"Shizu-chan... I-I also haven't seen my parents since I moved out..."

"So you don't know if your sisters are alright? Do you want to visit and see?"

"I know they're okay... because they come see me every so often... if Mother and Father leave they stay with me and I pay their allowances so they can buy food if they don't get fed... but I don't remember my parent laying a hand on them ever... and I told them they were to come right to me if it ever happened..."

"Alright then. If you say so."

"S-so um... Here's my number..." Izaya gave it to Shizuo then since he had to make sure Shizuo actually had it. He had Shizuo's after all.

Shizuo smiled as he took it, immediately inputting it into his phone. "Thanks."

"You have today off right so... let's... do something together?"

Shizuo nodded. "Sure. What do you want to do today?"

"Um... lunch maybe... any movies you like? And um... I-I can cook for you for once, okay?"

Shizuo smiled. "That works. But let's watch a movie you like. Really the only thing I've seen are Kasuka's movies."

"Alright... then we should go to a rental store first...

Shizuo nodded. "That works. Lead the way, Izaya."

Izaya did so and found something he hoped Shizuo wouldn't mind too much. The lack of a proper child hood had resulted in a love of children's shows and movies.

Shizuo didn't really mind. "Alright. We got the movie. Guess we can head back to my place, you can cook something up, and we can watch while eating."

Izaya nodded and when they got to Shizuo's he made something on the sweeter side though he preferred bitter things. "Here..." he offered the plate of sweet curry to Shizuo, hoping he liked it.

Shizuo smiled and took a bite, humming at the flavour. "It's Delicious."

"Heh... glad you like it~" Izaya said honestly, popping the movie in.

Shizuo chuckled. "Yeah. And its sweet when curry is supposed to be spicy. That's talented cooking."

"Ah? I d-didn't say anything... but I learned to cook when I was ten..." He'd had to so he could feed his sisters half decent food.

Shizuo frowned. "Your parents are horrible. I haven't met them and I already decided that I hate them."

Izaya chuckled a little, "I avoid them... so you'll probably never meet them..." He smiled though he was happy Shizuo cared... and he was happy someone knew what had happened to him.

"I'll beat 'em a quarter to death if I meet them. And hey, aren't you old enough to take custody of your sisters if need be? I don't think your parents should still be allowed free."

"Ah... Shizuo... statute of limitations applies... they stopped abusing me when I was sixteen because I moved out... a-at any rate I could be Mairu and Kururi's legal guardian if need be, I usually sign forms or tests for them anyways though." He said with a small frown

Shizuo frowned but relented. "Alright. Anyway, the movie starting?"

"Yeah~" He said and the movie was played. Izaya didn't pay much attention to it, he could hear Shizuo's heart beating from where he was.

Shizuo was somewhat interested in the movie. Still, he'd watch anything as long as it was with a friend, family member, or Izaya.

Izaya clearly still had some of that five year old in him. He giggled and laughed as he watched the movie after all.

Shizuo smiled at it. After all, Izaya was cute. It was adorable.

"I...hope you don't mind that it was... kinda childish" He mumbled, well aware that it was.

Shizuo shook his head. "I don't mind at all."

Izaya smiled, "Good..." He mumbled. Ah... he wished he could get the courage to kiss the other.

Shizuo smiled. "The movie was cute." I liked it.

"I dunno why but... since I moved out if I watch something it's usually kids stuff..."

"It's probably because as a kid you were denied the things kids usually have. But that's fine as long as you're alright now."

"Yeah... I suppose alright is a general term though..." He frowned a little.

"General? Is something wrong?"

"I'm not so sure 'alright' would be the correct term is all... I mean, physically yes but..." He sighed. He knew there was something wrong... he wasn't normal after all. "I wish I knew you when I was five..."

Shizuo pulled the other close, hugging him. "If I knew you when you were five...I'd do my best to help. Though I was in the hospital a lot as a kid. If I was this age when you were five, and knew you, I'd take you away from your parents and call the police."

Izaya nuzzled into his chest with a small smile, "I... miss being here you know... I was happy with you..."

"Was?" Shizuo joked. "So you aren't now?" The whole thing was just teasing him, and Shizuo did hope the other knew it.

Izaya laughed a little, "I'm happy right now if that counts~?"

Shizuo smiled. "Yeah. It counts."

"Well then~" He grinned.

"Hm?" Shizuo glanced at Izaya. "Well then what?"

"Mmn, no, just that," He closed his eyes with a soft, happy sigh.

Shizuo chuckled and nuzzled Izaya's hair.

"So... you don't still hate me?" He asked, a little cautious with the question.

Shizuo shook his head. "I don't still hate you."

Izaya grinned and wrapped his arms around the other.

Shizuo chuckled before pulling Izaya to sit in his lap. "Happy?"

"Yes..." He'd be even happier with a kiss but he was too scared to go for it himself.

"You're adorable, you know that?" Shizuo kissed his forehead as if to prove his point.

"I... am?" Clearly he had no idea. "I am not..." He frowned. He always acted confident but he wasn't. "You're pretty damn sexy though..."

Shizuo chuckled. "Yeah you. And I won't argue with you." This time Shizuo kissed Izaya's cheek.

"Mmm... p-prove it then..." He mumbled nervously.

"Prove that you're adorable?" He asked to make sure.

He nodded, he didn't think he was but maybe Shizuo could prove it...

Shizuo leaned forward and connected his lips with Izaya, gently kissing him.

"Mmn..." Izaya sighed softly, eyes closing.

Izaya really was adorable. Shizuo nipped lightly at his bottom lip, making sure not to be too forceful.

Izaya's lips parted quietly, hands gripping a little more tightly at Shizuo's shoulders.

Shizuo slipped his tongue into Izaya's mouth, still kissing the other lightly.

Izaya shivered and moaned lightly, then something tickled in his abdomen and a small flame was lit. And he wanted more.

Shizuo pulled away from the kiss then, smiling. "See? You're adorable."

Izaya nodded, his cheeks tinted lightly pink. "Y-yeah..." He mumbled grinned, "You're a good kisser..."

Shizuo chuckled. "I guess so. Haven't kissed anyone before though."

"Really? Never?" He asked a little surprised before grinning, "Me neither..."

Shizuo chuckled. "Then I guess that we're each other's first kiss..." He leaned forward to kiss the other again.

Izaya grinned a little, kissing back this time, a bit more enthusiastic now.

Shizuo wrapped his arms around Izaya, holding him close as he nibbled on the other's lip again.

Izaya's lips parted again but this time he was more active too, he slipped his tongue into the others mouth this time moving a little closer.

Shizuo let out a small moan before using his own tongue, having it dance with Izaya's.

"Mmn~" Izaya grinned, his back arching a little and pressing their pelvises together as their tongues moved together.

Shizuo groaned as he pulled away from the kiss, panting lightly.

"Mmn..." Izaya shivered a little, grinning nervously.

Shizuo smiled at Izaya, unsure of what more to do at the moment.

"I...I umm..." Izaya didn't know how to get what he wanted accross to the other but he wasn't sure the other was even interested in that... certainly not so soon.

"Yeah?" Shizuo wanted to know what the other wanted.

"Sh-should I go o-or... stay?" He mumbled awkwardly.

"I don't want you to leave...its nice having you around."

"So then... what now?" He asked, still nervous. Izaya knew he was ready for the next step, he had been ready for years but Shizuo was newer to this.

"I don't know..." Shizuo shrugged. "What do you want to do...?"

"Nn..." He blushed now and looked down.

"Hm? What is it, Izaya?" He could see that the other was blushing.

"Nothing... I-it's probably too soon anyways s-so..."

"What is? And it's something..."

"I just... decided a long time ago th-that I wanted you to be my... first..."

Shizuo felt his face heat up. "O-oh..."

"B-but if you're not ready then we don't have too!" He added quickly.

Shizuo shook his head. "N-no. Its fine. J-just surprised is all."

"Ah... s-so..." This was incredibly awkward...

"Well...do you...want to...?" It was definitely awkward.

"I-if you do..." He mumbled sheepishly.

"I...If you really want to, Izaya...I-its fine with me. And we can."

Izaya wasn't exactly sure how to go from here to the bedroom though but he decided to start with kissing. It seemed to be working earlier anyways so he pressed his lips back to Shizuo's.

Shizuo wrapped his arms around Izaya's back again as he closed his eyes, kissing back.

A few minutes of kissing and Izaya felt his desire starting to grow, his hips shifting a little to press himself into SHizuo's lap a little better.

Shizuo groaned as he felt the friction. "Nng."

"Ah~" Izaya shifted again for another jolt... it felt good...

Shizuo groaned a bit more as he pulled away to nip at Izaya's ear. It did feel good. Very good.

"A-ah... sh-should we move to the b-bed?" He murmured now.

Shizuo nodded. "I guess so...unless it's fine being on the couch..."

"I would prefer a bed..." Izaya decided climbing out of Shizuo's lap.

Shizuo chuckled. "Alright then. Let's get to the bed."

Izaya pulled himself off Shizuo's lap with a small gulp, "Lead the way..." He mumbled. He knew the way quite well but he didn't live here anymore.

Shizuo nodded before heading to the bedroom and sitting down on the bed.

Izaya gulped again. This was really happening wasn't it? It made him nervous.

"Well, come here Izaya. Don't just stand there."

Izaya went to him and climbed into his lap again.

Again, Shizuo wrapped his arms around the other and connected their lips.

"Mn~!" He gasped, his lips parting already and his tongue sliding out to taste Shizuo again.

Shizuo growled lightly as he forced his tongue into Izaya's mouth, hands moving under Izaya's shirt to feel his back.

Izaya's spine arched in automatic response to the sensation, shivering lightly. His pants were beginning to get tighter too.

Shizuo grinned into the kiss as he ran his hands up and down Izaya's back, before moving to do the same to the man's sides.

"Nn~" Izaya grinned now, getting more into it and unbuttoning the blondes vest and the white shirt beneath it.

Shizuo pulled away from the kiss for a moment to lift Izaya's shirt over his head. Then he went right back to kissing the male, letting his hands roam over the other's body.

Izaya shivered and grinned at the other and kissed him lightly a couple of times, pulling away. "Should we lie down?" He asked.

"Do you want to?" Shizuo nipped Izaya's ear. "Because I don't think we have to until we actually do...it."

Izaya chuckled a little before twisting his body around so they were on the bed, Shizuo above him. "Easier to get the rest of our clothing off like this~"

Shizuo chuckled as he connected their lips. He let his hands trail over Izaya's torso, attempting to find a sensitive spot.

He had none on his chest but there was a spot on his navel just above and left of his belly button that sent a shiver down his spine.

Shizuo ran his hand over that area as he continued to kiss the male.

Izaya's hands went to open the blondes pants, his legs coming up to help work them off the others body now.

Shizuo moved his hands to help, before tossing his pants to the side. Then they went to Izaya's pants, unbuttoning them and pulling them down.

Izaya sighed as his growing arousal was freed and grinned a little at the blonde above him.

Shizuo ran a hand over one of Izaya's nipples before nibbling at his ear. He was just doing what felt natural.

They were both running on instincts but it was leading them true too as Izaya writhed a little now under Shizuo.

Shizuo licked Izaya's ear. "You're adorable..."

"Mmn, you're sexy though~" He grinned, starting to believe Shizuo meant it.

"I can believe that." He licked Izaya's ear again.

"Good~" He murmured, rolling his hips a little.

Shizuo groaned before pulling down Izaya and his own boxers. He knew that both he and Izaya wanted more, so he offered three fingers to Izaya.

Izaya took them in his mouth, his tongue swirling around each digit gently, teeth occasionally nipping playfully at the tips of Shizuo's fingers.

Shizuo let out a small moan as he moved his fingers around.

Izaya grinned a little, if this was how much Shizuo reacted with his fingers...

Shizuo pulled his fingers out of Izaya's mouth before moving them to Izaya's entrance and pushing one in.

Izaya's spine arched a little and he gasped. It felt strange... but good.

Shizuo thrusted his finger in and out, making sure that he was ready before inserting a second finger and scissoring them.

Izaya's back arched a little. "Th-that feels weird..." he mumbled.

"I need to do this or it'll hurt."

"Ah, I know... it just... feels weird.." He rolled his hips and relaxed his body.

Shizuo smiled. "Alright then." He inserted the third finger, stretching them all about as he thrusted them.

"Nn~! S-stay here f-for now," He gasped, hips rolling a little. It stung a little, but Shizuo was big and he new that would hurt more.

Shizuo nodded as he kept his fingers where they were.

It took a moment or two before he nodded, "O-okay..." He mumbled.

Shizuo started to move, slowly as to not hurt the raven.

"Ngh~" Izaya moaned and his body relaxed as Shizuo's fingers moved inside him, pleasure slowly bubbling through him.

"Feels nice, huh?" Shizuo asked as he moved the fingers around, stretching Izaya. He had to be thorough else he'd hurt the other.

"Nn~! Ah!" it was another few minutes with three fingers before his body was ready for more... and he wanted it badly.

Shizuo moved the fingers around some more before withdrawing them. "Ready for more?"

"Y-yes..." he whimpered.

Shizuo nodded before lining himself up with Izaya's entrance. "Positive?"

"Y-yes, so just do it..." He whined now, hips rolling lightly to try and press Shizuo inside of him.

Shizuo chuckled before pushing inside of the other, staying still just encase Izaya needed him to be.

"Nn! AH!" he winced, his body clamping down in pain but he didn't want to stop either.

Shizuo gasped lightly, but didn't move yet.

Izaya needed a minute before nodding, "M-move..." He mumbled.

Shizuo nodded as he started to thrust his hips, slowly though.

Izaya moaned lightly, hands gripping the blond's arms as he tried to relax more, hoping the other would make it feel good soon.

Shizuo groaned as he started to thrust a bit faster. "Nng." Izaya was still rather tight, it seemed.

He was a virgin after all though and he moaned after a moment his hips rolling and shifting and then... "AH! OH~! Th-there Shizuo!" He moaned.

Shizuo groaned as he shifted his hips, trying to shift enough to hit that one spot every time. "H-here?"

"Ah! Y-yes!" He moaned, legs moving up and around Shizuo's hips.

Shizuo smiled before thrusting into that same spot. It felt good for Izaya and good to him.

He gasped, his voice becoming louder as Shizuo moved inside of him. His body felt hot and he loved the feeling.

Shizuo groaned. Ah, Izaya really does love it, huh? Shizuo moaned as he kept thrusting into that same spot. "Nng. Izaya."

Izaya felt pressure building in his abdomen and heat coiled inside of him like a snake as his release built.

Shizuo groaned as he thrusted more. He felt pressure building as well. It wouldn't be long for either of them.

Izaya came first, his toes curling and his spine arching as his release splattered on Shizuo's abdomen.

Shizuo groaned, thrusting a bit more before coming himself, groaning as he released inside of Izaya.

Ahh... it was a good thing Izaya was both very male and they were both virgins. Shizuo's release was warm inside of him and he found he liked even that as he slowly drifted down again from his high.

Shizuo stayed inside of Izaya for a moment, panting before pulling out and flopping down next to Izaya.

"Mmn... That was fun~" Izaya mumbled, rolling into Shizuo's body, curling into the others warmth.

Shizuo chuckled. "Yeah." He smiled and held the raven close.

"I love you Shizuo..." Izaya mumbled, nuzzling the other lightly.

Shizuo smiled and kissed Izaya's forehead. "I love you too..."

Well, that was the last chapter. Don't worry guys. I have two other rps with Sephy to put up~ ^^ I'll try updating some of my other fics first though. Heheh. I hope you enjoyed~