Heeeeey everyone! OMG sooo sorry about leaving you all hanging I had a chapter written but then I wanted to change it up a bit kind of go more with the story line. Sorry it's a bit repetitive from the actual show but I do have a plan! Pleeeeaaaaasssseeee review! :D

Owen had been in meetings all day with lawyers and he actually found out that he had signed the papers for the new airline company; HE was the one who approved for them to get on the plane. For some weird reason the hospital was being ridiculously supportive and he couldn't figure out why they were being too supportive of it. He was sitting in his office and then he suddenly realized he was married to one of the plaintiff's how could they have a case against each other when they were still married. That was a huge conflict of interest and then it clicked conflict of interest a court room would never go for that, the case would be thrown out. His stomach turned in knots.

He ran down the hallway to the meeting room where all the lawyers were.

"You….you all said that you were being supportive of me but there's another reason…I'm married to one of the plaintiffs the case would be thrown out….that's a big conflict of interest….how could you not tell me that?!"

Owen yelled at them he was beyond pissed off they were going to play this whole thing out until the case got dropped. Owen being Owen of course blamed himself and felt like the people on the plane needed justice, they deserved it. He thought the love of his life out there died and he needed her to get something out of all the shit she had gone through out in the woods.

"Chief Hunt you cannot say anything to anyone…"

"What….what are you talking about? I can talk to my staff if I want to."

"You can't you signed a contract saying you wouldn't"

The woman pulled out the slip that Owen had signed earlier saying he wasn't allowed to talk about the case. Owen's heart started racing, what the hell was he going to do? He thought to himself.

Owen walked out of there quickly and went back to his office he just needed to leave, he needed to get out of there and think about what the hell he was going to do. He had an idea but he didn't want to do it but for him if it was going to come to that it was going to have to come to that. He drove back to the trailer and changed, then grabbed a beer. He sat down thinking and thinking and finally he came to a conclusion he knew what he was going to have to do. He waited for Cristina to come to the trailer and finally she did.

Cristina walked in and looked around her the trailer was pretty empty except for little things of Owen everywhere; his tie's all stacked neat in a corner, some of his shirts hung up, his guitar in the corner he loved his guitar. Then she glanced over by his bed and noticed two things a picture of her and Owen when they were happy, they had gone on a small hike together that Owen had convinced her to go on. Cristina Yang wasn't a hiker but she went because Owen wanted to. At one point when she was completely exhausted she sat down and made him sit beside her she pulled out her phone wrapped her arm around him and took a picture with him she even said to him "We need evidence of me actually hiking." Right after she took that she kissed him and they just sat there talking for a while laughing together. They had such a good day together that day; it made her tear up a little just thinking about it.

She then looked beside the picture and there it was his wedding ring just sitting there. Cristina stared for a little bit and then snapped herself out of it. Owen could see what she was looking at and he could see her tearing up he wanted to go over there and hug her but he couldn't, she had hurt him so much.

Owen got up and stood across from her, he put his hands in his jean pockets all he wanted to do was to take her in his arms and just be with her again but he couldn't.

"Thank you for letting me come here…"

He nodded a bit

"I think that we should….."

"Cristina I think we should get a divorce….."

She was shocked by his words it was like they just walked up and hit her right in the face

"Wh….what? A…..a divorce? Owen I…..is this what you want."

It literally was killing him to do this to her because she obviously came to the trailer to talk to him and talk through this about where they should go from there.

"Yes…..that's what I want."

It completely wasn't what he wanted he wanted to work it out for her but in a weird way he was doing this for her. He had to divorce her in order for her and the rest of them to get their settlement. But mainly he was thinking about her.

She looked up at him with tears forming in her eyes

"Oh….uhhhh okay…I'll just go."

Cristina looked at him again he put on a cold front but inside he was completely torn apart. She walked out and just stood there frozen. Divorce, he said divorce which was the worst possible thing that could have happened. She needed to be alone she couldn't go see Meredith she just needed to get out of there. She called a cab and then headed to the firehouse trying to hold in the tears the whole way there.

She got out and walked up the stairs to their empty house and she just completely broke down.

Back at the trailer Owen was completely frozen he couldn't move, what the hell had he just done? He let the love of his life walk away. He so badly wanted to tell her why but he couldn't he just had to go through with it. He suddenly realized what he had just done and felt completely overwhelmed and let the tears stream down his face. They were in separate places but they both were having complete break downs they wanted each other and they wanted to try again but things had changed and this lawsuit was affecting them in a huge way.

A few days later they would pass each other in the halls trying to make small talk and be amicable about this decision but Cristina was so not on board with it.

Cristina saw Meredith at the OR board

"Hey you look like hell are you okay?"

Cristina sighed "Yeah I guess….Owen and I are trying to be amicable. Are you going to Bailey's wedding?"

"Yeah I'm a bridesmaid…..oh and by the way why didn't you tell me about you and Owen? Derek said Owen was doing it because of the lawsuit because it would be a huge conflict of interest and the case would be thrown out but I figured this means you guys are better because he's doing it for you I'm sure."

Cristina looked at Mer like she was an idiot.

"What are you talking about?"

Mer was confused

"Owen filed for divorce so that we would get the settlement…"

"What?! Are you kidding me?!"

"No I thought you knew I mean I figured he would have talked to you about it."

Cristina was pissed and upset and just didn't know what to do.

"He didn't…..and how the hell can we go along with this?! He has to divorce me so we'll get some fucking money?!"


"I….I can't right now…..I have to find Owen…"

She took her scrub cap off and practically ran to the conference room where Owen was doing some paperwork. She just walked in she didn't even knock. Owen looked up at her he knew something was up it said it all over her face.


"You…..I can't believe you….why didn't you tell me?! WHY OWEN?!"

She practically yelled at him

"Tell you what?"

He knew exactly what but he needed to hear it

"Your divorcing me because of the lawsuit?! Seriously Owen?! What the hell is with that? Why….why would you do that and not even fucking tell me?!"

Owen stood there a bit frozen he was going to have to talk and tell her what was going on now. He stood up and walked behind her and shut the door. This was going to be a long talk.

To be continued…..