I do NOT own OHSHC But I soooo wish I did. Maybe I'll get it for my birthday?! Unlikely... Anywho, rated T for safety... not really sure why, but it is. This IS a Tamaki/OC story, and I'm proud of it. The later chapters will be much longer if I can help it. ENJOY!

Chapter one: Not just twins…

A red head strolled through the halls of Ouran High School with only one thought in mind; where is the Third Music Room? The person hand their hands in their pockets and finally stopped to ask directions. Just as the person was going to stop someone to ask about directions, they felt two arms slink around her shoulders. The person grinned.

"Just who I was looking for." The red head said.

"Aw, Kaouru, Yuki was looking for us!" one of the arm's owners said.

"Yeah, Hikaru, how touching." The other one said.

Yuki turned out of the other red heads' grips. By looking at all three of them, you could tell they were triplets. No 'if's 'and's or but's about it; there were no differences between the three. Minus the way they parted their hair. One parted their hair to the left, another to the right, and the third had a brown hat on.

"So has anyone seen you yet?" Kaouru asked Yuki.

Yuki smiled mischievously. "Not a chance. I stayed out of everyone's way just as you told me. I couldn't wait to trick people!"

The three red heads shared identical smirks and walked off to a nearby room.

"Ok, first off, you need the uniform. You've spent too much time in France, so we will have to do something about your hair or else people won't believe that you are a boy. Even though you're not. Sit, sit, sit!" Hikaru pushed Yuki into a barber's chair and the two boys began their work on their sister.

After about twenty minutes, the girl was finished. Her hair was the same length as the boys, she had the boys uniform on, and was finishing up tying her tie. She grinned as she looked at the three's reflection.

"Does the boss know about her yet, Hikaru?" Kaouru asked.

"Doubt it. If anyone does, it'll be the shadow king. Now, do you remember everything we told you, and the pictures with the names are fresh on your brain, right?" Hikaru asked.

Yuki grinned. "The tall blonde with blue-ish purple eyes is Tamaki Suouh, a.k.a. the king of the host club. The small blonde with the bunny is Honey and the tall one who is always quiet is Mori. Duh I already knew them… the one with glasses is Kyoya, and the one with short brown hair and contacts is actually a girl name Haruhi. Did I get them all right?"

The boys smiled proudly. "We are so going to have fun with this." The one on the right said.

"Let's do this!" all three said as one. laughter echoed down the halls as they walked off to the 3rd music room.

(Change of perspective, Yuki's P.O.V.)

When we got in the clubroom, I was overwhelmed to say the least. Why, because there were a lot of squealing bananas! Ok, ok, they were girls in the girl uniform, but it's the same thing! Anyway, my brothers and I snuck into the changing room where Kaouru hid until our plan was at its prime.

What's our plan? We're going to—aw but why am I telling you? You will have to find out like the rest of them. Wanna know a fun fact? The only thing in my personality that is the same as the boys is the fact that we are completely cunning and pranksterish. The rest… well I'm not really good at describing myself, so maybe you'll find out as we go along.

Kaouru looked over me and Hikaru to make sure that we were fine. He gave us the thumbs up and together Hikaru and I walked into the main room. That was when I realized something; I didn't know what the boys' act was! I didn't know how I was supposed to be around the girls or anything. This was part of their scheme to get back at me for something I did, I bet!

I looked at Hikaru to see if he was going to give me any clue… he was… how do I put this… trying to hit on me? My eyes widened before I realized what their act was; bromance. I almost had a heart attack. I backed away and pretended to need to go to the bathroom.

"I'll be right back, Hikaru. I have to use the bathroom…" I said as I walked back to the dressing room to yell at a certain brother of mine.

"But, Kaouru! Come back, I didn't hurt your feelings did I?" I heard Hikaru call after me. I scowled at whatever I passed.

After hiding in the dressing rooms and Kaouru taking his 'rightful' place for about an hour, I finally heard someone say it was time for the club to be over. I took this time to escape. Looking back on what happened next, I wish I could have stopped myself…

"Hitachiin!" a voice called me. I turned in time to see a taller blonde boy coming over to me. This had to be Tamaki…

"Yeah, boss?" I asked, imitating my brothers.

"What was that earlier? Are you ok? You weren't acting like yourself…" Tamaki looked genuinely concerned.

I smiled because of his affection towards my brother, who he thought I was. "Yeah, I'm fine… just had to use the bathroom." I lied.

"Oh… well, ok see you tomorrow then!" he called as he walked over to, I assume, Haruhi.

As I was reaching for the doorknob, I realized something. I sensed two presences behind me. I knew they were up to something! Before I could run away, they both grabbed my arms and swung me around. When my sight went back into focus, I saw that everyone occupying the host club room, was looking right at me. I scowled at the two boys that held me captive.

"Yo, boss! We want you to meet someone!" the boys called to Tamaki. Said blonde looked so surprised I was surprised his eyes didn't fall out of his head.

"Wait… so you're not… one of the twins?" he asked me quietly.

"Me? A twin? Never. Nah, I'm a triplet! Nice to meet you all, I'm Yuki Hitachiin." I waved best I could with my still trapped arm.

Haruhi looked me up and down, I squirmed under her gaze. "You're a girl… aren't you." She stated more than asked.

The boys' smiles faded. "How did you find out?" they asked in unison.

"It's fine boys, it takes one to know one." I winked at Haruhi.

She smiled at me, then frowned. "Wait… if you're their twin…"

I laughed at her thought. "Oh don't worry. The only thing I ever actually get in trouble with them for is… well, it wouldn't be fun to tell you."

At this point, I think the boys were having way too much fun. They sat me down in a chair faster than I could blink and sat on either sides of me.

"Wow. You and Kau-chan and Hika-chan look exactly alike!" the little blind, Honey, said.

I grinned evilly. "How else would we do things?" then a thought struck me. "Oh gosh, not like that! I didn't mean it that way!" the boys were cracking up at my frustration and I took this time to put my arms around my knees and a dark cloud hung over my head. This only encouraged the boys. But that wasn't all, I heard other people laugh. I glanced up and glared at everyone. The blonde with the pretty eyes was just staring at me, the boy with glasses was smirking and writing in his notebook, but the people who were laughing, were the twins, the small boy and tall one, and even the girl.

"Shut up…" I mumbled. Why did that encourage them?

"Gee, Yu-chan, you sure do remind me of Tama-chan. Right, Mori?" Honey asked. Mori nodded his agreement.

"Aw come on, sis, would you forgive us if we let you play doctor with us?" the boys chorused.

"NO!" I bolted from my seat and faster than you could blink, I was busy growing fungi in the corner. I looked to my left to glare at my brothers, but all I could see was a blue uniform coming towards me, and the club leaving. I looked up into the owner's face to see Tamaki smiling at me. I glared. "Want to add on to their immaturity?" I grumbled.

"Nah, I actually have never seen anyone react to them like that before… except me…" his smile was sheepish, but cute.

"Really? There are actually girls out there that like that sort of thing?" I scrunched my nose in disgust. "That's gross."

Tamaki chuckled. "But it is only an act. Now, seeing as how you'll be going to Ouran now, you should join the club!"

"I… actually wouldn't mind." I smiled genuinely at him, something I know my brothers hardly ever do.

"Oh you're just too cute!" Tamaki squealed and hugged me, making me spin in circles.

"Sempai!" I tried, but he was deaf to my cries.

"Tomorrow, we will find your type! But wait, would you like to do it with your brothers? We could-"

"No… I'd rather not be in an act with them…" I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck. All of a sudden, I heard a grinding sound like gears echoing through the room, then laughter.

"I have the perfect type for you!" a girl said, popping through the floor on a stage like contraption. "You can be the third-wheel. The brother that the twins love, but never find time for other than to tease and humiliate you. You are kind, thoughtful, gentle, and protective, but you're very lonely. Just like Tamaki in that matter." She said.

"Renge? I thought you had gone home for a weekend with your father…" Tamaki said.

"Oh no, I was already there and back again. But what do you think, Tamaki?" she continued.

"I think it's perfect." He smiled brightly at me. I blushed a little under his gaze, but I forced it away.

"Great… so now I'm a toy of the boys… like usual…" a dark cloud hung over my head as I walked out of the club room. I could practically hear (probably cuz they were right behind me) the boys' laughter.