"I need this!" Ed repeated. This time a whimper. His breathing was heavy and erratic as he stared up at Roy. "Daddy pleaseā€¦" Ed whined, clambering to his feet, clawing at his own clothes. "I need to feel something good for once! Please! Please Daddy! I just wanna feel good!"

Roy grimaced in shame as he squeezed his cock. It was dark now, he'd already taken Ed home. He sat on his own bed, frantically stroking his aching erection. "Daddy..." It had been so long since someone had looked at him with that naked desperate want...God how he missed it. Him...He came quickly, laying back on his pillows exhausted.

He hated himself for his weakness...

He'd asked Ed where 'Daddy' had come from and the teen had grown embarrassed then. He said he'd read it in a smut book. He'd been researching... He said that given his age he figured that it would go over better. But Roy had a feeling that practicality was not the only reason he'd used that word...

Ed had liked it...

Of course he'd been mortified when Roy had asked him about it, but Roy understood. Just as he understood the need for pleasure in the midst of emotional turmoil. Ed was discovering his tastes sexually, his kinks...

It frightened both of them.

The same way that look in his eyes had frightened him. He really did feel alone. Even with Al he carried the emotional burden and shame. He needed a friend...but he knew that Ed could very easily become attached romantically to Roy. He'd experienced it himself the last he'd mixed sentiment and sex. He now had a fine line to tread with the teen.

He was making the same mistake all over again...

Ed brought Al in to work with him the next day. His brother seemed pleased to be invited and chatted the entire walk there. "Hello everyone," Al greeted Roy's minions.

"Alphonse, it's good to see you," Riza replied.

"Ya, we haven't seen you in forever big guy," Breda replied.

Al chuckled nervously at the nickname, especially when Ed cast him a threatening stare, as if daring him to make a short joke. "Don't be jealous, Ed..." Breda teased and was treated with a very similar glare.

"You seem a lot better, boss." Havoc commented, glancing at Ed.

Ed looked up at him surprised, "Really?"

"Mhmm." Cain agreed with a smile. "You seemed stressed out lately, but you look good today."

"Thanks, I guess..." Ed let out a small smile as he looked up at Al, I gotta talk to the Colonel, but I won't take long..."

"Ok, Brother."

Ed entered quickly without preamble. Roy glanced up at him, and his gaze softened, "Feeling better, Fullmetal?"

"Ya," Ed commented quickly. He paused staring at the floor before saying softly, "Thanks..."

Roy smiled, "Anytime." His face suddenly grew somber, "I have a candidate for you..."

Ed flicked a brow upwards. He watched as Roy opened a Manila folder and extended it on his desk toward him. Ed stared down at the photo, it was a Lieutenant Colonel. "Lieutenant Colonel Brooke..." He was young for the military, mid thirties and a decent build. "You know him?" Ed asked somewhat nervously.

Roy nodded, "He has simple tastes. Nothing too complicated or painful."

Ed looked up at Roy who seemed to be gauging his reaction. "I didn't think you were done tutoring me."

Roy paused then, "No, I'm not. I'm just showing you and seeing if you had any objections..."

Ed slowly shook his head.

The room was silent. After a moment Roy moved around the desk to join him, "Ed...you're sure..."

"Yes." Ed responded quickly and firmly. Roy's mouth formed a thin line as he closed the Manila folder. "When?" Ed asked softly.

Roy looked out the window, "Maybe a month..."

"Ok," Ed said softly, "I'll be ready by then."

"Hello?" Roy muttered into his home phone.

"Hey Roy," he heard Hughes reply.

"Hughes..." Roy responded warily. He sat up slowly in his bed and flicked on thebedside lamp. It was late for him to be calling..."I thought we agreed that we weren't to call each other outside of work anymore..."

"Jeez Roy, can't a guy check up on his friend?" Hughes teased.

"I didn't make the rule, Hughes." Roy replied tartly, "What did you want?"

There was silence for a moment, "Riza...she said you've been looking stressed and asked me if I knew anything about it..."

"Well thank you for the concern but I'm fine." Roy responded irritably as he stood and poured himself a shot of whiskey.

"Roy, don't be like that..."

"I didn't make the rules, Hughes!" Roy finally snapped. "You did!"

"Roy..." he sighed, "Are you ever going to forgive me for that?"

No...he thought to himself bitterly. His chest still ached and his throat constricted just thinking about it. He took his shot and tried to calm himself. "Maes, I'm fine, but you calling like this won't change anything..."

He could've swore that he heard Hughes sniff on his side of the phone. "You're right..." he said slowly, "I...I...Gracia wanted to know if you wanted to have dinner with us."

"How long are you going to hide behind your wife and daughter when you talk to me?" Roy questioned. He knew the question cut Hughes inside. Why won't you say what you mean like you used to?

Hughes let out a bitter chuckle, "It's all I know to do, Roy..."

"Goodnight, Hughes."

There was quiet until he heard a sad sigh, "Goodnight, Roy."

Ladies and gents I'm on a roll! I'm starting to move the story forward plot wise, and I'm very excited about where it's headed. Please let me know what you think! ^_^