Disclaimer: I don't own DP or JY. They are awesome though, so I will spend some of my time to worship them in a fanfiction.

Note: This happens in season 2 of JY and some anything that happened in or after TUE didn't happen.

Prologue: A meaningless victory.

He couldn't know. He just couldn't. The present he lived in, it was inhospitable. He thought it all had started with the death of Flash. So he took a time machine, ready for a one way trip to the past. To our present.

Bart was not worried about the things he left behind, for there was nothing worth going back to in the year 2056.

Then, he did it; Bart Allen, grandson of 'The Flash', he had prevented the death of his grandfather. The cause he and his friend Nathaniel Tyron had thought that triggered the apocalyptic event that had destroyed almost everything on Earth. The speedster was all that was left from superheroes, the disaster whipped the others along all of the world's of hope and happiness, even before he was born. All that was left by the time Bart had been born were the tales his mother would tell him before sleep, that is until she no longer woke up.

Slavery had taken its toll on the weakened humanity, the aliens destroying any hope of reconstruction of their civilization.

There were no records of what had happened to make Earth as it was, or what exactly was that apocalyptic event that shook the world to it's core. The Reach had made sure to destroy the historical information along with most of the others, letting men without books about their origins, their culture, their believes… It wouldn't be long with passing things by mouth to mouth that a live without slavery existed would be known to any men.

But there was something that passed down; a hope that existed on the past in which they were protected by beings akin to gods. Superheroes hat helped to keep this world safe from evil. In times of great crises men would look at the sky and pray, the gods in the sky made them feel safe. But now... nobody believe in gods anymore.

Barry, who had been one of the few lucky enough to know love as he grew up, was hurt deeper than most when he saw a world crumbled in sorrow.

A part of the flash's grandson felt responsible to take the mantle his grandfather had left him -his powers. He felt that he needed to do something; that only he could actually do something, since he was the last human in existence with the power to do something to change the events that unfold. He needed to change the past, and prevent the doom that fell upon the world.

For that, he needed every bit of knowledge he did about the past. He would need to travel and prevent others for knowing the horrors of the future.

He would hide his past and his sorrow, by acting happy and hiding his true personality.

For he needed to lie to be trusted, and he needed to be trusted to save them, the heroes of the past.

And more importantly he had to succeed on his mission so he could save himself.

And so, as Barry left to change the past; he hopped into a time machine that would be his one-way ticket, and said goodbye to the sole friend he had in this world. A friend he would also have to help by curing him before he was transformed in a monster, condemned to a life of regret by the actions he had commited under the control of the aliens.

He would succeed, Bart convinced himself as he went.

However, the friend he had left behind knew he would fail. Because, after Bart had left him alone in the debris he could see the changes Bart's interference had brought, and they were only skin deep. Literally. So, as Nathaniel looked at the world around him he cried. Nothing had changed but the scars on his flesh; the world around was just as doomed.

Now in despair, falling on his knees, on top the ruins of some construction, that had long since become rocks under his knees, he cried bitterly.

All hope was lost.

Nothing could change the future.

And now that Bart had gone away, he knew that he will be alone forever.


AN: Hi there folks! I have decided to rise the number of DP fanfics in this page. Why? You might ask, well, it's because Danny Phantom is way cooler than "My Little Ponny" and I can't stand the thought of it being bellow it in number of Xovers.

So, I decided to write this piece of work because of my love for those series. For the ones who know me around here –meaning none of you, since I never do anything other than ½ Prince or LSK fanifcs—know that I'm currently working on another project that is currently my top priority.

I will upload this depending on the number of reviews. Meaning, I might make longer chapters, or publish them sooner if you take the time to make me know that you are there.

On another note I'm looking for a beta for this story. You see, the truth is that I'm not 100% confident on my portrayal of the characters of JY, and I want to keep everyone as IC as possible. So let me know if any of you are up for it… also someone who can pinpoint gammar mistakes would be greatly appreciated.

Read and review. I shall come back with a chapter more DP centric this time.