Hey guys! I'm soo sorry for going MIA. I have no excuse for why I was gone-I will try to work around my busy schedule. I just would like to say this: I can make no commitment as to how many times I upload a week/month. Some months are busier than others, I have volleyball, musical rehearsals, and I'm graduating this year. So please just understand that I will upload new chapters when I can, but I cannot promise anything. I DO want to finish this story this year for sure so I can start new stories! I have a lot of great ideas, but I don't want to balance more than two stories at a time. And right now, I have this story and Roseville Academy (a gallagher girls fanfic) so check it out! I'm so sorry people for disappearing! Thanks for understanding and reading! LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kickin It.


We walked by to where everyone was sitting and we sat back down across from each other.

"Now that you two are back we should probably make a plan-what are our ideas?" Grace asked the group. We all looked at each other and shrugged.

"Julie never really gets upset like this, so I don't really know what to do to fix this situation," I said as the group looked at me.

"Well knowing how girls are they probably would want some gifts and a romantic and cute gesture. What could you do that would be romantic and cute?" Jack asked James. Grace started humming the song "Firework" by Katy Perry when it gave me an idea.

"That's it! Grace just gave me a brilliant idea that will have Julie forgive all of us and she will take James back! But it HAS to take place next week on the Fourth of July because it will make it even more special!" I exclaimed while jumping up from my seat. I explained my plan to them and they all thought that it was a great idea. We decided that we would pretend like nothing had happened and stop apologizing to Julie in order to get the plan to work. It would seem like we were ignoring her, but we knew if we kept apologizing that one of us would slip up and accidentally tell her the plan. All we had to do was get the supplies, and we would be ready for the Fourth of July. The next day when we were at lunch we were all shocked. Julie was sitting NEXT TO DONNA. She wasn't dressed how she normally was, and she just didn't look like the Julie that we knew. It seemed that Julie decided that it was time to completely leave our group. We were still going to try our plan, and if it didn't work we would keep trying. There was no way that we were going to give up on Julie-she didn't belong with Donna. They were too different-Julie loved school and homework, and Donna loved dating guys and looking at herself in the mirror. Donna looked over at where Grace and I were looking, and whispered something in Julie's ear. Julie turned and looked at us for a second before turning back to Donna and her friends. They all started laughing obnoxiously. Grace had tears in her eyes, and I could definitely see them. Julie didn't even seem to want us back as friends, and the Fourth of July seemed so far away. I knew that we had to wait, or else the plan wouldn't work. Jack suddenly came up to me with huge bags under his eyes.

"Did you get ANY sleep last night?" I asked with a shocked expression on my face. Jack groaned and shook his head.

"James kept Eddie and I up ALL night with him calling out Julie's name sadly in his sleep. I got like five minutes of sleep at the max. If the Fourth of July doesn't hurry up and arrive already, I think Eddie and I will lose all of our sanity!" Jack exclaimed while throwing his hands up in the air. I smirked and nodded.

"I know-I swear if the Fourth of July doesn't come sooner, I will go crazy! Grace and I miss Julie so much, and now she is hanging out with Donna! She is literally hanging out with the person that James cheated on her with!" I exclaimed. As Jack nodded, Donna came walking up to us.

"Your friend Julie is one of us now, and she's not going back. She finally realized how big of losers you and Grace are, Kim," Donna said as she put her hand on her hip.

"Kim isn't a loser and neither is Grace! Julie is just confused right now, but pretty soon she will realize what bratty snobs you and your friends are!" Jack exclaimed while glaring at Donna.

"If you haven't realized Jack, all of my feelings for you are gone!" Donna exclaimed while flipping her hair and walking away. I rolled my eyes.

"What a dramatic brat," I said as I walked back over to Grace. Once I did, Julie started walking over towards us. Grace and I got excited because we thought that Julie was going to forgive us.

"I heard what happened between you and Donna," Julie said. I smiled widely.

"Does this mean that you realized how much of a snob Donna is and you forgive us and want to be friends again?" I asked hopefully. I was expecting to see a smile and a nod, but instead I got a glare.

"Of course not! I am so done with you two. Stay out of my life losers, you are just jealous that Donna is way prettier than you two. I really don't appreciate you guys insulting my best friend," Julie said as she started filing her nails. Grace and I's jaws literally dropped.

"Do you even hear yourself Julie?! You don't look like yourself, and you definitely don't sound like yourself! You are turning into a monster!" Grace yelled.

"Nope, that's what you two turned into. I thought you guys were my friends, but you're not. Donna is. Have a nice life," Julie said as she walked away. UGH. I have always hated drama, so this wasn't helping at all. Suddenly, James appeared and walked right up to Julie. He looked way worse than Jack did-his eyes were really puffy and he had really dark bags under his eyes, and his hair looked all over the place.

"You know this whole situation was my entire fault, so why are you mad at Kim and Grace? If anything you should be mad at me. All they were doing was trying to help save their best friend's feelings. You have no reason to be mad at them," James said quietly. It was clear he was still super depressed about the situation. Julie turned and just rolled her eyes.

"You aren't the boss of me. I honestly don't care about any of you anymore-I realized how awful you losers are, and I realized that Donna is super awesome! It's time for you all to move on with your lives," Julie said while putting her hand on her hip.

"What happened to you?! This wasn't the Julie I fell in love with," James said as he shook his head.

"That Julie is long gone. I realized that the Julie I was before wasn't the real me. This Julie is the real me."

"No, you're not the real Julie. At some point you will realize that the old you was the real you."

"Don't get your hopes up," she said as she turned her heel and walked away. Jack came up to James and patted him on the back.

"Sorry man. She will come to her senses at some point."

"But what if that never happens? What if the plan doesn't work? What if she never goes back to being her old self?" James asked Jack. I walked up and stood right next to Jack.

"It WILL happen. I am sure of it-she will be back to herself by the end of the Fourth of July. Don't worry about it at all," I said. Pretty soon I wasn't even sure of myself. I instantly didn't feel hungry anymore, and threw away my food and walked away. I went into the woods and sat on a rock while putting my elbow on my knee and putting my face on my hand. I stared into space as I thought about the possible outcomes of the situation-Julie could forgive us and we could go back to the way we were before, or she could stay the way she was acting right then. As I was thinking, Jack came up behind me.

"It's going to be okay, Kim. I bet Julie will realize she is being stubborn soon," Jack said while sitting on a rock right next to me. I turned to look at him.

"But what if she doesn't realize it? Not every situation has a positive, happy ending. A lot of fights stay unresolved."

"But look at us-we went from hating each other to becoming good friends to having a bad fight to back to being friends again. If our situation worked out, then the one with Julie will too," Jack said as he put his arm around my shoulders. I smiled at the memory.

"We have had a crazy friendship at camp," I said while looking at him.

"It all worked out in the end, and that's all that matters. I'm going to miss you once camp ends. It's too bad that we won't be going to the same school," Jack said while looking at me.

"I know, I'm going to miss you too. Grace Julie and I always meet up during our winter break and our spring break, so you and the guys can join us too. Hopefully Julie comes too, but we will see. At least then we will be able to see each other at least twice during the year and then we can always return to camp."

"We definitely will join you guys for meeting up during the two breaks, and hopefully we can figure out other times- " Jack started before he was interrupted by fireworks going off. We both looked at each other and smiled, knowing that the plan was about to be put into action. Suddenly, a ton of fireworks went off, reading: "I'M SORRY JULIE-I LOVE YOU". We smiled as we realized that part of the plan worked out. The only other part that we weren't sure of was whether or not she was going to forgive James and the rest of us. We walked over to where James was and stood behind him. Julie looked up at the sky as the fireworks continued and looked down sadly for a moment.

Donna scoffed. "Only a loser would do something like that. If he was truly sorry he would buy you a yacht."

Julie turned and looked at Donna. "You know what? Money isn't everything. I'm sick of your stuck up attitude-and I realized that they care more about me more than you guys ever will. I'm leaving this fake little Barbie world of yours right now," Julie said as she walked away and came back over by us.

"Are you back for good?" I asked her hopefully.

Julie smiled. "Of course I am! I'm sorry guys-I overreacted."

"We're just so glad that you are back-I'm so sorry Jules," James said as he hugged her. She instantly hugged him back.

"I'm glad to be back! Has anyone seen my glasses? When Donna was giving me a makeover, she took my glasses and threw them outside. I have no idea where they are and I haven't been able to see well without them!" Julie exclaimed.

James suddenly grabbed something out of his pocket-her glasses! "I found these near the woods when I was walking earlier and I figured if you didn't forgive me, I'd at least have these to remind me of you."

Julie took her glasses back and put them on. "Phew! I was prepared to not be able to see clearly for the rest of the summer!"

"Yay! You are starting to look like normal Julie again!" I exclaimed.

"ALRIGHT GUYS-GROUP HUG!" Eddie yelled really loud. We all laughed and hugged. While we were hugging, Jack put his arm around my waist and pulled me extremely close to him. I suddenly got small butterflies in my . I don't feel that way about my guy best friend. We let go of the group hug, and I ignored the feeling in my stomach.

"Now, let's enjoy the fireworks! Come on people, IT'S THE FOURTH OF JULY!" Grace exclaimed excitedly. We went and found an open space near the rest of the campers and we lay down. Grace was to the left of me, and Jack was to the right of me. That night couldn't get any better. Julie forgave us, and now I was with all of my friends, watching beautiful fireworks.

"The fireworks are amazing!" I exclaimed as I looked over at Jack.

He was staring at me for a moment before responding, "Yeah, they are."

I smiled and turned back to the fireworks. They were all sorts of colors, and watching them explode was so fascinating. What a perfect night.