As I stated in Chapter 47, this isn't an update, but an acknowledgement chapter.

First of all, a big thank you to everybody who is reading this, for checking out a chapter even though you all probably knew was going to be a version of an AN

I'd like to thank everybody who reviewed. There are far too many names to put up here, so I'd just like to thank you if you did review. Your reviews really helped me to write this fanfic, and I believe these reviews aided the story greatly.

Everybody who either followed/favorited/Story Alerted ~ thank you, also. It helped me to know that I had a community of readers waiting for my chapters (and it definitely provided a source of motivation). I hope you'll stay with me during the next fanfics I'll be posting (I will be posting more!)

So yes, thank you for your support and reviews. Without them, in all likelihood this story wouldn't be what it is now.

I'm also aware of the fact that does not allow ANs to be posted as a chapter, so here I will be giving you an excerpt of my next fanfic. It's a Harry Potter/Percy Jackson crossover, set after the Giant War and during the Order of the Phoenix. I know the ages will all be messed up, but so far I can't think of a way to rectify this, so bear with me. It's somewhat of a typical HP/PJO ~ the demigods go to help in the war against Voldemort, etc., etc.

If you don't like crossovers, that's fine - just skip the next bit (or close the tab altogether. Whichever:)


After a while, Lou, my beautiful girlfriend (did I mention we'd been dating since the Giant War ended) came down as well and sat down next to me. She smelled like... well, something beautiful that I just can't place. But I've smelled it before - definitely.

"Did Annie and Mal drive you nuts with facts?" I asked.

Lou laughed. It was so musical. "Close. I did pick up some things though. Like that mortals are called Muggles."

I snorted. "Muggle? Seriously? And I thought Hogwarts was bad."

She grinned. "I know. Muggle. These wizards are so creative. And did you know mortal devices like phones can't be used there?"

I froze. "What? But I just got a Hi-Phone!" I scowled.

Lou gave me a kiss. "I think Hi-Phones will work. They're Hephaestus' devices, right. Technically, they're divine devices, not mortal. So I reckon it will work."

"Thank gods," I said, sighing with relief. "It would suck if I couldn't use my Hi-Phone."

We made out for a couple of minutes before she pulled away. "How about I teach you some magic so you won't fail epically?"

I grinned. "Sure! But don't you think we should ask the others? It wouldn't really be fair on them."

Lou sighed. "I suppose." Then her eyes lit up. "The training room. Connor, you can go get everyone." She sprinted off.

I sighed before leaving my room to round up the others. Wow, I sound like a sheepherder.

Oh, yeah. Stupid ADHD. Anyway, after I got everyone into the training room, Lou gave me a sly smile.

"Okay, everybody," she said. "At Connor's suggestion, I've been asked to teach you about magic. Do you all have your wands here?"

We dutifully nodded and took them out. Thalia looked a little dubiously at her pine/eagle wand. I guess she was still pissed about the pine bit. Now that I think about it, Nico looked annoyed at his poplar/pomegranate wand as well.

"Since the most you'll probably do is kill monsters with your wand - no offense meant - I'll be teaching you mostly spells you can use in a fight. You'll be practicing on these." Lou waved her own wand (I still haven't figured out her combination) and two dozen or so rabbits leapt out.

Seeing our faces, she said, "They can't attack you back, that's why I picked them." With another wave of her wand, a bunny hopped over to face each of us.

Just to let you know, facing a bunny with a stick does not inspire confidence. It inspires stupidity. And a feeling of needing to get your mental health checked by Mr D.

So, that's a portion of a chapter from my next fanfic. I still haven't decided on a name either - help would be appreciated!