
Hey guys... Sooooo l-long time no see. I'm so sorry for not uploading anything :( I know I'm a failure but for some reason I can't seem to write this next chapter. Every time I would sit down at my computer, or a piece of paper, I just couldn't seem to write anything interesting :( I have all the ideas in my head but they just won't come out on to the paper for some reason grrrrrrrrr. I think it might have something to do with the upcoming chapter being a huge battle scene... And apparently I can't do battle scenes very well. :(

Hopefully though I should get the chapter out soon because a friend of mine has agreed to help me write it but I'm not sure how long it will take :S I'm going to write down all of my ideas randomly on a page and she's going to help me organise into something that resembles a chapter of this story :) after that I should be able to begin writing again because the chapter after this one is very exciting (for me anyways xD) and I can't wait to write it!

In the meanwhile I will be posting a one shot of nalu sometime so keep open an eye for that :D oh and to keep you entertained please go ahead and throw whatever you want at me. *hides behind a door* I-I'm r-ready.

Lucy: wow you're such a failure!

Celeste: I know..w

Natsu: I bet I coulda done this in a week! Ent that right happy!

Happy: Aye!

Celeste: I know...

Levy: as a fellow bookworm I am thoroughly disappointed in you!

Celeste: another thing I know...

Erza: alright everyone I believe its time to commence the tomato throwing!

Celeste: *in fits of tears* w-well I deserve it D':

Lucy: well leave a review to throw a tomato at Celeste for leaving the chapter update too late!