Chapter 1: Camp Meetings

Hey guys! Just so ya know this story doesn't involve Jerry or Milton. Also, in my story, Jack and Kim don't know eachother and no one knows karate. (AKA they are average) So yah...enjoy! AND PLZ REVIEW!



OMG! Today is THE day I have been waiting for all year! It is the day I go back to my summer camp! It is my favorite summer camp of all time! The camp is called Camp Seaside, and it starts always a week after I get out of school for summer. Everyone stays in little cabins with two other people, and there is even a beach nearby my cabin!

It's an all-girls camp, so NO guys whatsoever. I actually enjoy that, because there is no boy drama during the whole month and a half that we are at the camp.

I packed all of my items and bags in the car. I was wiped out at the end because I had like 100 pounds worth of bags! Since the camp goes for so long, I needed everything that was in my bags. After putting my sunglasses on, I hopped into the front seat and my mom started driving.

It was a two hour drive to the camp, but I fell asleep instantly so I don't remember a thing. Once we stopped, I didn't even have to open my eyes to know that we were there. I could already smell the fresh, crisp air outside.

I hopped out of the car and ran straight to my normal cabin. (Cabin #13 to be exact.) I share my cabin with my two camp friends Julie and Grace. I started screaming once I saw them. They both had changed so much since I last saw them! Grace was taller now and Julie's hair was shorter.

"OMG Julie! What did you do to your hair!" I yelled excitedly.

"I got bored with my hair, and my boyfriend Milton from back home told me I should cut it short because it would make me look smarter, so I did!" Julie explained.

All three of us hugged, but Grace seemed like she had to tell us something desperately.

"What's up Grace?" I finally asked her.

"Guys, I caught Jason cheating on me yesterday… I…..broke up with him." Grace said, fighting back tears.

We all hugged again and tried to cheer her up. This was one of those moments when I realized how lucky I was to not have a boyfriend. They are too dramatic and most don't care if they hurt the girl's feelings when they break up with them. We then spent an hour catching each other up on what had happened during the past year.

Once we finished chatting, we headed towards the beach for the get together meeting. In that meeting, they update us in case something is new, and they go over the basic rules. When we were walking towards the beach, something didn't seem right. We saw twice as many cabins as there were last year. There was even a cabin right next to our cabin!

Once we got to the beach, things seemed even more bizarre. Everyone was sitting down, and the people said that everyone was already seated, yet there were like 200 empty seats in the back! I know the counselors aren't perfect when it comes to counting how many people are attending the camp, but they have never been this off!

Once we sat down, the head of the camp walked up to the stage.

"Welcome back girls! I know what you are thinking; you are probably wondering why there are so many empty seats behind you. Year after year, this camp has always been an all-girls camp. This year, I am proud to say that the rule is going to change-today!" John, the head of the camp exclaimed.

All three of our jaws dropped. We were all so shocked! All I could think about was dreading the fact that all the girls were going to drool all over the guys.

"We have always accepted the first 200 girl entries to our camp. Now, we are going to have TWICE the number! This camp now accepts 400 people! 200 girls and 200 boys! Please welcome the boy campers!" John exclaimed as the boys walked in.

I rolled my eyes. It was obvious that all the girls were going to drool all over the guys. It was obvious that the guys thought that they were something great-they were soooo not.

"Please welcome all of the guys that you see-and even better, tomorrow every girl will be paired up with a boy for two weeks so the guys can get used to the camp better." John explained.

The guys then sat down. I put on my sunglasses and decided to ignore the guys trying to say hi to me and focused on the conversation I was having with Julie and Grace. They didn't seem that thrilled about the boys either. I didn't want to deal with guys right then so we just talked instead of greeting the boys like we were supposed to.

After the stupid meeting, everyone headed for the cafeteria. Apparently we were having either pizza or salad, but I wasn't very hungry because of the news. I decided to go with salad instead of pizza. Julie Grace and I sat down at our usual table, but it was combined with another table. This must have been another stupid idea to get us to welcome the guys.

"I can't believe that they are allowing boys at the camp now! It has always been just girls!" Julie exclaimed.

"I guess no more pajama parties anymore now that THEY are here." Grace said and sighed.

It was obvious that I wasn't the only one mad about the guys being here-Julie and Grace were too. Grace was the maddest though because of her sad breakup-she didn't have to be reminded of it during every meal! The whole point of her coming was to GET AWAY from guys-not be surrounded by them! Julie was sort of mad but she didn't care as much because she had a boyfriend and was always happy.

I started poking at my salad when I heard someone walking towards us. I rolled my eyes and avoided looking their way.

"Hey guys, can my friend and I join you?" a guy with brown hair and really brown eyes asked. I pretended to ignore him and continued to poke my salad. It was going well until Julie gave in.

"Sure!" Julie exclaimed. Of course SHE would be excited about it. Grace and I poked at our salads, and the guy with the brown hair and his friend sat down.

"I'm Jack, and this is Eddie." Jack said.

Julie realized that we were planning on ignoring them, so she decided to be mature and speak for us.

"I'm Julie, and this is Kim and Grace." Julie said.

"Hi." Grace and I said coldly.

Jack starting to notice we weren't in chatty moods decided to ignore us and decided to talk to Julie. The talking went on for an hour straight. Grace and I were getting really annoyed now. Pretty soon I started to realize that I REALLY don't like this Jack guy. It seems like he is trying to impress us or something. Grace and I finally decided that we would head back to our cabin.

"Julie, Grace and I are going back to our cabin. Have fun with…them." I said, pretending to be grossed out. That must have ticked Jack off because then he decided to be insulting back.

"Have fun being antisocial!" Jack said. Then he poured a pitcher of water on my head. I was soaking wet and everyone was staring at me. I looked at him with anger in my eyes and poured a pitcher on his head too when he wasn't looking. I then stormed off and ran to my cabin. It was obvious that we were going to be enemies.

I looked awful. I was soaking wet and my makeup was running. Once I got to my cabin, I slammed the door shut and sat next to the door and started crying. I got into warm clothes and put a robe on and looked out the screen door out to the stars. I just really wished that the camp was only girls, because if it was, I wouldn't be in my cabin right now. We would be having a pajama party and eating junk food.

I cried myself to sleep looking at the stars, hoping things would change.


I arrived at camp today. We sat in the back, near three girls that were talking. They didn't seem that excited about us being here, like a lot of girls were. I actually liked that, and I could tell I wanted to be friends with at least one of them.

We went through the whole meeting, and then went to dinner. I asked the people I saw earlier if Eddie (my best friend) and I could sit with them. The girl with the pretty blonde hair and the girl with brown hair and no glasses decided to ignore me. Then, the girl with brown hair and glasses decided to respond and told me her name was Julie. She also introduced me to Kim (the pretty blonde) and Grace (The brunette.)

It was obvious that Grace and Kim didn't really want to talk, but I talked to Julie instead. I wanted to talk to Kim really badly. I decided to play cool and ignore her. Pretty soon Kim was ticked. She started to bother me with her obnoxiousness and how she tried to make me feel like it was her camp and no one else's, so I decided that I WOULDN'T be nice to her.

She decided that she was going to her cabin, but she decided to insult both Eddie and me, and I just lost it. I decided to pour a huge pitcher of ice cold water on her. Everyone was staring at her, and I could see the anger in her eyes. We just glared at each other for a while, and then I heard Eddie say my name so I decided to turn around. HUGE mistake. Once I turned around to look at Eddie, Kim took another pitcher and poured it on MY head. Even when she was soaking wet, I could see she was crying. She then stormed off. "Feisty," I thought.

I went back to the table and Grace just sat there, shocked at what just happened. Julie looked a little mad too. Both Julie and Grace got up, still shocked, and left. "Darn, now I have to figure out how to get to my cabin on my own." I thought.

After A while, I found my cabin and changed and fell asleep, still ticked off.


I woke up early in the morning, wanting to be alone. I threw on some jean short-shorts and a green tank top, knowing it was going to be super-hot outside. I put sunglasses on then headed to the beach while Julie and Grace were still sleeping. I sat down in the sand, with my head on my knees, looking at the ocean. I suddenly saw someone sitting next to me, with brown hair. The person had sunglasses on. We didn't say a word, but still didn't know who each other were. Suddenly, he tipped his sunglasses down, trying to figure out if it was me or not.

I saw those big, brown eyes and stormed away to the other side of the beach. I had nothing to say to that jerk face. I think he realized that it was me because he got up and walked over to me.

"I have nothing to say to you anymore." I said.

"You don't have to have a long conversation with me, all I want to know is why you have to be so bratty." Jack said.


"Kim, wait," Jack said. Then he purposely grabbed my hand and pushed me into the water. I was soaked. AGAIN.

"JACK!" I screamed. Even better. Instead of apologizing like a normal person, he cracks up.

"Ha-ha! I got you!" He exclaimed, like a 5 year old. I decided to do the civilized thing and get out of the water, and push him in. Okay, maybe that wasn't the most civilized thing to do, but he deserved it. I didn't even care when I realized he had his IPhone 5 in his hand. I could care less.

"Ha-ha! I got you! Your IPhone 5 is destroyed!" I mimicked him. I walked up to him, glaring him down.

"Oh, and by the way, I HATE YOU!" I yelled.

"Don't worry, I HATE YOU TOO!" He screamed.

I stormed off back to my cabin, and he was right behind me the whole time. I stopped in my tracks.

"Okay, are you stalking me or what do you want?" I asked harshly.

"My cabin is around here. I have cabin number 14. Don't worry, I bet our cabins are far apart. I hope." He replied, harsh as ever.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME! REALLY!" I yelled at the sky.

"What?" Jack asked.

"I thought we would have nice neighbors we could talk to! Our cabin is right next to yours. We are cabin number 13." I said while walking towards my cabin. I walked into my cabin and slammed the door in his face. He then turned around and walked away and slammed his cabin door.

I walked into the cabin, and Grace and Julie were sitting on the couch reading magazines. They stared at me then said at the same time, "Let me guess-Jack?"

I didn't get how they guessed that so easily until I looked down. I forgot that I was soaking wet. I just nodded and went to the bathroom to go change into dry clothes….again. Once I finished, we went to breakfast. I grabbed an egg sandwich to go, not wanting to run into Jack at all.

On my way out, I bumped into someone and started to fall backward, but I felt a strong pair of arms catch me. I was about to thank the person when I realized that it was Jack. I then glared at him, put my sunglasses on, and walked away.

After breakfast, we had to head to the beach for another meeting to get paired up with boys to show them around. Grace, Julie and I sat where we did before. Jack and Eddie sat next to us, and Jack was going to have to sit next to me until we glared at each other and Eddie got the message. I then sat next to Eddie for the meeting. John came out, and was on stage with a bowl of names.

"Hello everybody! Like I explained yesterday, all the girls will be paired up with boys so the girls can show the boys around for the next two weeks. We will have counselors around to make sure that you are with your partner for at least half of the day every day, or else you will be punished in some way. I will now read a girl's name off the list, and I will pick a boy out of this bowl to see who each of you will be paired up with."

I crossed my fingers, hoping I wouldn't be paired with some jerk.

"Okay, first off," John said, "Julie," he said looking at Julie, "you are with James Budlock. Will both of you please come up to the stage so you can see each other, then you may go with your partner." John said.

Julie went, met James who had chestnut colored hair and blue eyes, and they walked off.

"Next, Kim Crawford and…Jack Anderson." He said. My heart stopped. That was the last thing I wanted to hear. We met by the stage, and walked quickly away, me being farther ahead than him.

"Kim, wait," Jack said and grabbed my hand to stop me. I turned around.

"What? Are you going to somehow get me wet again?" I said, angry.

"You know what? Forget it. You are soo not worth trying to be friends with. I am done." Jack said.

"Good! Then I have an idea. How about we stay near each other but I never talk to you. How about that!" I said, still mad.

"Fine with me. Let's just go to the cafeteria and get lunch." He said.

"Whatever." I said and started leading again. We got into the cafeteria and we were the only ones there. Apparently no one was hungry like we were. I got another salad, and we just sat there. In silence. It was probably the most awkward lunch ever. I then got up, still mad, and walked away, not caring that I was leaving him there.

I ran back to the calming beach, and laid in a chair. I fell asleep in the chair for longer than I thought. Suddenly a counselor came out of nowhere and came towards me. I woke up because of the noise of her feet.

"Miss Crawford, I have noted that you haven't been with your partner Mr. Anderson for three hours. With the rule saying you have to be with your partner for at least 8 hours, you have only been with him for one. Unfortunately, if you want there not to be a punishment, you will have to spend the next seven hours with Jack. It is three o'clock, so you will have to tour Jack around until about 10:00 PM." The lady said and walked away. "Oh great," I thought.

I went to Jack's cabin to find him, and I found Grace, Julie, Jack and Eddie all in the room.

"Grace? Julie? What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Eddie invited us over, since he is my partner. He also invited James, but he is sick so Julie got an excuse. Want to join us?" Grace asked me.

That's who her partner was! Jack and I left after we figured out we were partners, so I never heard who she got paired up with.

I agreed and joined in on the random games they were playing.

Pretty soon, we started playing would you rather. Grace and Julie wanted to play truth or dare, but apparently we were saving that for some other day. It was Grace's turn to ask someone, and she picked me. "Kim, would you rather be stuck in a room with Jack for a whole day, or be stuck with a hobo, an angry tiger, and a hungry bear for a day but you would probably be eaten by them?" She asked me.

"I would say the second one, but I'll be nice and say the first with Jack." I decided. Jack and I exchanged glares once again. After I said that, Eddie, Julie and Grace all exchanged looks, and I didn't get why until it was too late.

"Okay well, see you later!" The three of them said as they ran out the door and locked us in. There was no way out and it was only 4:20. This was going to be a loooong night.

Oh great.