I am just an average high school student! Why is this happening to me!?

I lie on my bed, head in my arms. I feel like crying, but I was too frustrated to cry, and too mad. If only I could hide in my room for the rest of my life. That would be nice, not having to deal with him.

"What are doing?"

I shoot my head up and look around.

"How did you get into my room!?" I shout at him in disbelief.

He was sitting on my windowsill, conveniently by my bed. I glare at him as he smirks. The man had light blonde hair, and stunning green eyes with an average build. Under any normal circumstances I would say he's handsome, but these aren't very normal circumstances.

"You don't lock your doors, luv." He said his British accent all too clear.

I huff and lay my head back in my arms. Dammit! Why did my parents have to have work at the same time, today!? I mutter curses when I suddenly see a shadow over me. I turn my head around to see the British man had climbed on top of me. His lips lay only a breath away.

"Get off me!" I protest my cheeks flushing.

"Don't you remember what I told you?" He asked his smirk now gone, a more seductive face replacing it.

"Yes! But we're both guys! It'll never work out!" I stutter pulling my head back, trying to get as much distance between us as possible.

What's this guy's problem? I only just met him today and he wants to get into my pants! Not even kidding. I was just walking home, like I do every day, and once I got to the secluded part of town where my little walk takes me, he shows up! He came up to me, said he loves me, and then pushed me to a wall and starts making out with me all hot like. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it, but he's a guy and probably way older than me! Besides, hero's aren't supposed to be so careless and taken by surprise! And they're the ones who are supposed to be kissing girls all unexpectedly!

My face burns as he licks at my lower lip. I flip my body and put my hands on his chest pushing him away, but this guy is strong! He hardly budges.

"I said get off!" I repeat.

He only pushes closer and kisses my jaw.

"Ugh! Get off or I'll call the cops!" I shout at him even more frustrated.

He rolls his eyes and sits up, his crotch still dangerously close even if we are both wearing pants. I huff again my face still burning. A smirk creeps to his lips.

"You look so cute when you blush." He teases.

"Shut up you pervert!" I shout at him, "And get off me!"

"But I'm so comfortable here…" He said trailing off. He leaned in closer, his eyes going over my body. My face burns even more as I get the strange feeling that he's undressing me with his eyes. Damn his accent, damn his eyes, damn him! He lays a light kiss on my cheek before I get the nerve to push him off the bed with all my might. I finally get a chance to smile when I hear a loud thud on the ground. I swing my legs over the bed and fold my arms across my chest triumphantly.

"Well I don't care for your comfort. You've invaded my house and privacy, time to leave!" I tell him curtly, my head raised high in hero's swagger.

That was a big mistake.

I shoot my head down to look at him. He had his mouth around my crotch. Heat comes rushing back to my face. The man looks up at me with an almost innocent expression, with his electrifying green eyes…

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I quickly yell at him. I kick him away and curl back up on the bed. I almost lost myself there…

"I'm only trying to seduce the one I love." He said. He laid his head on the bed, licking his lips.

New heat ignited my face and I turned away from him, the bed shifting.

"We don't even know each other, how can you love me?!" I tell him harshly.

"Let's call it; love at first sight." He said a sarcastic tone in his voice.

"That's pretty hard to believe." I muttered.

"Well now I've seen you at least twice, does that work better?" He asked chuckling.

"You're so creepy!" I shout at him turning swiftly around to face him. "Now get out of my house!"

"Why should I, Alfred?" He asked his eyelid's lowering seductively.

"How do you know my name!?" I ask him, almost growling.

"Sources" He said plainly.

"What kind of sources?" I growl.

"Every kind of sources, luv!" He teased, like the Brit' he is. I grumble curses and hug myself. (Again, I'd be lying if I said I didn't find that accent attractive.)

"Now, now no need to be all huffy, luv." He said in a calming voice.

"Why are you still here!?" I moaned.

"Fine, I'll go under one condition." He said his tone a bit amused.


"You promise to go on a date with me."


"You said that already, luv." He said winking.

"Why. Do you. Want. To go. On a date. With me?" I asked pausing to make sure I got this whole situation right.

"So we can get to know each other of course!" He said a seductive smile on his lips. "And maybe even get to love each other." He added his voice almost a whisper.

My cheeks flushed again. "We can go have a meal together, but not a date! And I'm not going to ever fall in love with you!" I told him.

"Date, dinner, whatever you want to call it, my dear." He said dismissing the matter with his hand.

"Stop calling me those stupid nicknames!" I growl. "Now get out! My parents could be coming home soon…"

"I thought the nicknames where cute, but whatever you say, l-", He stopped himself before finishing the nickname. He grinned as I gave him a glare.

"Well I'll be shoving off!" He said amusedly. The Brit' stood up brushing off his pants.

"Wait," I said stopping him at the door. "What's your name anyways?" I asked.

"Arthur Kirkland," He said a smile on his face. "luv." He added before suddenly disappearing out the door.

"Hey!" I opened the door, but he wasn't there. I looked up and down the hallway scratching my head. How the hell did he get out so fast?