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Been kicking this story around in my head. Just curious to see if anyone would even be interested in reading something like this. So here is a brief preview. Please review and let me know what you think.

"Jason, I KNOW it was a spell but... How can you forgive me? After I RAPED you in the Dark Dimension?" Tommy hung his head, too embarrassed to look the Red Ranger in the eye. Tears dripped slowly down his cheeks and he sucked in a shaky breath before whispering, "I never imagined I could be such a monster."

Jason's own eyes stung with tears he refused to shed. Not right now. Not in front of Tommy; he would somehow get past this without adding to the Green Ranger's guilt. Gently, he reached out and placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "I know you're not a monster, Tommy. I know that wasn't really you."

Tommy flinched under Jason's hand. "I don't deserve your forgiveness. Not just like that." Images flashed through his mind of their encounter in the Dark Dimension.

Jason struggling with all his might to get Tommy off of him, the terror in his eyes when he realized what was going to happen, and his agonized screams as Tommy mercilessly rammed into him. "You know you like this, Red Ranger. I wish the other Rangers could see their great leader. Taking it in the ass like a bitch." He growled and viciously bit Jason on the shoulder. The sight of the Red Ranger's blood excited him even more and the biting continued, the screaming and pleading growing in volume.

Tommy shook himself free of the memories. He felt like he was watching someone else do this awful act but knew that wasn't the case. Nausea rolled over him and he quickly turned away from Jason, doubled over, and heaved.

Kneeling beside Tommy, Jason took his shoulders and turned him so they were facing each other. Softly Jason murmured, "My head and my heart know you are not evil; my body just needs time to catch up." He sighed and continued. "I wish I could speed it up but I can't."

He hadn't wanted to admit even that to Tommy but it had to be said. Jason DID know that Tommy wasn't the same person as the one who raped him. Still though, whenever Tommy approached Jason, the hair on the back of his neck went up, he felt cold and sick, and he instinctively backed up. Of course, Tommy picked up on this. Jason could see it in his eyes.

As painful as it was, the whole truth needed to be on the table. "Jase... I have to tell you something. I don't want to but I have to get this out. Our last battle, when I was still evil, I had plans for you. I didn't intend to kill you. I..." Tommy sniffed and averted his face. "I was going to take you back to Rita's palace. I had a room set up..." He stopped, letting the sentence linger as he started to sob.

Jason understood. He swallowed back the bile that had worked its way up his throat. He didn't want to imagine what Tommy... no, the evil Green Ranger... had planned for him. Silently, he waited while Tommy sobbed.