Karkat nervously backed up to the large rock, holding his sickle out. Terror spread through him as he thought of everything that had happened today. It was pitch black. Karkat stared off into the darkness and waited. He was coming. He wasn't ready for this. He would have never been ready for this.

Something dripped in front of him. Purple.

"Oh no." Karkat said shivering. Sheer Horror spread through him and he couldn't look up.


Earlier That Day

The group of trolls arrived on the large asteroid in the veil after their world was destroyed. Gamzee was lost and they feared that he was slain by the demon. They stared at the huge base/house on the rock and the cliffs and caves everywhere. It was very dark at the moment.

"I don't like this." Nepeta whined. "It's too dark and I'm starting to get scared."

"Oh shut up," Karkat barked, "We'll find him in no time." Karkat didn't actually know if Gamzee was even on this rock. He could have been sucked into a whole other universe for all he knew.

"I miss Gamzee." Tavros said, looking down in sorrow.

"Oh shut up, Tavros. Stop whining and try and find him. Do something you useless piece of crap." Vriska screamed at Tavros, scowling at him.

"Okay, so let's actually do something and stop arguing." Terezi said, taking charge. "I think 4 of us should search the outside, and 7 search the huge base."

"I'll be one of the inside people, and so will Nepeta." Equius volunteered.

"Why do you always take charge of my life? Maybe I want to search the outside." Nepeta exploded at Equius.

"It doesn't matter." Karkat said. "I'll take outside."

"Aradia, Vriska, and I will too." Sollux volunteered. Aradia nodded in agreement.

"Fine, I guess I will." Vriska said, shambling off into the dark wilderness.

"That leaves Equius, Eridan, Feferi, Kanaya, Nepeta, Terezi, and Tavros for Inside." Karkat explained. The inside group all went inside.

"So how are we going to search? Are we going to Split up or stay together?" Sollux asked.

"Considering Vriska is already half a mile away I say we just split up. I'll go that way." Karkat explained, pointing in a random direction. They all went in separate directions. They all had computers just in case.

"Come with me Nepeta." Equius commanded.

"No! Oh my gosh Equius! Just leave me alone." Nepeta screamed storming off.

"What's her problem?" Eridan asked in a rude tone. Terezi shot him a glare. "What?" He asked.

"Kanaya follow her." Terezi commanded. Kanaya nodded and ran off after Nepeta. "We should split up into groups. Feferi and Eridan you go that way. Equius and Tavros follow Kanaya. I'll go this way. Terezi instructed.

The all went off into where they were instructed to go. Eridan walked along side Feferi.

"Why don't we just ditch this place and go to a different rock." Eridan suggested.

"No Eridan. Gamzee was my friend. Unlike you I actually like the land dwellers." Feferi said enraged.

"Cod, I was just making a suggestion." Eridan replied.

"Well it wasn't a-"Feferi turned to see Eridan was no where to be found.

Sollux walked along a huge cliff, looking down at where Aradia was walking along a huge pile of rocks. SMACK! Sollux crashed into a tree.

"Ouch." He whined getting up. He looked back down. Aradia was gone. "That's weird." Sollux thought to himself. He got up and started walking along his path, this time paying attention so he would run in to anything. "What is this?" He thought to himself as he came upon weird markings. They were made of something green. He knelt down and touched it. It wasn't blood. He could tell by the texture. It felt like the slime that they sleep in.

"Gamzee, are you there?" Sollux asked, standing up. "I think I found one of your pies." He looked back down at the markings. "Or I found some weird thing." He said to himself.

He pulled out his laptop to message Aradia.

"Aradia, are you there?" Sollux typed. There was no answer. He looked back over the edge. She still wasn't there and there was no sign of a broken computer. Next he tried Karkat.

"Karkat please be there." He typed.

"What." Karkat responded.

"Oh thank jegus your there. I can't find Aradia on her laptop and there are weird markings made with slime everywhere." Sollux explained.

"Is there any sign of Gamzee?" Karkat asked. "Hello? Sollux are you there?" There was no response.

"Holy crap" Karkat thought. He picked up his laptop and ran for the inside base. "What is out there? Oh no, has Gamzee lost it!" He thought. Karkat ran into a rock and instantly blacked out.