Using the sole of her boots, Amelia stubbed out her cigarette as she covertly observed Allison and Andy talking by a short row of bookcases on the upper level the jock hurdled when he was stoned. She flicked the dead butt away and pushed herself to her feet, stretching her arms high above her head with a small groan as her spine popped in several places.

"You have a tattoo?"

The motorhead dropped her head and glanced at the wide-eyed nerd, who's gaze was fixed on her stomach, more specifically left side just above her pelvis.

"Yeah." The auburn-haired girl replied with a dismissive shrug, one hand coming to rest on the spot where the tattoo was inked into her skin.

"What is it?" Brian asked with child-like fascination, blue eyes bigger than saucers.

Amelia lifted her tank top up and peered down at the pale pink flower inked onto her skin, "It's a flower, an azalea."

Brian opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off when John suddenly walked up behind the motorhead, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"What're you two doin'?" John asked nonchalantly, glaring slightly at the nerd and smirking when he blanched.

"Nothin'." Amelia replied drily and let her tank top fall back into place, rolling her eyes when she caught the look John was giving Brian, "Just showin' Brainiac my tattoo."

"Ah." John grunted noncommittally, still glowering at the nerd until Amelia patted his cheek roughly with a hand.

"Quite bein' a jackass, John." The motorhead stated with another eye roll, "What're you doing over here anyway?"

"What? Can't I come see my girl?" The criminal asked teasingly with a smirk, completely ignoring Brian slipping away from the two.

"You're girl, huh?" Amelia replied sardonically and she elbowed him lightly in the gut, slipping out of his arms when he grunted in surprise then sauntering away from him, "You don't ever have a girl, Bender."

John rubbed at his side and watched her walk towards the others sitting on the floor at the very back of the library. He contemplated what she said for several moments before following after her, taking a seat on the floor across from Claire and beside the motorhead.

"What would you do for a million dollars?" Claire asked randomly after the six had been sitting in silence for several moments, her gaze landing on Andy.

"What would I do for a million bucks?" Andy frowned in thought, crossing an arm over his stomach and leaning his elbow of his other arm on so he could cup his chin, "I guess I'd do a little as I had to."

Claire scoffed with a laugh, "That's boring."

"Well, how am I supposed to answer?" Andy retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes at the redhead.

"The idea is to, like search your mind for the absolutely limit." Claire replied with a small laugh then she pursed her lips in thought, "Like, um...Would you drive to school naked?"

Andy chuckled at the question and shrugged, "Um, would I have to get out of the car?"

"Hell yeah." Amelia responded with a smirk as she braided and rebraided a strand of hair hanging over her shoulder.

"In the spring or winter?"

"Doesn't matter." Claire replied this time, shrugging one shoulder, "Spring."

"In front of the school or in the back of the school?"

"Either one."

Amelia shook her head, "Front. Everyone can see you there."

Andy mulled over his options then nodded with a grin, "Yes."

Claire grinned at him in disbelief while Amelia snickered, shaking her head at the jock in amusement. John smirked slightly and shifted so he was sitting closer to the auburn-haired girl, his leg brushing against hers. Amelia glanced at him, but didn't move away as she turned her attention back to the others.

"I'd do that." Allison suddenly piped in as she looked at the others, "I'll do anything sexual. I don't need a million dolls to do it either."

Amelia quirked a brow at the girl in mild surprise and Claire rolled her eyes scornfully.

"You're lying."

"I already have." Allison replied with a smug smirk, "I've done just about everything there is, except for a few that are illegal." The dark-haired girl smiled impishly when she caught Andy smirking slightly from the corner of her eye, "I'm a nymphomaniac."

Claire scoffed, "Lie."

Brian, ever the goody-two-shoes, cut into the conversation, "Are your parents aware of this?"

Allison looked at him with an almost bashful expression, "The only person I told was my shrink."

"What did he do when you told him?" Andy asked, looking at the dark-haired girl interestedly.

Allison smiled enigmatically at them and shrugged nonchalantly, "He nailed me."

Amelia made a choked noise that sounded suspiciously like laughter, bringing her knees up to her chest and covering her face with her hands to keep hide the smile spreading across her face. Allison grinned at the girl before looking at Claire with smug expression.

"Very nice." The redhead sneered with a superior toss of her short curls.

"I don't think that from a legal standpoint what he did can be construed as rape since I paid him." Allison continued idly, her grin widening when Amelia's shoulders jerked and a strange noise came from her direction.

"He's an adult!" Claire protested shrilly, her face scrunched up in disgust.

"Yeah," Allison agreed and shrugged, "He's married too."

"Oh!" The princess gasped in repulsion, "Do you have any idea how completely gross that is?"

"Well the first few times-"

"The first few times?!" Claire squawked in disbelief, her expression morphing into disdain, "You mean, he did it more than once?"


"Are you crazy?"

"Obviously she's crazy if she's screwing her shrink." Brian stated helpfully, looking at Claire like she was idiot.

Amelia lifted her head, her cheeks faintly flushed from trying not to laugh at the whole situation and she watched as Allison leaned towards Claire.

"Have you ever done it?" The basket-cased asked with a smirk.

Claire straightened her back against the pillar she was leaning against and tried to play off the question with a scoff, "I don't even have a psychiatrist."

Allison rolled her eyes, "Have you ever done it with a normal person?"

"Didn't we already cover this?" Claire demanded, looking around at the others before her eyes landed on Amelia, who merely shrugged.

"You never answered the question." John said, speaking up for the first time since they'd sat down, and he looked from Claire to Amelia sitting beside him, "Neither of you did."

"Look," Claire snapped in aggravation, "I'm not going to discuss my private life with total strangers."

"It's kind of a double-edged sword isn't it?" Allison asked rhetorically with an amused expression on her face.

"A what?" Claire asked, playing dumb quite effectively.

"If you say you haven't, you're a you say you have, you're a slut." Allison explained matter-of-factly, "It's a trap. You want to, but you can't. When you do, you wish you didn't, right?"

Claire sneered at the dark-haired girl, "Wrong."

"Or are you a tease?" Allison questioned, leaning back with a satisfied look on her face.

Claire's face became blank and Amelia quirked a brow, crossing her arms over her chest.

"She's a tease." Andy commented as he glanced in Claire's direction with a raised brow.

"I'm sure." Claire hissed back at him furiously, "Why don't you just forget it?"

"You're a tease and you know it." Andy retorted, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at Claire condescendingly, "All girls are teases."

John smirked as he glanced at Andy then Claire before looking at Amelia, "She's only a tease if what she does gets you hot."

Amelia looked up at him and sneered as she flipped him off. John's smirk widened as he grabbed her hand and held it against his thigh, tangling their fingers together. The motorhead tugged her hand slightly then gave him a mutinous look when he didn't let her go.

"I don't do anything!" Claire exclaimed defensively, her eyes narrowed in agitation as she tried to ignore the two troublemakers sitting across from her.

"That's why you're a tease." Allison retorted matter-of-factly.

"Okay, let me ask you a few questions." Claire demanded snarkily as she glared at the other girl.

"I already told you everything." Allison protested with a snicker.

"No," Claire denied instantly as she crossed her arms over her chest, "Doesn't it bother you to sleep around without being in love? Don't you want respect?"

"I don't screw to get respect." Allison scoffed with an eye roll, "That's the difference between you and me."

"Not the only difference, I hope." Claire sneered back.

"Face it," John commented smugly, "You're a tease."

"I'm not a tease!"

"Sure you are." John continued, completely unperturbed by the glare the redhead was giving him, "Sex is your weapon. You said it yourself. You use it to get respect."

Claire froze for a moment then she exploded in action, "No, I never said that! She twisted my words around!"

"What do you use it for then?" The criminal questioned with a quirked brow.

"I don't use it, period!" Claire shouted angrily, her green eyes glimmering with frustrated tears, "Why aren't you doing this to Amelia, huh? She didn't answer either!"

Amelia scowled at the princess and flipped her off, "Bitch, I haven't done it and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I don't give a fuck if people think I'm a prude or not."

The others looked at her in surprise, none more so than John, but the criminal quickly shook himself and turned back to verbally attacking the princess.

"Now are you medically frigid or is psychological."

"I didn't mean it that way." Claire whined as she shut her eyes and shook her head in denial, "You guys are putting words into my mouth."

Amelia scowled even harder, yanking her hand out of John's grasp and crossing her arms as she glowered fiercely, completely fed up with the questions, "You're all being dicks, just leave her the hell alone already."

John glanced at the furious motorhead then looked back at a desperate Claire and shrugged indifferently, "Well, if you just answered the question."

"Why don't you just answer the question?" Brian added, pressuring the redhead and ignoring the glare Amelia sent his way.

"Just answer the question." Andy encouraged.

"Talk to us." Brian persisted as Claire looked back and forth between the boys with a pleading expression.

"Answer the question!" John demanded, watching Amelia from the corner of his eye, "It's easy.

"It's just one question.

"Don't be a jerk!"

"NO!" Claire screamed suddenly, looking right at John as she continued to yell, "I never did it!"

John smirked and crossed his arms over his chest smugly. Claire pursed her lips tightly, her eyes red rimmed from trying not to cry. Amelia abruptly stood up and walked the few steps towards the princess then she sat down beside the other girl, placing a hand on her shoulder and stunning the criminal stupid.

Allison suddenly leaned forward and looked at the other two girls with a sheepish smile, "I never did it either." She giggled abashedly when Claire turned her head to glare at her, "I'm not a nymphomaniac. I'm a compulsive liar."

"You are such a bitch!" Claire yelled furious at the dark-haired girl, her expression thunderous and her fists clenched tightly in her lap, "You did that on purpose just to fuck me over!"

Allison leaned back and shrugged, "I would do it though. If you love someone, it's okay."

"I can't believe you. You're so weird." Claire snapped, shaking her head and shrugging Amelia's hand from her shoulder as she sneered, "You don't say anything all day and then when you open your mouth, you unload all these tremendous lies all over me.'

"Oh get over yourself." Amelia muttered caustically, her momentary sympathy for the princess evaporating into thin air as if it had never existed, "The world doesn't revolve around you, princess. She never once lied about you."

"Yeah," Andy agreed instantly in Allison's defense, "You're just pissed off because she got you to admit something you didn't want to admit to."

Claire sneered at the jock and glared over at Amelia, "Oh yeah, then why didn't she bother you, huh? Why just me?"

Amelia shrugged indifferently and got up, returning to her original spot as she answered, "Maybe because, unlike you, I don't give a damn what people think about me being a virgin."

"You're lying." Claire retorted with a contemptuous look.

"Whatever you say, princess."

John eyed Amelia as she sat down between him and Allison, her arms crossed over her chest and an indifferent expression on her face. She glanced at him and her eyes narrowed, tilting her chin defiantly as if to dare him to say something about her virgin status. The criminal wisely decided to keep his mouth shut for once, not really willing to the volatile motorhead to far at the moment.

The redhead flushed angrily and looked away from the motorhead, "Whatever. But that doesn't make what that bitch did any less bizarre."

"What's bizarre?" Andy demanded with a glare then he shrugged almost helplessly, "I mean, we're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all."

"How are you bizarre?" Claire asked with a scowl.

Andy looked away, so Allison answered in a quiet voice, "He can't think for himself."

"She's right." The jock muttered with a small nod, "Do you guys know what, uh, what I did to get in here?"

When the others answered in the negative, Andy continued without making eye contact with any of them, an almost pained expression on his face.

"I taped Larry Lester's buns together."

Claire giggled slightly and bit her lip when Brian looked at the jock in disbelief.

"That was you?" The nerd asked weakly.

"Yeah." Andy replied quietly and he looked at Brian hesitantly, "You know him."

"Yeah," Brian whispered with a slow nod, "I know him."

Andy nodded and cleared his throat, "Then you know how hairy he is, right?"

John snickered quietly and Amelia punched him roughly in the thigh without looking away from Andy's remorseful face.

"Well, when they pull the tape off, most of his hair came off," Andy explained quietly, looking around at the others with a serious expression, "And some skin too."

"Oh my God." Claire murmured and she covered her mouth with a hand, feeling guilty for laughing earlier.

"The bizarre thing is," Andy continued as he looked at Allison, "Is that I did it for my old man." The jock looked down at his knees sadly, "I tortured this poor kid because I wanted him to think that I was cool. He's always going off about, you know, when he was in school. All the wild things he used to do. And I got the feeling that he was so disappointed that I never cut loose on anyone right?"

Andy shook his head and covered his eyes with his hand, "So, I'm sittin' in the locker room and I'm taping up my knee. And Larry's undressing a couple lockers down. And..." He swallowed thickly and took a shuddering breath as he dropped his hand from his face and into his lap, "And, he's kind of-kind of skinny. He's weak. And I started thinking about my father and his attitude about-about weakness. And the next thing I knew, I jumped on top of him and started wailing on him. And my friends, they just laughed and cheered me on."

"And afterwards, when I was sitting in Vernon's office, all I could think about was Larry's father and Larry having to go home and-and explain what happened to him." Andy's hands began to fidget in his lap as if he didn't know what to do with them, "And the humiliation, the fucking humiliation, he must have felt. It must have been unreal." He chuckled humorlessly and shook his head, tears gathering in his eyes as he glared at his upraised knee, "I mean, how do you apologize for something like that? There's no way. It's all because of me and my old man."

Amelia bit her lip and wrapped her arms around her stomach, hunching her shoulders slightly at the pained expression on the jock's face. John glanced at her and his eyes softened slightly at the sympathy he could see in her eyes as she looked at the jock. Without really thinking it through, he placed his hand on her thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze without looking at her. Amelia glanced down at John's hand on her thigh before resting her own on top of his, biting her lip when he turned his hand over and entangled their fingers.

"God, I fucking hate him." Andy murmured after a few moments of silence, his eyes red rimmed and glassy with tears, "He's like this-He's like this mindless machine that I can't relate to anymore. Andrew!" He barked loudly in an imitation of his father's voice, "You've got to be number one! I won't tolerate any losers in this family! Your intensity is for shit! Win! Win! Win!"

Amelia clenched her teeth when Andy practically began to sob as he continued to speak.

"You son of a bitch." The jock muttered then he shook his head and wiped at his eyes, "You know, sometimes I wish my knee would give then I wouldn't be able to wrestle anymore. Then he could just forget all about me."

John stared at the jock for several moments before quipping drily, "I think you're old man and my old man should get together and go bowling."

Andy chuckled quietly and smiled briefly at the criminal in gratitude. Beside him, Amelia gently squeezed John's hand, glancing at him from the corner of her eye.

"It's like me, you know, with my grades." Brian, who had been quiet throughout Andy's speech, spoke up softly, "Like when I-when I-" He stuttered and cleared his throat, looking at the ground, "When I step outside myself and like when I look in at myself you know? And I-and I see me. I don't like what I see. I really don't."

"What's wrong with you?" Claire asked gently, looking at the nerd with compassion in her eyes, "Why don't you like yourself?"

"Sounds stupid," Brian muttered without looking at any of them, "But I'm failing shop."

John tensed and glowered at the nerd while Amelia and the others stared Brian incredulously.

"We had this assignment, you know to make this, like ceramic elephant." Brian continued, gesturing with his hands as he spoke, "And we had eight weeks to do it. And then, you know, we're supposed to-It was like a lamp." He gestured towards his face, pantomiming a trunk, "And when, you know, when you pull it, the trunk, the light was supposed to go on. But my light didn't go on."

Amelia frowned in consternation, unsure if she should feel sympathetic since it was obvious that the nerd was upset by the whole thing, of if she should feel insulted because he apparently thought shop was going to easy.

"I got an 'F' on it." Brian commented blankly as if he still couldn't believe it, "I've never got an 'F' in my life."

John rolled his eyes, his grip on Amelia's hand unconsciously tightening as he glared at the nerd in irritation.

"When I signed up, you know, for the course, I mean I thought I was playing it real smart, you know, 'cause I thought, you know, I'll take shop." Brian continued with a helpless shrug, "It'll be such an easy way to maintain my grade point average."

"Why'd you think it be easy?" John suddenly demanded in a deceptively calm voice without looking at the nerd.

Brian looked at the criminal incredulously then looked down and said in a completely unthinking tone, "Have you seen some of the dopes that take shop?"

"Gee," Amelia drawled flatly, finally deciding to feel insulted, "Thanks, Brian, really."

"I take shop." John stated in a tone just as flat as Amelia's before commenting offhandedly, "You must be a fuckin' idiot."

"I'm a fuckin' idiot 'cause I can't make a lamp?" Brian demanded defensively with a scowl directed at the two troublemakers.

"No, you're a genius 'cause you can't make a lamp." The criminal retorted sarcastically, heavily rolling his eyes.

"What do you know about trigonometry?"

John sneered, "I could care less about trigonometry."

"Bender, did you know without trigonometry, there's be no engineering?" Brian asked like he was talking to a small child.

Amelia sighed and shook her head at the nerd as John's sneer widened.

"Without lamps, there'd be no light."

"Okay," Claire quickly cut in before things got any uglier and she looked at both boys sternly, "So neither one of you is any better than the other one."

"I can write with my toes." Allison commented randomly without looking at the others, who in turn stared at her strangely, but the comment successfully dissipated the tension in the air as she continued, "I can also eat, brush my teeth..."

"With your feet?" Claire asked in amazement.

"Play Heart and Soul on the piano." Allison finished smugly, grinning at the group.

"That's actually impressive." Amelia quipped wryly, smiling slightly when the dark-haired girl grinned at her.

"I can make spaghetti." Brian stated eagerly with a small smile.

Claire smiled sweetly at the nerd then nodded towards Andy, "What can you do?"

Andy shifted slightly in thought then he smirked at them, "I can, uh, tape all your buns together." He grinned as the others laughed then he looked at Amelia curiously, "What can you do, Amelia?"

The motorhead shrugged then she smiled and lifted her hips up, ignoring the curious looks from the others as she pulled her Zippo from her back pocket. Holding the closed lighter up for the other teens to see, she began twirling it around her fingers, flicking it open and lighting it after a few passes before she tossed it up slightly and caught it. The flame danced merrily from the wick and she smirked at the impressed looks the others were giving her.

"Where did you learn that?" Claire asked in amazement.

"My best friend Adam taught me." The motorhead said as she flicked the Zippo closed then tucked it back into her back pocket, "If I had a second one, I could show you this really amazing trick he taught me a few years ago."

John narrowed his eyes at her slightly, debating on asking her who Adam was before deciding against it and turning to look at Claire instead, "I wanna see what Claire can do."

The smile disappeared from Claire's face and she looked at the criminal in confusion, "I can't do anything."

"Now everybody can do something." John replied mockingly.

Claire frowned and looked at the ceiling thoughtfully then she smiled slightly, "There's one thing I can do." She bit her lip and shook her head bashfully, "No, forget it. It's way to embarrassing."

"You ever seen Wild Kingdom?" John asked drily and he waved his hand slightly, "I mean, that guy's been doing that show for thirty years."

"It can't be more embarrassing that that." Amelia added with a snicker.

"Okay," Claire replied with a lightly laugh then she looked at them seriously, "But you have to swear to God you won't laugh."

"Swear." Amelia drawled with a good natured eye roll while John scoffed and crossed himself sarcastically.

The five teens watched in anticipation as Claire reached into her purse and pulled out a tube of lipstick.

"Okay," The princess muttered with a disbelieving shake of her head as she uncapped the lipstick, "I can't believe I'm doing this..."

Amelia quirked a brow and watched in bemusement with the others as the redhead placed the tube of lipstick between her breasts before she leaned her head down, applying the makeup without touching it with her hands. She lifted her head and smiled shyly at the other teens, revealing the perfectly applied lipstick.

"Alright. That's great!" Andy cheered with a grin, "Where'd you learn to do that?"

Claire smiled as she put the lipstick away, "Camp. Seventh grade."

"Damn." Amelia snickered slightly, "Now I kinda wish I went to camp."

Claire smiled at the other girl, but the smile was soon wiped off her face when John began to clap slowly in a mocking fashion, a superior sneer on his face. Amelia turned her head and frowned at him, her lips pursed into a thin line when she saw the hard glint in his dark eyes.

"That was great, Claire." The criminal drawled sardonically as the redhead started to roughly wipe the lipstick from her mouth with her hand, "My image of you is totally blown."

"You're a shit!" Allison snapped at him furiously, "Don't do that to her. You swore to God you wouldn't laugh."

John turned to look at her scornfully, "Am I laughing?"

"You fuckin' prick!" Andy snarled, glaring at John, who looked way from a teary-eyed Claire to glare at him.

"Don't be an asshole, John." Amelia demanded softly, looking up at him imploringly but John ignored her as he continued to glare at the jock.

"What do you care what I think anyway?" The criminal asked harshly and Amelia clenched her fists in her lap, "I don't even count, right? I could disappear forever and it wouldn't make a difference."

Andy swallowed and looked way from John guiltily, but the criminal wasn't done and he roughly shrugged off the hand Amelia had placed on his shoulder. The motorhead recoiled slightly, hurt flashing across her face before it became an impassive mask and she leaned away from him, her arms folding defensively over her chest as John continued to rip into the jock.

"I may as well not even exist at this school, remember?" John asked scornfully then he looked at the red-eyed Claire with a sneer, "And you... don't even like me anyway."

Claire just stared at him with watery blue eyes, "You know, I have just as many feelings as you do and it hurts just as much when somebody steps all over them."

"God, you're so pathetic." John snapped furiously, "Don't you ever, ever compare yourself to me, okay? You got everything and I got shit." He gave an ugly sneer, "Fuckin' Rapunzel, right? School would probably shut down if you didn't show up. Queenie isn't here. I like those earrings, Claire."

"Shut up." The redhead whispered without looking up at him as tears gathered at the corner of her eyes.

"Are those real diamonds, Claire?" The criminal continued cruelly, while the others just watched helplessly.

"Shut up!"

"I bet they are. Did you work for the money for those earrings?"

Claire lifted her head and glowered at him furiously, "Shut your mouth!"

"Or did your daddy buy those for you?" John continued coldly, staring at the crying redhead dispassionately.

"Shut up!" Claire yelled again, her fists clenched tightly by her sides.

John ignored her, "I bet he bought those for you. I bet those were a Christmas gift, right?"

Claire looked away and wiped at the tears streaming down her cheeks furiously. Amelia clenched her teeth and didn't look at John as she spoke quietly.


John apparently didn't hear her as he continued, "You know what I got for Christmas this year? It was a banner fucking year at the old Bender family. I got a carton of cigarettes. The old man grabbed me and said 'Hey smoke up, Johnny.' Okay, so go home and cry to your daddy. Don't cry here, okay."

"Stop it, John." Amelia snarled loudly, twisting her upper body towards him before shoving his chest, "Can't you just stop?! She can be a bitch, but she's still a person and she doesn't deserve the shit your dumping on her! So just..." Her voice softened to a weary whisper as she leaned away from him, "Just stop...Please."

John stared at the motorhead in surprise, swallowing thickly when she refused to meet his gaze and instead her gaze remained on her knees.

"My God, are we gonna be like our parents?" Andy asked unexpectedly and the others glanced at him.

"Not me." Claire stated fiercely, looking John in the eye when he glanced at her and she shook her head slowly, "Ever."

John stared at her for a moment then inclined his head slightly before looking back at the silent motorhead beside him.

"It's unavoidable." Allison whispered in soft, sad voice, "It just happens."

"What happens?" The princess asked through her sniffles, turning her head to look at the quiet girl.

Allison looked at the redhead, her own brown eyes glittering with tears, "When you grow up, your heart dies."

"Who cares?" John snapped in agitation, briefly looking away from Amelia to glare slightly at the quiet girl.

"I care..." Allison whispered in reply with a watery smile.

Amelia took a quiet breath and looked up at John with a strangely vulnerable expression that caused a lump to form in his throat. She stared at him for a moment before looking at Allison with a small smile.

"I care too."

Author's Note: Gah, the feels in this chapter are gonna kill me! Okay, I know I said we'd find out about why Amelia was in detention in this chapter, but...I lied. Honestly, I thought we'd get around to it, but then that little 'I care too' part happened and I just couldn't help but think that was a perfect ending to the chapter. It's like Amelia's coming out of her shell and her sweeter, more vulnerable side is showing. On a side note, I totally got inspiration for Amelia's talent after watching a video of Zippo lighter tricks, which I totally recommend checking out. Some of the tricks were insane! Look up 'Insane Zippo lighter tricks' on youtube and it should be the first video that comes up. Seriously, it's amazing and totally worth watching. Anyhooties, I hope y'all liked this chapter and that no one was OOC!

Special THANKS to everyone that faved and/or alerted! You guys are freaking awesome-sauce!


Mira SeverusSirius Black-Snape: Thanks, I'm glad you liked the last chapter. Honestly, I'm working really hard on the next chapter of Open Your Mind but trying to work Xia into the episode The Avatar and the Fire Lord is the biggest pain in the ass ever, just writing the damn episode out hurts my head. It's all flashbacks and Spirit World scenes and a bunch of other confusing crap. I really, really am trying, but it's a bit of a struggle so I'm trying not to force it too much by working on other things when I need to take a break.

AvidMovieFan16: Thanks, I'm glad you liked the last two chapters! I hope you like this one too!

Lilnightmare17: Thanks, I hope you like this chapter!

InTheWrongEra: I'll have to check it out sometime. I actually have a pretty decent concept of the 'Good Girl' character, she'll probably be the kind of good girl that's really innocent, but not naïve or only a little naïve, something like that. She's still in the beginning stages, so I haven't decided just yet. If I do write another Bender/OC story, I'll have to think of a witty title, ugh. Anyhooties, I hope you like this chapter!

ElektraMackenzie: Haha, she's a pretty awesome character, I'd want to be friends with a person like her too. Anyhooties, I hope you like this chapter!

TheGrandDisciple: Thanks, I'm glad you like the last chapter! Sadly, we only learned a little bit more about Amelia in this chapter, but hopefully we'll learn more in the next one. Anyhooties, I hope you like this chapter!

Molly Grace 16: Thanks, I'm glad you liked the last chapter! Haha, I like making my characters and their love interests jealous over each other like that, it makes me laugh. Ah, yes, I have a feeling if I did do a 'good girl' Bender/OC story, it could either be one of the most brilliant things I've written or one of the worst. Finding a way to make the OC innocent, sweet, and basically everything Bender is not without making her into someone that Bender would never even take an interest in is gonna be a pain, I just know it. But, on a plus note I already had a good, and pretty funny, idea on how she ended up in detention and it involves frogs. Hmm, Mary would be a good name, especially for comedic purposes, I'll look up some others too, but I like Mary. Anyhooties, I hope you like this chapter!

VampWolf92: Thanks! I hope you like this chapter!