Disclaimer: I don't own D. Gray-man.

A few weeks after the party, Lavi was laying in bed asleep with his head buried in his pillow. He was dreaming.


Lavi sat on the couch with Allen as the kiss they shared became more passionate he pulled Allen in closer. When the kiss ended, Allen smiled dreamily at Lavi and leaned in to whisper in his ear, "Want togo to my room?" Lavi nodded and followed Allen up the stairs. He felt himself growing warm as adrenaline flooded his every muscle. They reached Allen's room and Lavi pushed Allen on to the bed and straddled him. Lavi had tugged his shirt off and ripped open Allen's top. "Lavi." Allen shivered as Lavi's cold hands touched his sides. Lavi kissed Allen's neck and moved down to his chest. He took one of Allen's nipples in his mouth and sucked one it. Allen moaned. He kissed down Allen's stomach and stopped at Allen's pants. Lavi smiled up at Allen as he used his teeth to unbutton Allen's jeans. Then it was pitch black.

Lavi's eye opened as he shot up in bed and banged his forehead on something. "Ow."He touched his forehead and looked up.

"Good Morning sleepyhead."

Lavi starred wide-eyed at a certain white-haired boy. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM ALLEN AND WHY WERE YOU WATCHING ME SLEEP!" Lavi smashed his pillow into Allen's face.

Allen held the pillow and grinned at Lavi, "Well first you didn't lock your balcony door, and second you were avoiding me. Plus you looked like you were having a good dream and I didn't have the heart to awake you."

"Maybe I had good reason not to talk to you and you shouldn't enter someone's apartment uninvited."

"But." He gave Lavi his best sad puppy-dog face, "My girlfriend and I are fighting and I don't know why and I don't have many friends to talk about it with."

Lavi sighed, "Fine. Let me get ready first. Go watch some TV."Allen smiled and ran into the living room. Why me. Seriously. I need to learn how to say no. Lavi sighed again and walked into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and combed his hair, letting it fall free. He pulled on his sweatpants and his faded, light green tee-shirt.

Lavi walked into the living room and saw Allen watching some anime. He walked into the kitchen, which was part of his living room, and put on a pot of coffee. "I only have cereal if you want some." Allen bounced into the kitchen and Lavi set down two bowls of cereal plus a cup of coffee on the table. Allen devoured his bowl in a matter of seconds and stared at Lavi. "So what's up with you and your girlfriend?"

"She keeps asking me if I'm gay."

Lavi almost spit his coffee out, "What?!"

"Ya. I don't know why. I mean well. I guess I'm slightly interest in guys. I'm not too picky. And I keep telling her that she's the only one for me and she's calling me a cheater."

"Uh huh..." Lavi nodded. Crap.

"Well I did get pretty hammered at the party. And I don't remember kissing anyone there."

"Oh I see." Disappointment came over Lavi, "I didn't really see you after beer pong. You disappeared. "

"Hmm. I'm in a pickle then." Allen frowned.

Lavi sighed. Guess I should cheer him up. He doesn't remember so it shouldn't be too awkward. "Come on. Let's go rent some movies and get ice-cream."

"Isn't that what girls do when their boyfriends break up with them?" Allen raised his eyebrow at Lavi.

"Well I'm a lady's man. What can I say? And who could resist this body." Lavi puffed out his chest.

"No. I think it's because your friends with Lenalee."

It was around 3pm that they finished picking up food at convenient store and got some movies. They walked home and Allen hummed a tune. Every now and then Allen's hand would brush against Lavi's and it sent tingley sensations through Lavi's body. Allen didn't even seem to notice.

Once they were back in Lavi's apartment Allen heated up the popcorn and settled down next to Lavi. Lavi popped in The Exorcist and pushed play. The movie started up and Lavi grabbed a handful of popcorn. This movie in particular was one of his favorites. He could almost repeat every line in it. Lavi looked over at Allen and noticed he was hiding his face behind a pillow and pushed into the corner of the couch. Lavi giggled and Allen glared at him "Shut up. I'm not scared!" He turned back to the TV and whimpered hiding his face behind the pillow again.

"Hey sprout. If you're scared we can watch a different movie."

"Its Allen!" He hook his head. "No I want to finish this."

"Come here." Lavi pulled Allen over to him. Allen squished against Lavi and held on to Lavi's arm. "Better?" Allen nodded. They continued to watch the movie. Once it was over Lavi let Allen pick the next movie. Allen chose his movie and pushed in it. "Mulan… really?"

"Hey I like Disney movies better than scary ones. And it's my turn."

"Relax. I'm not judging you. Well maybe a little." Lavi laughed. Allen punched Lavi in the shoulder and sat plastered against Lavi. "You know you don't have to sit so close to me."

"But you're warm." Allen shivered. Lavi sighed and covered them with a blanket, which only cause Allen to snuggle up closer to him.

Allen sang along with 'I'll a Man out of you' when it came on. Lavi chimed in and sung along with Allen. When the song ended, Lavi burst out laughing, "We sounded so bad!" Allen hushed him and turned his attention back to the movie.

The credits came on and Lavi felt something heavy on his shoulder. He glanced over and saw Allen sleeping soundly. Lavi smiled at him and felt his own eyes start to get heavy. He rested his head against Allen's and closed his eyes.

About an hour after they fell asleep, Allen felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. He shifted which cause Lavi to awake. "Hmm. What is it?" Lavi rubbed his eye.

"Oh sorry I woke you. I got a text." Allen opened the message and his eyes grew wide, "OH MY GOD!"

Lavi gave him a questioning look, "What happened?"

Allen thrust Lavi his phone, "Look." Lavi looked at the phone and choked. There in front of him was a picture of him and Allen kissing that the party. "I thought you said you didn't see me after Beer Pong!?" Allen angrily said.

"I uh. Sorry… I didn't know what to do." Lavi sunk into the couch. "God. I just. These feelings. What's wrong with me? I remember it perfectly and I shouldn't have liked it as much as I did and this dream. God that dream. I'm so sorry Allen. It's all my fault." Lavi held his head in his hands.

Allen patted Lavi's back. "It's ok. You're confused." Allen started to get up and leave.

Lavi grabbed Allen's hand. Allen stopped in his tracks without turning back. Tears slowly rolled down Lavi's cheek, "Don't leave me. I don't want you to hate me, but I cannot, not feel this way."

Allen sat back down, "Shhh. It's ok. I don't hate you." Lavi placed his head on Allen's shoulder and cried. "Cry all you want I'll be here for you." Allen rubbed Lavi's back and held him.

(Allen's thoughts)

I knew he was hiding something. But I don't mind that it was him I kissed. I am a cheater. I'll have to apologize to Lou Fa. But right now Lavi needs me more. I don't think he had anyone to help him. I don't want to leave him. I also hate that lonely feeling eating me inside. I've searched for someone who could take that pain away. Lou Fa took some of it away, but I still feel broken. I have this scar and this ugly arm and things I have locked away. Not even Lou Fa knows the story behind them. It's hard to talk about it. But maybe, just maybe if Lavi opens up to me more, I could tell him. I want to trust him.

Allen hugged Lavi tighter and noticed his tears had stopped. Lavi's eye was red and puffy from crying. Allen wiped the last of Lavi's tears off him face. "It's late and we haven't eaten. How does Pizza sound?" Lavi nodded and picked up his phone to call.

"Jerry's this is Kanda speaking, how may I help you?" A gruff voice came through the phone.

"Yuuu! I want to order some Pizza."

"Don't call me Yuu!"

"I want 3 large cheese pizzas."

"Ok should be ready in 30 minutes." Kanda hung up on Lavi.

The pizza arrived in 30 minutes. Lavi paid Kanda and said his goodbyes. He walked to the kitchen and placed the pizza box on the counter. He picked up a piece and handed it to Allen, "I'm sorry about that. I bottled up everything too much." Lavi grabbed another piece and took a bite.

"Lavi. It's ok. I know that kiss thing. Well look. I'll forget about it ok." Allen stared up at Lavi.

"Thank you." Lavi smiled. "I really do like hanging out with you. My apartment gets lonely when it's just me."

"If you want I can stay a couple of nights so it's not so lonely."

"I like that idea. I'd even let you live here if you'll cook for me." Lavi laughed.

"I'm not your maid." Allen teased and bit into his pizza.

Once they finished off all the Pizza Lavi pulled the futon into his room. He placed it next to his bed. Lavi handed Allen a sleep shirt, which looked giant on him. Something black got caught Lavi's eye. He noticed it was Allen's left hand look like it was black almost like he had tattooed it. "Is your arm tattooed Allen?"

Allen noticed Lavi's stare and pulled the sleeve down more, "No. Nor do I want to talk about it." Allen got in his futon and closed his eyes. Lavi shrugged and turned out the lights. He slipped into his bed and drifted to sleep.

An hour or two later, Lavi felt someone touching his shoulder. He lazily opened his eye and saw Allen standing by the bed. He looked terrified. "What wrong?"

"I had a bad dream and can't go back to sleep."

Lavi scooted over in his bed and patted it, "Guess you can sleep with me." Lavi couldn't say no when Allen looked like a lost little kid. Allen got in the bed and laid on his side with his face against Lavi's chest. Lavi wrapped his arm protectively around and once again drifted off to sleep.

Thank you for reading! Please review! Shout outs to MoriNatsu for beta reading this. I 3 youu. Anyways sorry for the lateness. Life got in the way. Finals totally made me have writers block. xD


PS: You guys should go and read Mori's story if you're Blue Exorcist fans!