts." She hugged Victoria and sent her on her way before beginning to fuss over the veil, Elisabeth's hair, the train of her dress … all the little details which suddenly seemed so very important.

Elisabeth covered Elsie's hands with hers and looked at her mummy in the mirror. "Thank you … and Papa … for everything. I don't think I said that nearly enough growing up, but when I look around at others, it's easy to see how fortunate we really are." She leaned back as Elsie wrapped her arms around her daughter's waist and rested her chin on Elisabeth's shoulder. "I hope that one day I'm even half the mother to my children as you are to me."

Elsie felt tears prickling at her eyes and she gave Elisabeth a squeeze. "You, my darling lass, are going to be an even better mother to your children. You'll give them all the things we weren't able to give you and your siblings. You'll learn from my mistakes just as I learned from my mother. And, if by some miracle, you find yourself in a situation where you need a little guidance, your Papa and I will always be here to help … never to interfere … but to help in whatever way we can." She pulled back and turned Elisabeth to face her. "But I don't think you will need much help from us. Your James has a good head on his shoulders and between the two of you, I'm sure there's no problem too great for you to tackle together."

"So, aside from that, do you have any secrets to a happy marriage, Mum? I want to be as happy as you and Papa have been all these years. You know, he still looks at you as if he's just fallen in love with the most beautiful woman in the world? It's very sweet, and as a child I often wondered if I'd ever find someone to love me half as much as he loves you."

"And did you?" Elsie asked, hoping she knew the answer already.

"I'm not sure it would be fair to compare loves, but I know he loves me for who I am, faults and all, as I do him. We work as a team, just like you and Papa always have, and I love him every bit as much as he loves me. I can't imagine my life without him."

Elsie smiled. "Then you will have a wonderful life and that's all we ever wanted." She took a step back and admired her handiwork. "I think the dress suits you, and I hope you're not disappointed by it. I tried my very best to replicate the one we saw in the store."

"Mummy, I couldn't be happier, honestly. You've given me something beautiful to cherish and to pass down to my daughter one day. And the best part is that you made it all with me in mind. That means the world to me."

Elsie couldn't help but smile. "I love you very much, my Elisabeth Carson, but never forget that even though you're married, you will always and forever be my little girl. You were my first and I will always hold a special place for you in my heart." She kissed her daughter on the cheek before taking a step back. "I should send in your Papa, but I warn you, he's in a bit of a weepy mood so be careful what you say. You saw how he was when Victoria married …"

"Oh no … not as bad as all that, is he?"

Elsie couldn't help but burst into gales of laughter. "Worse, I'm afraid. You are our firstborn and our last to leave the nest. Today is especially emotional for him, though I keep reminding him that we'll have the house to ourselves and the possibility for more grandchildren," she said teasingly. "Just, be patient with him, lass. He has a big heart and he adores each and every one of his children."

"Talking about me again, Mrs. Carson," Charles said as he stepped into the room. "At least you have a good topic for discussion," he said, giving Elisabeth a wink.

"Indeed, Mr. Carson. Shall I leave you and your daughter alone? Mind you, you only have five minutes before you're to be in the garden for the start of the ceremony. Do not make me send one of the boys to fetch you," she warned. "We don't want James worrying that our Elisabeth has a bout of cold feet." Elsie gave Elisabeth one last, lingering hug, kissed Charles and her daughter on the cheek, then left the two of them alone.

"My, but you make a beautiful bride, my little Elsie," he said as tears filled his eyes.

Elisabeth crossed the room and stepped into her Papa's arms. "You haven't called me that in years, Papa, and it still feels just as special as the first time you called me that."

"Good, because to me you'll always be that little girl, my first baby. You know, today is very bittersweet for me. I'm so very proud and happy that you've found your young man, but sad that you'll no longer be my little girl."

"Oh Papa, no matter how old I get or how many children I have, I will always … always … be your little girl. I am a Carson girl at heart and definitely a Papa's girl, and I hope that when I have children of my own, you'll spoil them just as you did us, maybe even more."

"You can count on it, lass. I give you my word." He kissed her hands and held them tightly in his. He was about to say something else, when a knock sounded on the door and Victoria peeked inside.

"It's time to go … and, if I might make a small request …" she asked, looking towards her sister.

"Well, what is it? What's the phrase … speak now or forever hold your peace?" Charles and Elisabeth both burst into laughter at her cheekiness.

"Yes, laugh while you can for in an hour or so, I will be in full labor and you might very well find yourself without your matron of honor. So, if you wouldn't mind, let's get this wedding under way before Mum finds out I'm in labor and starts barking orders at your new in-laws and the guests."

All the color drained from Charles's face as he rushed to Victoria's side. "Please, tell me you're joking! You can't seriously be in labor … not today, not now!"

"Mum said that would be one way to get you two going," she giggled. "Now that I have your attention, it's time to get started. Everyone's waiting."

"Victoria Carson Holman, if you weren't married and pregnant, I would give you a serious lecture about scaring your Papa half to death!"

"You can take that up with Mummy. It was her idea."

"Don't think I won't … but later. I will find a way to get even, if it takes me a week or two of planning," he joked.

"I'm sure Mummy is going to thoroughly enjoy that punishment," she quipped before retreating quickly.

They were halfway through the ceremony when the first real pain hit Victoria. She tired her best to keep her composure, but one look at her Mum and Papa was all it took. Elsie immediately recognized that facial expression, the fear in those beautiful blue eyes, and Charles did not miss how Victoria's hand suddenly touched her stomach, rubbing it smoothly.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride, James," the minister announced with a grin. Just as James was about to place a sweet kiss on his new wife's lips, her sister let out a great cry of pain.

"Kiss so you two can go to your reception. I need to get upstairs. This baby isn't waiting another day," Victoria said through gritted teeth. "Mummy, please, don't leave me," she begged as she leaned heavily on her husband and her mother.

Charles looked positively dazed and at an utter loss as to what to do. He looked to Elsie for some reassurance and some guidance.

"Go to the reception and be with Elisabeth. She needs you with her right now and you can't do anything for Victoria. I'll go and get things settled, then join you for a bit until things progress a bit further. Maybe, by then, the party will have settled a bit and Elisabeth will have her beautiful wedding day and Victoria will be a mummy by the end of this same night." She took Charles's hand and gave it a tight squeeze before giving him a passionate kiss to his lips. "Never a dull moment being a Carson, is there, Charles," she teased. "I wouldn't trade a single second of our lives together for a lifetime with anyone else. I love you so much, and I'm the happiest woman in the world that we've built this amazing family together."

"Mummy, do you think you two could continue this love affair a little later … perhaps after I've given you another grandchild and Elisabeth is on her honeymoon? This isn't exactly the stuff a girl wants to hear about her parents, you know."

"You may not be a woman of the world, but you don't live in a sack. You know exactly how you were created since you've successfully created a baby of your own, so I'll have none of your cheek, young lady. Now, Michael, get her upstairs while I phone the doctor. Charles, you represent the family at the reception and I'll join you shortly. Who knows … by sunset, we might very well be celebrating more than just a wedding."

By midnight of that same evening, the Carson family welcomed yet another addition to their family. Elsie came down the stairs carrying the little bundle in her arms and placed the wee bairn into her grandpa's strong, but gentle arms. "Meet your new granddaughter, Charles."

He carefully took the baby and the smile that covered his face stretched from ear to ear. "She's beautiful, Elsie. She's got your hair and fortunately, it looks like she inherited Michael's family nose," he chuckled softly. "What's her name?"

"Victoria said to tell you that she might have changed her last name when she married, but she is still a Carson at heart, and she would raise her child the same. They have named her Laura Carson Holman."

He looked up at Elsie with sheer pride and happiness. "Do we have to wake the others tonight? I mean, we probably should, I suppose."

"No," she said softly. "Let's wait. Why don't you and Laura bond a little while I go see to Victoria? I'll send Michael down in a bit and then you can come up and see your little girl. She's rather anxious to see you, herself, you know. She always was a Papa's girl, and now another little Carson has you wrapped around her finger before she's even an hour old."

"She's not a Carson, though, Elsie. Her last name isn't Carson."

"That may be, but need I remind you that before I met and fell in love with this incredibly handsome man, I was Elsie Hughes. But now, my heart and soul are branded forever with the Carson family love, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

A/N: Thank you all so very much for your reviews, encouragement, ideas, and inspiration for this story. It has been a great adventure for the Carsons, and for myself, and I hope you've enjoyed every bit of it. And now, we come to the conclusion of our happy Carson family. I know it has been incredibly AU, but sometimes it's nice to see a different perspective for our favorite couple. I hope I have not disappointed you in the least. Finally, thanks for being so patient with me recently with the lack of updates. Real life decided to throw some curveballs my way which hindered my writing time and creativity, but I hope I gave you a proper ending to this incredible (in my opinion, lol) story. Hugs to all! xoxo