Chapter 12: Something Cliche
Woah last chapter! Doesn't time pass by so fast... I'll miss you guys.

I closed my eyes, blinking nervously while waiting for my bum to crash into the icy ground. The image of the spilled blood of Ice Queen against the chunky harsh ground came back into my mind. Ironically, I would end up with the same fate in a few seconds. I was then yanked up by a gust of wind. Thank glob there was something cliche. Afraid to open to open my eyes, the 'gust of wind' dropped me onto the harsh ground. "Mochro!" I gasped with surprise as soon as I recognized the black blur that saved me. Refusing to play damsel in distress in any situation, I quickly got up and stood in my defensive stance.

"Two against one," I stated to the slightly awe struck penguin. I held Fionna's pink lemonade colored sword towards Gunta. He swiftly shut his beak and threw his head back in a hysterical laugh. "That's just one more person to kill," he replied indifferently, "onward my children." A rush of penguins suddenly poured out from a transparent ice wall. "Left for you. I'll do the right!" I commanded to my now partner. I could be infuriated with Lord later and swarm him with questions, but right now surviving was the first thing. I started swinging the sword around in fury and frustration. Even though there were times when I got pecked deeply by a beak, I knew I couldn't stop. The crowd of black and white began to thin, so I tried doubling my efforts only to be met with a sharp pain in my arm. Groaning and nursing my arm, I noticed Mochro was getting closer to Gunta.

Shooting up like a spring, he coiled around a flailing penguin. I rushed towards the both of them to offer the thunderacorn help if he need it. "Who's in the tight situation now?" I asked. "Now no more dilly dalling. I haven't got the time. Where's the cure to the damn plague? Spill or you'll have the air squeezed out off your sorry butt," I growled. Still desperate to get away, Gunta starting to peck at Mochro. With his instinct, the thunderacorn tightened his grasp around the villain. "Okay," gasped the penguin through a strangled sound, "in the-e-e cab-neit..." I ran towards the only cabinet in the damned room and took all the potions in it. When I ran back, all was a disaster! A black horse was curled on the ground bathing in a pool of blood. "Mochro!" I cried. When a flicker of black and white moved, I chased after the penguin angrily and locked the creature in a headlock.

Gunta flipped me over and banged my head on the ground; I pushed him back with all my strength and smacked him unconscious. Angry that Mochro risked his life for me, I swore under my breath. After rushing to sling my backpack filled with antidotes and a penguin, I carried Lord in my arms. I tore across the barren land of ice with a 'ton of bricks.' My legs started to give up when I noticed around the whipping chunks of snow and ice a faint imprinting of a pink castle. Pain still shot over my body. I wheezed softly; I used my last burst of energy to run towards the Candy Kingdom. Funny huh. How you feel like you might die any second, but there are butterflies around you. "Cake," shouted a certain prince. That's when I knew I could give out, so I let the darkness consume me.

I shot up with a gasp and screamed. Wow, I had the worst dream after. "Are you okay?" asked Fionna in perfect condition. "Yeah," I replied weakly and screeched again when I noticed it was. It wasn't a dream. Holy freaking glob damn beeping hippopotamus. "Where's Mochro? What time is it? How did you all get better?" I shot. "Ummmm... Okay. Let's see. He's in the hospital too. It's adventure time?! We tried all your antidotes in the bag. There was this guy that got wings at first and—" started Gumball. I leapt out of the white bed and stopped the nearest nurse. After a sense of direction and ignoring the pain in my side, I headed towards Mochro's room. The doctor stopped me inside.

"This isn't the best news, but he damaged his light gland..." the doctor stated. I shook my head to avoid the news. "Ice Queen?" I asked the nearest patient. "Oh hey, Cake. Still human huh. I'm sorry about Mochro, because he'll be paralyzed without his light gland," she muttered. "Why did you turn me into human? Please turn me back," I pleaded. "I'm sorry; I can't. The only reason why I turned you into a human was because I knew that I couldn't stop Gunta. I tried to warn you. However, I knew you would investigate if I turned you into a human. Turn Mochro into a human. When you're a human, you don't need a light gland, so he won't be paralyzed," she told me.

She put the potion on my hand and smiled weakly. I opened up Mochro's mouth and dumped it inside. With a tired mind, I closed my eyes and lied down next to him. I woke up to the shaking of my shoulder. "How are you, Cake? Look, listen to me first. I was going to tell you over the phone I broke the engagement, but you didn't want to listen. I love you, girlfriend." he replied. I felt glee in my stomach, but I felt an urge to ask him two questions. "How did you get hurt? How did you find me?" I asked. "Well," he started sheepishly wringing his new human hands, "I had kinda sorta installed a tracking chip in your hair clip. Not because I don't trust you, but just in case. Now for your other question: I had picked up some glass, which stabbed me when Gunta pecked me."

"Oh the glass from my mural!" I shouted. He took it out from his pockets and tried to put my mural back together. "Hey," I said while placing my hand on his,"it's okay. We'll make a new pattern." After an hour of placing the colored glass side by side and another of glueing it down. We were done; we stepped back to look at it. The children in the hospital stared in awe. It was a black outlined red rose with green branches and sharp thorns. On the bottom in black were the words "love is like a rose. With thorns but flourishes and thrives with beauty." I pulled away from a kiss with Mochro. Maybe cliche isn't all that bad.

I'm going to stop writing for a month. Thanks to seven readers who always stayed with me. PM me!