Prompt suggested by Xaylan on tumblr! Thank you very much; this one I had a lot of fun with! This is just the prologue.

The sun was slowly rising in the early morning of December 21st, its bright rays bouncing off the freshly-fallen snow that covered the lawns and streets. Most of the people in the town of Burgess, Virginia were still sound asleep, but one household was already buzzing with life, the house of the Bennett family.

The clatter of three pairs of feet rattled through the upstairs hallway, sounding like a heard of wild elephants. Giggles and laughter followed and soon burst through the bedroom door as three children jumped up onto their parents' bed.

"Mom! Dad! Wake up! Winter is here!" Elizabeth, or Lizzy, an eight year-old girl with curly brown hair and brown eyes announced.

"The roads are completely covered! There is no way we have school!" Nicolas, a skinny, ten year-old boy with brown hair and blue eyes shouted.

"Snow day!" Jackson, a small, five year-old boy with light blond hair and big blue eyes yelled gleefully.

James opened his eyes slowly as his children continued to bounce up and down on his bed, looking past them to see the clock mounted on the wall. He inwardly groaned before sitting up and putting a weak smile on his face. He yawned.

"You guys, its only 6:00am. Can't you go back to bed for a bit? Mom and I will check the school closing listings for the notification."

The three children stopped jumped and shared a glance before turning back to their father.

"But Dad, you said we'd get to play in the snow as soon as it came!" Nicholas claimed.

"After you've all had your breakfast and gotten ready for the day.

Lizzy pouted. "No fair!"

James gave her a playful hard stare before ruffling her hair. "How about you guys go get dressed while I check the school closings. Mom," James nudged his wife a little, who had been awake simply smiling as she watched her husband try and persuade the kids back to bed, hoping to get her to back him up. "Will make some breakfast. How does that sound? Is that fair enough?"

Nicholas and Lizzy smiled and nodded before jumping off the bed, racing back to their bedrooms eagerly. Jackson remained however, looking at the window.

The window was covered in frost, and if one looked closely enough, could see all of the patterns and details intricately placed. The young boy turned to look at his father.

"Dad, do you think I'll get to see Jack Frost this year?"

James looked at his son, a little startled. He hadn't heard that name in a long time. He smiled a bit and patted his son on the head, causing Jackson to giggle.

"If you believe hard enough, I'm sure you will. Now, come on. Let's get you dressed and ready for the day."