Ok, another chapter ^-^ These things get harder to write the longer I go on. No worries though, I think there is only one or two more chapters…yay!

So I hope you enjoy and please review! ^-^

A lone figure stood in the shadows of the Forbidden Forest. Hogwarts castle in front of them, glowing in the sun's setting rays. "It's time"


The day was beautiful, the sun was shining and the breeze was light. Merlin and Remus were sitting on the grass, looking out onto the Black Lake. "You have done very well Remus. Not everyone can learn about the Old Religion so quickly." Merlin complimented.

Remus shrugged, "I have great teachers."

Merlin was going to continue, but a small boy with shocking turquoise hair ran up to them. "Daddy, Daddy!"

"Yes Teddy?" Remus asked the bouncing boy.

"Hagrid said that he would take me into the Forbidden Forest to see a Unicorn. Can I go? Can I?" Teddy asked.

"Teddy, the Forbidden Forest is dangerous. Even with Hagrid, I don't feel comfortable with you going in there." Remus said.

Teddy pouted, "Come on Daddy, please" His eyes got bigger and he clasped his hands together.

Only a short moment passed when Remus sighed, "Fine"

Teddy cheered

"But I am going with you and Hagrid." Remus said.

"As long as I can go!" Teddy ran off in search of Hagrid.

"Unicorns still exist?" Merlin asked.

"Yes, there are many magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest." Remus explained.

"Would you mind if we came along?" Merlin looked hopeful.

"I don't see why not. Why don't you gather your friends and meet at Hagrid's hut. We'll wait for you." Remus replied.

Merlin nodded and ran back to the castle.


When they arrived at Hargrid's hut, Teddy, Hagrid, Remus, Harry, Herimonie, and Ron were waiting for them outside.

"You came" Teddy ran up and wrapped himself around Merlin's leg.

"Yeah. We wouldn't miss getting to see a Unicorn." Merlin chuckled.

"Well, let's go then." Hagrid led the group away.

"What exactly lives in this forest Hagrid?" Leon asked.

"Well, Centaurs live here, Theastrals, Unicorns, Acromantula, and a few other things." Hagrid listed.

"What's a Centaur?" Leon asked.

"Half man, half horse." Gaius replied.

"Now that sounds interesting." Gwaine said.

"Don't bother anything Gwaine. We don't want to get into trouble here." Arthur warned.

"Whatever you say Princess." Gwaine smirked.

The group rolled their eyes and Hermione smiled.

They came to a large clearing full of grass. Sunlight was peeking through the trees, casting shadows along the grass. In the center of the field was a small herd of Unicorns. "Wow" Lancelot gasped.

"They are beautiful." Gwen whispered. Their awe filled gazes never left the white creatures.

"Can we get closer Daddy?" Teddy asked.

"I'm afraid not Teddy bear. We don't want to frighten them. We must respect their boundaries." Remus replied.

"So do those look like the one you saw Arthur?" Lancelot asked.

"You've seen a Unicorn before?" Harry asked.

Arthur nodded and looked down with a frown. "I found it while I was hunting. In my ignorance, I killed it, taking the horn as my prize."

"Y-you killed it?!" Hermione looked outraged.

"I didn't realize how precious it was. I paid the price, a curse was put upon me." Arthur continued.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"All of our crops died and our water was turned to sand."

"How did you break the curse?" Ron asked.

"I passed the test given to me." Arthur answered.

"Wow" Ron said.

"Hey look" Teddy's voice broke through.

Everyone looked up to see a Unicorn break off from the group and head towards them. Everyone stilled as the Unicorn passed a few people and stopped in front of Merlin. The creature gently nudged him.

"Hey there." Merlin stroked the creature's snout. "You are still so beautiful." He whispered.

"Balinor, how are you doing that?" Hermione asked.

"What?" Merlin looked up.

"It just came over to you." Ron gaped.

"Maybe it just likes me." Merlin smiled and continued to stroke the Unicorn.

Arthur slowly approached Merlin, careful not to get to close to the Unicorn. "Do you think Anhora is still around?" He whispered loud enough for only Merlin to hear.

Merlin gave a small shrug, "I don't see why not. He is their protector."

The Unicorn turned its head back towards the herd and gave a small whiney. Merlin and Arthur looked up to see an old man in white robes smiling softly at them. Merlin and Arthur smiled and nodded in greeting.

"That answers that" Arthur whispers and gives the Unicorn a small pat on the snout before it returned to the field.

"That was amazing!" Teddy exclaimed.

"Yes, now come on. We don't want to disturb them anymore." Hagrid led the group out of the clearing.

They continued walking through the forest at a leisurely pace. "Remus, what's wrong?" Merlin asked. He noticed the man was on edge, gold seeping into his irises.

"Something is wrong." He looked around.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron immediately brought out their wands. Merlin stretched his senses, allowing his magic to be his eyes. Some distance away he could see a dark figure running towards them.

"Someone is coming towards us." Merlin looked off to the right. "He's coming fast."

"Teddy, come on." Remus picked up the boy and ran back to Hogwarts. The group of time travelers were behind them.

They were about halfway back when the dark figure jumped over the group and rammed into Remus, sending them both to the ground. When Remus was able to stand he looked at the figure with a mixture of emotions. His eyes were glowing, the blue replaced by bright gold. "Greyback" He growled.

Greyback chuckled, "Glad you remember me Pup." He lifted an unconscious Teddy, "I'm sure your Pup will remember me too."

Remus growled again, "Let him go."

"I don't think I will. He will make a fine wolf, and a good slave." Greyback said.

"Stupefy" Harry shouted but his attack was blocked by Greyback.

"My fight ain't with you boy. Leave this to the real men." Greyback spat.

"You are a wanted criminal, this is our fight. Now let the boy go." Harry said.

"No" Greyback smirked, "I think little Teddy is going to come with me. Don't worry though, I won't hurt him." He threw a predatory look at Remus, "yet" With that, he ran off, too fast for any spell to catch him.

"That was terrifying." Gwen shuddered.

"Who was that?" Arthur asked.

"Fenrir Greyback. A werewolf who likes to turn small children." Harry explained.

"That's horrible." Lancelot said.

"He was the one who turned you" Merlin looked at Remus.

Remus nodded, "He always called me his favorite. Never liked that I didn't join his pack." His eyes were still gold, but they weren't glowing anymore.

"The full moon isn't for another month so he won't be turned yet. Let's go back to the castle and think of a plan for finding him." Harry said. The others nodded and started walking back.

"Why do I think that they aren't going to be able to find him very easily?" Gwaine commented.

"Probably because they won't." Lancelot said. The group of time travelers followed the rest back to the castle.