~Ahsoka's POV~

Ahsoka could not believe how nervous she was. Why? Why was she afraid?

This was her goal, what she had wanted for years; her whole life had been leading up to this moment. She had dreamed and aspired for this day for so long. And yet she was so afraid. The exhilaration had long worn off, and a raw fear was left in its place.

She sat in the kitchen inside of the house, the single lamp above her burning into the back of her neck blindly. Half of the clones had been gloomy with grief and the other half insane with excitement when she had told them.

And who was she to blame them? The clones had grown up-literally-beside her in war. She had saved dozens of their lives, risking her own in the process.

And she had been dragged out of the line of fire by the clones repeatedly. The clones were as much her big brothers as Anakin was.

But they had all gone to bed, leaving her alone to ponder her new knighthood with a cup of tea as her companion.

Will I be the knight they expect me to be? Ahsoka wondered. Am I really as great as they think? What if I turn out to be the worst? What if I let them down again? This thought cramped her stomach and made her nauseous with dread.

She put down her quivering mug and put her head in her hands. "I can't do this," she whispered. "Oh, force, I can't do this," she said again, staring at the counter.

"Why not?" Suddenly, the air buzzed with energy, and despite the fact that the entity in front of her did not breath and physically didn't exist, Ahsoka could sense his presence as if he were alive again.

She snapped her head up; bewildered by what she was sure was insanity. Sitting across from her, staring at her with his familiar masked face was Master Plo Koon.

Ahsoka sat there, paralyzed and not sure whether to scream or weep. It had been a year since she had seen her father figure die in her arms and thrown back into the war-zone from a spiraling ship.

Many times, she had seen his face in her dreams, or heard his voice in her mind. She had grieved for him every day, and the pain had no more vanished than the determination to be what he would have wanted.

"Ma-Master Plo?" She finally managed to choke, her voice shaking. The phantom let out a dry chuckle and nodded. "Ko-to ya, lil' Soka," he replied calmly, in the same soothing voice he had used to chase away her dreams as a youngling. Ahsoka's head spun.

She only stared, gawking at him. Am I insane? Dreaming? She wondered in panic. "Neither," Master Plo piped up. "Only confused, and worried and guilty," he told her knowingly.

Ahsoka closed her mouth, which had gone dry with shock. She supposed he had a point. "How are you…?" She trailed off. The ghost waved his hand dismissively.

"Did you truly think I'd miss the chance to give you a prep-speech the night of your ceremony?" He wondered. A smile took over Ahsoka's mouth.

"You don't think I'm not ready?" She questioned, somehow comfortable talking to the dead specter. Though the sight of him twisted her heart into knots. If only she had been able to save him, as he had saved her.

"You led Jinx and O'mer. You've led the clones hundreds of times into victory. You led those cadets on Mandalore. That's a poor excuse," Master Plo, said sounding confused.

"Well, then my decisions, I'm not good at making decisions myself," Ahsoka countered looking down. She fiddled with her hands, not wanting to look one of her failures in the eye.

But knowing she would have to soon. She would find a reason. She would not let them down. She needed more time.

"That's even more ridiculous than the one before. Who is it that decided to accompany Padme when she was being followed by Aurra Sing? Who cleared the blockade on Ryloth? Who made friends with a separatist boy when the other Jedi scoffed at you for such things?"

Ahsoka let out a frustrated breath. Would Plo just stay dead and mind his own business? "I'm not old or strong enough"she repliedglaring at the vision now, he would not persuade her, he would not...

"Has that ever stopped you before? The council is wise; they wouldn't have knighted you if you were too young in their eyes. And who is it that comforted the same Sith that had beaten and tortured her? Who killed an Akul with only a spear when she was ten years old?" Master Plo, who had been there to see her do it, stated.

Ahsoka sighed; she only had one argument left. "I can't do this because I'm scared of myself. I turned to the dark Side, master. I'm a traitor. I betrayed you and what you taught me. I don't deserve this honor. I don't deserve their trust," she whispered.

Despite the fact that his entire face was covered still by a mask, the elder seemed to be smiling at her. "That hasn't ever stopped you before. Fear is a powerful thing, but it's nothing compared to loyalty or pride or strength. You made one mistake, and Lux pulled you back. Your back now, Ahsoka, and the past cannot be changed, only the future. You may be afraid Ahsoka, but that won't hold you back. It never has, and it never will," he pointed out solemnly.

Ahsoka let out a breath slowly, and her mind flipped through millions of adventures. The Malevolence. Finding Artoo and helping Master Secura save Anakin. Surviving the Blue Shadow Virus. Ending the illegal blockade on Ryloth.

Capturing Cad Bane when he infiltrated the temple. Assisting Anakin in finding the missing force children. Blowing up the weapons factory on Geonosis.

Defeating the brain worms and essentially saving the republic's army. Losing her lightsaber and finding it in downtown Courascant. Tracking down Aurra Sing and Boba Fett with Master Plo on several planets.

Finding chairman Papanoida's family with Chu-Chi. Exposing corrupt officials on Mandalore with an army of four cadets. Saving Padme from Aurra Sing. Going to Raxus and meeting her first separatist friend.

Living through Mortis and her master turning to the dark side. Sneaking onto the ship and helping them get off the Citadel, meanwhile keeping the Nexus Route coordinates. Leading Jinx, O'mer and Chewbacca to freedom from Iwasskah.

Help Prince Lee-Char unite Mon Calamari while pursed by Count Dooku. And so much more.

And Ahsoka realized, with a jolt, that she was ready. She had always been ready for this. With a smile, she blinked. "I'm ready," she whispered.

Master Plo did not answer. "I'm ready," she repeated, trying to convince herself. No comment still. Ahsoka sprang to her feet. "I'm ready!" She hissed fiercely.

Master Plo chuckled softly as Ahsoka had the distinct feeling of a clawed finger gently stroking her cheek. She smiled at the touch, real or not.

"Thank you, master," Ahsoka said gratefully bowing to the specter in infinite respect. "Always, Ahsoka. Have a good time at your ceremony, I'll be there," the phantom laughed with a cocked eyebrow before he vanished into the thin air. Ahsoka grinned and turned, about to go back to bed.

She was tired, and excited both. She was ready to face the future, whatever it held for her and the others. Master Plo would be proud of her, when her braid had been cut for the last time and her time as an apprentice would end. She hoped. She knew.

Ahsoka stood and gently used the force to turn off the lights behind her. After five years of war and a month of torture and struggle, she had achieved something great. Glory had met her at the end of the tunnel where she had been expecting shame.

And with a new heart and mind, She embraced that she was going to be a knight in the morning. The best knight the Jedi had ever seen.


The end! Snow is in the air here in Washington state, literally. There's about an inch and a half of it on the ground outside. The next story will be up in a few days. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

~Queen Yoda