Chapter 5

Liara found Gabrielle sitting in the observation deck with childish joy and wonder etched onto her young face. To think, there was an entire planet where a species much like pre-flight humans existed, and that one of Hackett's recon teams had managed to discover it. According to the briefings, these two women were heralded as heroes of their world, strong enough to take on supposed gods and demons. More than one tale had them defeating entire armies. Whether there was any truth to these tales wasn't the important thing. What mattered was that the duo was able to inspire such confidence in the people around them that they'd be a great asset to the war efforts. Hackett had seen that potential, and after the recon team explained their dire situation, the heroes had agreed to help out, and where better to put them than on the Normandy. They already had a reputation for a strange crew. Adding a few more wayward souls couldn't hurt.

But the duo clearly hadn't anticipated that "ship" had not meant the traditional water vessel. Liara was worried that Gabrielle's jaw would completely detach itself from her face when she saw the stars.

Xena had managed to keep a level head and immediately began discussing strategies with Shepard. Gabrielle had soon snapped out of her daze in order to join in, but she had clearly succumbed to it again once she had found the observation deck.

Liara quietly sat down next to her, wanting to share in the innocent wonder that reminded her so much of herself when she went on her first excavation of Prothean ruins.

"It's so surreal." Gabrielle said softly. "Legend says that the gods would place fallen heroes in the stars so they would never be forgotten."

Liara remained silent as Gabrielle sighed. "I can't recognise any of the constellations. I don't know if it is because of distance or time. Are we so far away from home that we can no longer see the stars made by our gods, or has so long passed that new stars have replaced the old?"

"The stars you see are suns, most with planets orbiting them; much like your planet orbits yours."

They sat in comfortable silence as Liara waited for Gabrielle to digest that titbit. They had just recently met, but Liara couldn't help enjoy Gabrielle's presence. She radiated warmth and understanding, emitting a pool of safety and trust, the same Shepard inspired. Liara could understand why people on her planet had revered her so much.

"I never imagined there could be entire worlds up there and that I would one day be among them." Gabrielle broke the silence gently. "Well, not whilst I was alive, anyway." she paused, returning to her thoughts for a few seconds before continuing. "I remember being so inspired by the stars as a little girl. I would make up stories about the patterns and tell them to anybody who would listen, and even to those that wouldn't. Later on, Xena and I used to gaze up at them and find stories together." Gabrielle smiled at the memory. It was an infectious smile that soon tugged at Liara's mouth.

"You really care for her, don't you?"

Gabrielle's gaze remained locked onto the infinite space. "She's my whole world. You'd think that this," she indicated to the window, "would be intimidating, but it seems like a mere pebble when compared to the depths of my feelings for her." Gabrielle eyes glinted as she turned to Liara and laughed. "Sorry, you can't supress the muse."

Liara smiled. "Do not apologise. It was remarkable. I envy the ease at which you express yourself. It is almost as if words dance to your tune, whereas I still struggle to not inadvertently offend whomever I am speaking to."

"Well, you've impressed me so far."

"Thank you, Gabrielle. I have put in considerable effort to improve. It is nice to hear that it was not a fruitless endeavour."

"Why is it so important to you?"

Liara sighed. "Shepard, too, has a way with words. There is a reason why she is crucial to our success. Her words have made truces from mortal enemies and inspired entire civilisations to join her in battle. When she died..." she faltered and gauged Gabrielle's reaction, which, surprisingly, was unfazed.

"Happens to me and Xena all the time. Go on."

Liara bit her lip, confused at Gabrielle's reaction. She decided to question it later, after she had done some much needed research on their two guests. "When Shepard died, Cerberus informed me that they could resurrect her, provided I acquired her body. It was during that time that I realised how powerful words could be. I like to utilise every resource available to me. It is one of the things Shepard taught me."

"She is special to you." Gabrielle stated.

"Am I that easy to read?"

Gabrielle smiled, causing her nose to crinkle. "I'm afraid so."

It was Liara's turn to stare out into the vastness, deep in thought. "When I first met her, I was stuck in a Prothean statis field. She was so breath-taking that at first I believed her to be a hallucination, brought on by exhaustion. She was, however, very real, and had the field not been activated, I would not have been able to remain standing." She smiled at Gabrielle. "Is that an appropriate answer?"

"Very." Gabrielle held out her hand. "May we be love struck fools until the end of time."

Despite knowing the impossibility of such a notion, Liara grasped the hand. "Until the end of time."