Her Recovery, His Salvation



"What are we going to do with him?" Naruto asked the Kages, tired and nearly beaten he stared firmly at the lone Uchiha who was sitting in the center of the Godaime Hokage's office... Well, what was left of it. Naruto's piercing blue eyes wavered slightly as he looked at Sakura.

She looked like death on legs, her hair was matted with dry, caked blood, her clothes were torn, her chuunin vest was open and every breath she took was ragged and shuddered. While they were all fighting for their lives; she was fighting to keep everyone else alive. She hadn't said a word since they all came back to a crumbled Konoha, Sasuke dead tired and hanging off of Naruto's arm. The rebuilding for Konoha was already starting to commence, but the casualties were far worse than any broken bone, or torn building.

"Uchiha Sasuke," Tsunade said, her voice strained and slurred. "do you have any idea of what you've done?" Her voice had drawn hoarse by the end of her sentence. Like everyone else, she was tired, but she had a village to rebuild and a bunch of people that depended on her to be strong.


Both Sakura and Naruto flinched at the sound of his voice. It was practically dead, just like his eyes.

"Do you, really?" She asked, the stress was catching up to her. She had to blink her eyes a few times and ignore the urge to go through one of her drawers and hunt for a bottle of sake. She needed it desperately.

There was a definite pause. "Yes, I know what my betrayal has cost. But I don't regret it." Sasuke said finally, staring an unfaltering gaze at everyone in the torn room.

"You insolent-" The Mizukage shouted in outrage, ready to blow a fuse and possibly permanently do some damage to the emotionless Sasuke.

Tsunade held up her hand, immediately silencing the Kage. "That's enough," she said, her eyes never wavering from Sasuke's hunched body. "continue, Uchiha."

Sasuke stared straight at the Hokage, his eyes practically turning to steal. "I did what I thought was best for the honor of my clan... At the time, at least." He said, looking down. "Though I do not regret my choice of actions, I do regret the way I had acted upon them. It was rash, I admit, but I did what I had to. Danzo ordered my clans elimination, taking away the only family I had left, making me believe that everything was because of my brother. When it was the elders' and Danzo's decision... They deserved what they got." He stated darkly, his Sharingan flashing slightly at the thought of those traitorous people.

Tsunade nodded her head and laced her fingers. "And what of your alliance with Madara and the destruction of Konoha?"

Sasuke sighed. "As for Madara; he led me to believe that it was all Konoha's fault... And I believed him. He manipulated me while my emotions were at their weakest, and due to my state of distress I relied on his word and blamed Konoha for everything... As much as I hate to admit it, my actions were brash and unprecedented. I know I have no right to ask for forgiveness-"

"Damn straight!" The Mizukage whispered resolutely as he slammed his fist against his knee.

"What do you suppose we do now?" The Hokage cocked her head at Sasuke, completely ignoring the Mizukage altogether.

He shrugged and sat back confidently in his chair that was placed in the center of the room. "Whatever you see fit."

She narrowed her eyes at the stupid boy. "So, if we were to set up your execution, there would be no complaints?"

He shook his head in obvious compliance.

Naruto lunged. "You jerk!" The blond shouted, toppling both of them to the floor.

Sasuke's bonds were making it difficult for him to move or to push back the temperamental blond that was now clenching his collar between his hands and holding him a hairsbreadth away.

"Naruto!" Tsunade shouted, rising herself from her chair, slamming her hands on what was left of her desk. "Control yourself!" She nodded her head towards a few ANBU that were standing guard. They immediately jumped to attention and ran up to the two males, pulling them apart and apprehending Naruto so he wouldn't do anymore damage.

She sighed and shook her head. "Naruto, I said that you could stay here if you promised to keep quiet and let me do my job! Which right now, you aren't letting me do." She chastised, stopping to rub her temples in exhaustion, after another moment she shook her head and looked up, addressing Sasuke once again. "Though you have done so much that deserves your death. Having betrayed your village and served the enemy, not only that, you joined one of the Nation's most hated groups, and then plotted against Konoha to destroy it, nearly killing everyone..."

There was an audible inhale.

She sighed and shook her head. "You are hereby sentenced to one year of solitary confinement, and then after three years probation with your shinobi status stripped until I see fit." She took a gavel and slammed it against the desk. Sakura remained silent, staring down at the floor, while Naruto's jaw dropped to the ground.

Sasuke couldn't help but let his indifferent gaze falter as Tsunade made her decision final. He thought for sure he would be killed on spot, but she had proved him wrong. "May I ask, why?"

She nodded her head once. "You may have done some stupid things Uchiha, and if Danzo and the Council were still here, the outcome of this situation would be a lot different, but they aren't, thanks to you," she pointedly narrowed her eyes at him. "but you had, and have a justifiable reason. Even though you didn't perform them in the right way, but you also helped to kill our enemies and you made a bad situation good." She smirked. "I believe you've suffered enough and leaving you to the citizens is a more befitting punishment. Really, what would you learn if we just killed you?" She shrugged with a small chuckle.

Sasuke still couldn't believe it.

"For the next year, as I said, you will be in solitary confinement, with Sakura being your medic-nin for the duration of time that she is needed. She'll be giving you weekly psychological evaluations and regulatory physicals." She stated, her eyes landing on the rosette haired girl, before turning back to Sasuke. "I've done my business, now the three of you leave, the Kages and I have a lot more things to discuss." She waved her hand in motion for them to leave. "Oh," she spoke. "Sakura, please take care of healing the Uchiha tonight, I know you have a lot of things to cover at the hospital, but I don't want the Uchiha to deal with an infection on top of everything else."

Sakura nodded and then bowed in respect before disappearing in a cloud of smoke, leaving Naruto and the ANBU guards to escort Sasuke out.

The Raikage sighed and shook his head. "I still think we're going too easy on him."

"But eventually he could be a really good asset for all of us. Like I said, he wouldn't learn anything from his actions if we just put him to death." She shrugged. "Now, on to more pressing matters, we're going to be needing some assistance in the reconstruction of Konoha, will you be courteous enough to lend us some of your people?"

"I can't believe they let you off so easily." Naruto shouted in excitement as he followed Sasuke and the silent guards to the hidden prison in the forest of death.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, not bothering to respond to any of Naruto's rambling.

"Just wait, in a year, we can go out and have ramen again. By then, I would have made sure Ichiraku was back in business, so you don't have to worry about not having any ramen." The blond grinned at Sasuke's obvious twitch of displeasure, but knew he wasn't going to get any other reaction. He was just glad to have his best friend back.

Sasuke couldn't help but to scoff inwardly. Of course, the only thing Naruto's worried about is there not going to be any ramen.

They were at the entrance of the hidden prison and they all stopped, the ANBU turning to Naruto. "This is the end of the line Uzumaki-san, say your farewells to Uchiha." They directed, pushing Sasuke forward, rather roughly. Sasuke couldn't hold in the death glare as he turned to scowl at the ANBU guards.

Naruto sighed and crossed his arms behind his head. "Be good, Teme."

Sasuke grunted, looking away.

"Don't make her cry." Was Naruto's next words, before disappearing in a swarm of leaves.

Sasuke sucked his teeth, glaring at the spot Naruto just stood. What did he care if he made 'her' cry? Obviously he knew Naruto was talking about Sakura. She didn't matter to him, however. If Naruto had warned him about her emotions, then he knew she hadn't changed, and neither had her feelings.

"Come on, Uchiha." One ANBU said, taking Sasuke's elbow and shoving him into the entrance.

His cell was small and bare, just the way he liked it. There were no windows and the door was summoned by chakra so when the guards exited, the seems disappeared and there was nothing left but wall. He settled down in his makeshift cot, deciding that he'd much rather die than be stuck in the situation he was in. He raised his wrists, spotting the obvious marks of chakra bonds on each of his wrists, and he knew that all his chakra reserves were closed off and sealed until they saw it fit to return them.

He guessed it was probably close to midnight by the time Sakura arrived, newly showered and dressed. She was out of her chuunin outfit and in a red and white shirt with a dark skirt, her hair was down, but she wore her shinobi boots and elbow guards. She hadn't even said a word to him, just knelt down by his side and proceeded to heal the damage that was done to his body during all the years he had been gone and more.

But he wasn't going to let it be that easy for her to approach him. He very nearly bared his teeth at her like a dog, but without the over expression. He just glared at her, hoping it would scare her away from touching him. It always worked in the past.

She just rolled her eyes. "You didn't think that would actually work, did you? Down boy." The question was rhetorical, considering her hands were already alighted with healing chakra and his muscles were literally reduced to goo, a relaxation he hadn't felt in years overtaking him. Though, he wasn't too keen with the deadpanned jab she threw at him.

It had been fifteen minutes before she finally spoke again. "Where do you hurt the most?" Surprisingly, her voice didn't sound as harsh as it had before, but he supposed it was because she was probably just as tired as he was, really just wanting to get out of there. She had asked him, knowing exactly all that was wrong with him, but didn't want to waste her chakra on healing him all at once, just wanting to focus on the more serious wounds.

He grunted from where he lay, on his back, which he considered to be a very compromising position. He wasn't an animal, and he bared himself in front of no one. But she had pushed a point in his shoulder that made his bones quake and his nerves skyrocket into intense pressure that he had relented and told her exactly what she wanted and needed to hear. "My eyes." He continued to glower, knowing that she wouldn't have even been able to touch a hair on his head if he wasn't ordered by law and bound up so tight it was impossible to even turn his head, let alone stop her from touching him.

He grunted loudly when she had reset his shoulder, his fingers twitching to strangle her for even daring to touch him so carelessly, but then the feeling was soon replaced by soothing chakra and the pain was taken away just as fast. He knew she had used a lot more force than was necessary and wondered distinctly if she was some kind of sadist, because that hurt like hell, and he had a high tolerance for pain.

"Sorry." She muttered, not in the least bit sounding genuinely apologetic, her fingers rubbing deeply into his skin to massage the pain away with soothing chakra.

"Hn." He was thankful she didn't find the need to talk to him; he didn't feel like talking. He'd much rather sit in solitary confinement than have to be subjected to the life of Konoha, or what had used to be his past. He was so used to being a rogue and alone, and all the anger he held for his brother and Konoha, along with Madara was nearly suffocating, because he was so mad.


He shifted his eyes from above to look into pure liquid green eyes.

She kept her mouth shut for only a minute before she narrowed her eyes into slits and nearly spat. "I hope you rot!" And with that, she slammed a chakra infused palm into the wall and was gone in the next few seconds.

All he could do was stare at the space she had once been, not able to contain the shock he felt at hearing her words. He exhaled loudly, turning his sight back to where it once had been. Seemed like he had a lot of work on his hands before he was going to be fully welcomed back to Konoha...

Not that he cared.

A/N: Yes, before you bite my head off... I am starting a knew story, this has been in my files for ages. Don't worry, it won't be long, but I've been wanting to do a story like this for a while, even if there is thousands out there just like it. Anyway, for all the other stories you're reading of mine, sorry it's taking forever for an update. I fried my computer and had to wait for a new one. Which is the one I'm on now. Say hello! :D Anyway, please give me a review and tell me what you think, give me some ideas and critique. Flames are welcome.

And disclaimer is as states: I do not own Naruto, nor ever will.
