A/N: Well, there's not much I can say for how sorry I am that I haven't updated in... half a year. So, I'll just get right to the point:

Not only did I lose some steam for the story (bound to happen for all the longer stories sometimes, I'm sure you've all experienced it), I also was starting to lose track of where I was going with it. As well, I was starting to feel like the identity of the characters was disappearing and deviating too far from where it all started: the show itself. Had the personalities been altered too much where they're considered unrecognizable as the character I intended, the story would have collapsed on itself. I felt I was losing sight of what I had created, in a sense, and I needed to think, deeply, about it to get back on track. This story wasn't dead, that much I knew. I would have told you all had I cancelled it.

So yeah, that's basically what happened. While writing other material tonight, inspiration hit me like a brick to the head and I had to write everything down. Lo and behold, I think this chapter works! You'll tell me what you think.

I hope you enjoy it and hopefully I can get things back on track gain.


Chapter 20: Royal Incarceration

Luna was troubled, that much was certain. Although, she would be more apt to use the word "pissed off beyond all recognition" instead of "troubled." This is why she decided to walk to the hotel where the general meeting was being held. The Lunar Princess reverted her ethereal hair to its lifeless state, letting it gently bounce and sway to the natural wind and her movements, thus diverting unwanted attention away from her... As much attention as a fully uniformed officer of the military could not attract.

Jet black coat and service cap both bearing a medal of Equestria's "Sun and Moon" emblem as well as her shiny Lieutenant Colonel insignia, black slacks and leather ceremonial boots with half-inch support-heels, belt tying her coat at the waist to fit her slim form, and pistol holstered in reverse to her left love-handle. This is what the citizens of Las Pegasus would see strolling down the sidewalk. Many offered a friendly glance while others looked intimidated. Police officers saluted her, which Luna stoically returned. The look of pure determination on her face ensured that no one stopped her. As much as Luna started to enjoy being friendly and 'loosened up', she had a personal mission to resolve. Princess Luna soon felt a familiar sensation of a mental connection being initiated.

Hey Luna...

Shove it, Celestia I'm not in the mood for your shit right now!


I'm sorry, sister. Today started off so well and quickly became terrible.

It's fine, and I know... I was forwarded a copy of the letter. I just want to tell you to not do anything stupid. Checks and Balances are in effect for a reason. Feel free to negotiate but honestly, as much as I hate to say it, the Army has every right to temporarily requisition Helmuth.


You of all should know the regulations between the armed branches. While this is most unfortunate I can only advise you to not lose your temper over something that is very much legal, even if it hurts you. I've seen what happens when you let your emotions cloud your judgement. This is a very close friend, one whom you legitimately love, but DO. NOT. GET. STUPID.

The connection abruptly ended.

Luna was a bit stunned by how serious Celestia sounded but nevertheless, continued onward. However… Luna couldn't shake the feeling of unease within her.

What was she getting into…?

She had little time to ponder these thoughts as she mindlessly walked into the entrance of the hotel, not even returning the salutes of the two guards. Getting into the elevator, Luna adjusted her cap once more and waited patiently as the device ascended to the top floor. She caught eye of herself in the mirror lining the sides and decided to face it in full. With a stoic face, she examined herself. Staring back at her was the militaristic figure that she had been so accustomed to seeing even before she was banished to the moon. Honestly, at the particular moment, it felt like the last three quarters of a year of 'rehabilitation' hadn't even happened.

Though it really wasn't like she couldn't go for a gin and tonic right now as well as hanging out with the girls; But, someone very important to her was, in her mind, being ripped from her and that had to be addressed.

The elevator doors opened and revealed the floor to the Night Princess. Blinking a few times and looking right to left, Luna exited and began searching… searching for a specific someone: Marshal Contrail. Her mind was one-track at the moment, even forcing other officer's hands away from her when they tried to shake her hand and completely ignoring salutes.

Then she found him.

"Marshal Contrail."

The military leader stiffened up at the calling of his name and turned from his group conversation. The man was middle-aged, streaks of grey lining his once dark-green hair. He was about eye-level with the Princess.

"Ah, Princess Luna. To what do I owe the pleasure of a personal audience?" he asked like nothing was wrong. Technically there wasn't. Luna looked composed on the outside, but the sight of this one individual was making her blood boil to record levels. He was clenching and unclenching one of her fists behind her back.

"Cut thy innocent tone, you shithead," Luna spoke harshly, garnering the stoppage of all other conversations around them. In her anger, she even let some of her old language escape, not that she particularly cared at the moment. Contrail seemed un-phased.

"Ahem… is there a problem, Lieutenant Colonel?" he addressed her by rank rather than regal title.

"You know damn well what the problem is! Is this some sort of retribution for something I have no knowledge of? How dare you strip Helmuth of my command!"

"This is the fuss? Honestly, I didn't expect one such as you to make such an enormous deal out of such trivialities. Guards have been reassigned to different branches for eons, this is no different. Now, let us begin this meeting shall we?" Contrail dismissed her while turning away and beckoning the others. At that moment, Luna turned him around and planted her right fist into his face, completely knocking him off his feet. Everyone in the room immediately cleared a fifteen feet diameter circle around the two. Luna, however, was beyond the point of fuming. Having been completely dismissed like that did it. She hadn't felt this angry in so long…

"YOU DARE STRIP MY FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT FRIEND FROM ME?!" Luna yelled to the downed and bleeding Marshal, who was getting back to his feet. He wiped his busted lip and looked at the Princess with a death-glare.

"Striking a superior officer is grounds for immediate court-martial," he spat out.

"Oh? And just what do you suppose you'll do? Court-martial your Princess?" Luna asked tauntingly, yet still completely livid. Her eyes began glowing subtly in her aura.

"By your orders, you are not a Princess in this setting. You are an officer of the Equestrian Military and we were to treat you as such. Thus, I outrank you and I am ordering you to shut your mouth this instant, Lieutenant Colonel!"

Luna decided not to think on her last words.

"Fuck. You."

Marshal Contrail then gave a hand signal to someone behind Luna. Before she could react she felt two magic cuffs instantly bind her hands together. Her blood drained from her face as her magic ability died completely.

"By Equestrian Military Law, you are under arrest for assaulting a superior officer. You will be held at the nearest military base and you will be read your rights. You are to be tried by court-martial where you will most likely be stripped of your rank completely and dismissed from Military Service via dishonorable discharge," Contrail spoke almost robotically. The slightest bit of struggle that Luna hinted and several other military police were next to her.

There wouldn't be a repeat of the Nightmare Moon incident. As well, she did commit a crime. Realization dawned upon her and as her anger gave way into fear, only then did she realize Celestia's warning. A mindchat was opened:

Luna… you're a goddamned idiot.

And it abruptly ceased. Contrail slowly walked up to the restrained Princess, lip still bleeding nicely and stared into her eyes.

"When I had heard, way back when, that Princess Celestia was sending you to Ponyville to be 'reformed,' I knew it was a bad idea. Your return to military service was inevitable. We needed someone with your skills and mindset. Yet now, it's all been convoluted," he spoke. Luna remained silent as she panted.

"Really, Princess, I expected better of you. We all did." He then motioned to the MPs.

"Take her away to Las Pegasus Military Installation."

Nodding, the soldiers reluctantly and forcefully dragged their Princess of the Night away. It wasn't like Luna couldn't have fought though… she could have easily incapacitated the MPs without her magic. It would have been pointless though. She let her anger and emotions get the better of her and ultimately cloud her judgment.

She had promised herself when she returned that she would never let such a thing happen again… even with her 'rehabilitation.'

This vacation quickly became one of the worst times for her.

Several hours passed, and Helm concluded his study session with Twilight. He was pretty sure that neither of them really concentrated on the 'studying' portion, but rather were just enjoying the physical contact. It was time, however, to get ready for the final outing with the final girl: Dinner with Rarity, followed by a time of dancing at a Swing Club. It would be a memorable night indeed!

Twilight gladly helped the soldier get ready for his big night. A suit happened to be ready for him and a few other… personal touches crafted by Rarity herself. Such effects included a teal-blue handkerchief or carnation (his choice), a pure white dress shirt, metallic-teal tie, and of course, jet black slacks and suit-coat with subtle patterns. Twilight had to admit, Rarity outdid herself once more. Whether the fashionista had her own bias as opposed to Helm's preferences (or a combination of the two) was still a mystery.

After leaving the Lunar Guard to shower and dress himself, Twilight opted to dress back in her sleep wear, not wanting to shower just yet. This consisted of just a loose white short-sleeved shirt and sweat pants. Nothing eye-openeing, really. Soon enough, Helm exited the bathroom finally, clad in his new ensemble.

Twilight wished it would have been socially appropriate to lick her lips.

"Wow! You clean up… heh… nicely!" she struggled to find the words through the heat rising in her face. Helmuth did look rather dashing: hair parted just the way he liked it, suit fitted to perfection, and just a pinch of cologne.

"Really? Well… thank you Twi," he somewhat shyly replied.

The two awkwardly stared and diverted their gazes from each other for a few seconds before Helm decided to go to the kitchen for some water.

"Hey Twi?"


"When was I supposed to meet Rarity?"

Twilight rolled her eyes and facepalmed.

"This is your date and you're asking me when you're meeting your date?" she asked incredulously. Helm couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.

"Yeah, I am actually," the Guard replied sarcastically.

"In about an hour and a half down at, whatever that restaurant was called. Nevertheless it's about a half an hour walk from here."

"Well I may go early anyways. Would be nice to survey the place," he thought out loud.

"Your call. Just make sure you—"

The front door burst open, revealing a panting Applejack. She looked frantic.

"AJ?! What's wrong? What happened?" Twilight asked. Helm joined her side instantly.

"P-Princ-Princess Luna!" she finally spoke through her labored and fast breathing.

"What about her? Spill it!" Helm urgently asked.

"She's been arrested!"

Silence. Immediate silence.

"Ummm…." Helm and Twilight spoke at the same time, not sure what to think of that statement.

"I'm not jokin'! There were Military Police and everything! We ran back as soon as we—" as soon as AJ said "Military Police," Helm was out the door sprinting to the elevator. He knew where to go and he had to get there quickly. The Lunar Guard's sudden departure left the two girls stunned, but something brought the Librarian out of her stupor: a folded letter, on nice stationery, lying on the ground. She picked it up out of curiosity and skimmed the letter, eyes widening and mouth slightly dropping after each sentence.

"Twilight… what is it?"

"I think I know why Luna may have run into some trouble with the Military… just a hunch really," Twilight answered as she handed the letter to the farmer, who read quickly and just sighed in sadness for their mutual friend.

"Should we follow him?"

"Not yet… we gotta tell the others right now! I'll write a letter to Celestia just in case she doesn't know, telling her that we're aware of what's happened. Let's go!"

Twilight threw some clothes on and messed with her hair a bit, not paying too much mind to it as she wrote a letter and sent it via magic. Soon the girls were out the door, the letter in question sitting lifeless on the counter.

A/N: I certainly look forward to hearing from you guys and gals once more... if you're all even still following this story haha, I completely understand if you aren't.

Either way, we'll see what happens. Thanks again! And once more, I apologize profusely :)