It was a cold and rainy day. It wasn't the rain that was cold, no, it was the wind. The wind that pressed against his soaking wet hair. Allen wasn't expecting the rain to come down so suddenly, and hard. It had only taken five minutes of him walking home in the light drizzle for the monstrous water drops to start hitting him, quickly soaking the small male from head to toe. All the gloom the rain brought only further added to his misery, helping it grow inside of him and clench a tight hand around his chest. All he wanted to do was cry; no one would see him, right? The rain would make it look like the steamy tears were falling from his hair. And that's exactly what it did, the silver-white locks of his hair clinging to his face and neck as rain droplets mixed in with the tears streaming down his soft cheeks and dripping off into oblivion.

Pain engulfed Allen as he thought about his face, his slate black eyes; his long, raven black hair. That's all he could think about was him. How he had made him so happy, to the point where he thought everything was right with the world. He always thought the pain after a break up in a novel was so cliché. How your stomach would twist into knots and something rips out everything in your chest, leaving you heaving and crying. He could feel all those emotions boil up in him, the pain, the anger, the mistrust, the hatred, the sorrow, every negative emotion. He knew wasn't as cliché as he thought. It was real, it as how someone felt; and it was terrible.

If it wasn't for the fact that Allen was standing in the middle of the sidewalk, with people all around him, he would be giving in to all those emotions he felt boiling up inside of him. Curling up on the floor and letting the feeling of his world shatter around him- engulfing him. Nothing sounded better. But he didn't do any of that. He only trudged on, his white fists clenching at his sides as he tried to hide the pain from his features. He started to overlook the fact that it was raining and the throbbing clenches in his chest were there. Instead, he tried to put his mind on one thing- getting himself home before he broke down in the middle of the town. He only made it as far as the next block before having to put his hand against the wall to keep him from falling over. He closed his silver-blue eyes tightly, putting his hand over his chest and fisting at the fabric, desperate to get the pain away. It wasn't something he wanted around. It was something he wanted to leave and never come back.

"Allen…?" The soft, sweet voice made him lift his head in search for its owner. It sounded familiar, but his mind didn't want to work. It was too fogged up, relaying the brief moments of what had just happen minutes before. Allen felt a hand on his arm. It was gentle as it tugged lightly in efforts to get him to turn in its direction. He wasn't compliant at first. He just wanted to ball up in his sorrow. But after a more forceful tug, the male finally turned to look at the offender. A slightly shorter female stood next to him with a worried look in her slate black eyes. It made Allen flinch at the sight. It was the same color eyes as his. Was everything that reminded Allen of him going to be so painful?

"L-Lenalee." Allen stammered, turning his gaze from the dark haired girl. He let his hand fall from his chest and pushed away from the cold, stone wall. He couldn't help but notice how she was out of breath, soft pants coming from her lips. Had she run to catch up with me? Was he really that obviously in a pained daze?

"Allen, what's wrong? You weren't waiting for me and I saw Kanda a little after-…" She didn't finish what she was going to say, realization dawning across her face. "Oh, Allen… I'm so sorry." Lenalee's voice grew soft as she wrapped her arms around the trembling figure. It only made him want to cry harder. I don't need this right now, I don't need this comfort. It means that I have come to terms with our… our… breakup…

A smile was evident on his face, a small hum on his lips as he glanced around. Allen was waiting at their spot, waiting for him. The guy that Allen thought he had fully fallen for. Yuu Kanda. The smile on his lips grew at the thought of the other male. He could still remember the day they started going out like it was yesterday. But, in fact, it was almost a year ago, and since then Allen had not had one bad day when he was around the other male. The silver haired boy perked as he saw Yuu turn the corner and come towards him in his long, sexy strides.

Allen couldn't stand still, wanting to jump his beloved boyfriend. Fidgeting with the straps of his bag as Yuu came up to him, doing everything in his power to stay in one place. But Allen noticed as he stopped short, leaving a good yard and a half between them. It made the shorter of the two's smile falter and a confused look move in to the silver gaze. Taking a hesitant step forward, the black haired male only took an equal one back. It hurt to see the gesture. What was wrong with his lover? "Yuu…?"

Yuu only shook his head…

Allen finally wrapped his arms around Lenalee after almost two whole minutes of her holding the small, trembling frame. I have to get over it. Move on. Allen thought, closing his lids as tears forced their way through the silvery blue eyes. She was whispering things into his ear but he couldn't hear it-couldn't comprehend it. He was still stuck in the past; everything playing over and over again in his head. Yuu… what did I ever do?

A distant look was in those black eyes that he could get lost in. "Allen… I've been seeing someone." A shock went through his system almost instantly, shocking every cell that it touched. Allen had been suspecting something like that, but… he never could believe it- that his Yuu Kanda was doing something so… "I think it would be best if we stopped seeing each other." The words came out like icicles, piercing his heart, and shattering it.

Allen opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Tears stung at his eyes and his stomach twisted into a knot. This really couldn't be happening, could it? The silver haired male forced a smile, trying to play it off as a joke. A cold, sickening joke. He reached out for Kanda, taking a step closer again. "You're joking, right?" Allen forced a laugh. Only for a brief moment melancholy flashed across the slate eyes. It left as quickly as it came. As if he never felt it. He shook his head, taking a few more steps backward and turning his body to leave. Allen dropped his arm, trembling.

"I'm sorry, Allen." That was all he said.

It wasn't until 10 minutes passed that Allen had finally let up on the hug and looked down at the female with a sad smile. "Sorry… I shouldn't have done that." He murmured softly, doing his best to not choke on his words. He still wanted to cry. Just curl up and cry. It was hard for him to believe everything that had just happened. Lightning flashed across the sky and thunder came not even a second after, causing the windows in the bakery to the side of them to shake violently.

"No, Allen, it's fine." She gave him one of the warmest smiles he had ever seen. "Hey, why don't you come back with me? I was just sitting down at a restaurant with an old friend when I saw you." Allen didn't give it any thought. He only shook his head with a sad look, memories flashing in his eyes.

"No, I just want to go home. Alright?"

And that's exactly what the male did. He went home and straight to bed. He was lucky that his guardian, Cross, was out on a trip which he still hadn't come back from. Allen didn't bother with taking off his wet clothing or even drying himself off. Just curling himself up under the comfort of his numerous blankets and quickly getting them wet.

A week had passed by with the phone ringing, for what seemed like nonstop to the sickly Allen. The silver haired individual had caught a ghastly cold the day after the breakup. At one point Lenalee had come over after getting fed up with Allen and let herself in with a spare key that she had found under the flower pot. She had found him sweating with a fever of 103.9. She refused to leave for almost two days and she had taken care of him nicely, leaving him feeling much better.

Allen rolled over in his bed, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. The front door opening and closing had woken the ailing sleeper. "Allen?" A masculine voice called. Surely that wasn't Lenalee, unless she had caught his cold. "Allen?" The voice was closer, and softer, having found what it was searching for. The said male made a grunting noise from beneath the tangled covers. He had no energy to say anything other than dinosaur noises. Feeling a cool hand suddenly touch his forehead, he could tell by the large hand that it wasn't Lenalee. Allen opened his eyes in panic, seeing a tall, red haired male standing by his bed.

"Who- who are you?" He choked, trying to sit up. His body yelled in protest. The male pushed him back down gently, giving him a stern look.

"Calm down, calm down." The stranger muttered, expecting the reaction he had gotten.

"How can I be calm…?!" Allen had practically squealed. It wasn't everyday that a random stranger made their way into his home in search for him. What if he wanted to rape him and take all his belongings while he was ill?

"Lenalee sent me." That made Allen relax slightly, but he was still a bit suspicious. People can be rapists and thieves while still being sent by Lenalee. The redhead sighed, noticing the younger male's distress. "The name's Lavi. Lenalee told me you weren't feeling too great and she couldn't come by to help you so she asked me to do the honors, ok?" His voice was softer this time, so he wouldn't make the male's pounding head worse. Lavi disappeared out of the room, giving Allen a minute alone before he came back with a bowl of tepid water and a cloth. Wetting the cloth, he lightly placed it on Allen's burning forehead.

The cool cloth on his head felt nice. Soothing, even. Letting out a soft sigh, Allen relaxed back into the sheets. "Thank you." He murmured, his eyes closing. He could hear feet moving across the carpet and onto the tile as he dozed. Allen knew he shouldn't be dozing like this, but he couldn't help it. It felt nice having someone helping him. He had too much time to be able to dream of him. Even if being awake he couldn't help to think of Yuu.

Suddenly he felt fingers pressed to his lips with two pills in them. Without thinking, he opened his mouth and took them in. For all he knew, he could have taken roofies. His throat was too dry to swallow them. They just sat on his tongue until he felt a glass press to his lips and water flow in. He obediently drank it all. The pain wasn't relieved instantly. It took a good 30 minutes before Allen felt himself moving around his room. The red head wasn't in his room, but he could hear someone in the kitchen. He knew it was Lavi- which he needed to talk to. He needed to find out who exactly he was and why Lenalee trusted him so much that she had told him where the spare key was, and then possibly call Lenalee and ask why she'd do such a thing.

Walking slowly, Allen made himself to the kitchen, where he eyed the male who had happily made himself at home. It wasn't until the shorter male saw the food on the stove that his stomach growled. He had neglected eating proper meals the whole week- to Lenalee's surprise. Lavi glanced up with his one green eye and gave Allen a smile. The silver haired individual took in the other's features. He was tall- taller than him. Allen cringed at the thought of Yuu. It still pained him, forcing him up at times because his mind couldn't rid the male from his head.

Allen took in the flaming red hair, at the moment being tied back with a small rubber band. A green and black bandana was also around the male's head, pulling back the hair. Allen had a feeling if the hair was down; it would be everywhere, just like a flame would be. Then the eye patch. It wasn't like Allen was in the position to judge. He had a scar on his eye and across his cheek. But that didn't stop him from being ever curious. Then the bright orange scarf- defiantly flamboyant color choices. The boy kept his eyes from grazing down, but he could tell that the male was well toned, but slim.

"Up already? You should still be in bed." Lavi's voice was cheerful, but Allen could tell the smile didn't reach his eyes. The smile bothered Allen and set him off. His interested look into one of caution, going back to questioning Lenalee's choice of friends. He took a wary step forward, eyeing the male. He couldn't trust him in the kitchen alone.

"Who are you?" Allen didn't bother answering the other's question. He was too busy worrying if the redhead in front of him really was a rapist. The male only laughed softly before turning back to the food. Allen didn't know what to do at the reaction he got. It confused him and angered him. Why was he laughing? Had he said something strange? All he did was ask a question.

After a few seconds, those of which agonized the poor white haired male, Lavi turned back to Allen, a pair of tongs that he was using to turn over the bacon in his hand. "I already told you I'm Lavi." Lavi gave the shorter of the two a cheeky grin before returning to his cooking. The bacon sizzled softly in the pan as it was cooking. It smelled like heaven to the hungry glutton. But he had to push the thoughts of food out of his mind.

"And why did Lenalee tell you to come here?" Allen continued to prod, wanting all of his questions answered. Lavi only gave him a look that he couldn't quiet read. What was with this guy? Was he just here to bother the poor kid to no end?

"You ask a lot of questions, don't you?"

"I only asked you two. Now answer."

"But you haven't answered mine."

"…" That hadn't gotten anywhere but making Allen annoyed. And what question was he talking about? Surely Lavi hadn't asked him anything. It troubled Allen that he couldn't remember what Lavi had asked him. Frowning, he looked down in thought. Lavi must have found it funny because he had started to laugh, causing the small male to flush. "W-what's so funny?" He stuttered, taking a small step back and crossing his arms.

"You. You're getting all worked up over nothing." The grin never left Lavi's face as the words rolled out of his lips. Lavi was completely relaxed; he knew that the bean-sprout was harmless. Lenalee had told him. She had also told him that he had a huge appetite and to cook enough for an army of a thousand men. But Lavi had only cooked for three people. Surely the female was exaggerating some.

The flush hadn't left Allen's cheeks as he opened his mouth to speak. "Just answer my question!" A smile whine was heard in Allen's tone, but it was too subtle to hear unless someone was trained to pick up on someone's emotions. Someone like Lavi. His grandfather had taught him various things to pick up when talking to someone. The small whine had easily been caught, and made him smile. An actual smile at that.

"She told me to come here because you're sick. And on that note, you should be in bed." Lavi pointed the tongs at the offending male, giving him a disproving frown, even if it didn't stay for very long. He just couldn't bring himself to frown at such a cute boy. Allen only rolled his eyes. He knew that the only reason he felt good enough to stand was because of Lavi giving him the medicine half an hour ago.

"And Lenalee trusted you out of all people?" Allen crossed his arms, purposefully ignoring the other's implied wishes. He wasn't going to give up so easily. He wanted all of his questions answered. But the answer this time was something he hadn't been expecting.

"Well, yeah. I'm her boyfriend."

Hey guys! This is the first fanfic that I've written for this site X3 I hope you like it, and sorry if you don't. Please rate, it gives me inspiration!