Hello everyone! I'm back! So here is the first part of Reflections In The Mirror which for those of you who somehow have no clue is a sequel to Black Stone Turned Into Dust. If you haven't read it, I suggest you go read it because while I will try to, I doubt I will be able to cover everything that happened to Katherine in that story. Plus you'll understand more about her character if you read it. But if you don't want to, that's fine, I'll try to make sure you don't get confused. Sorry if you do.

Oh, and I saw Lawson! I didn't really get a chance to meet them because somehow since the last time I saw them, the fan base has gained a bunch of annoying screaming fangirls that pushed all the decent fans who were giving the boys space out of the way… Yeah, fangirls aren't really accepted in the Lawson fandom, sorry. But Ryan was looking fine;) They've announce another tour now.. which I have tickets for. Those four boys leave me broke.

Anyway here you go, the first chapter!



I felt the whole ship lurch, making me fall to the floor. I heard some sort of alarm coming from the console room as the ship continued to shake violently, making it impossible to stand back up again. Eventually, it stopped and I stood up from the floor and ran down to the console room.

"What the bloody hell was th—"I cut myself off mid-sentence as I stared at the scene before me. The Doctor was there, staring at another man dressed in an Edwardian cricket outfit. It was the fifth doctor, although he looked slightly older than he did in the episodes. He was staring at the Doctor, well the tenth doctor, looking just as bewildered as Ten was.

"What?" Ten said.

"What?" Five repeated.

I walked down towards the two Doctors, staring at them, completely confused and slightly worried. "What?"


The two Doctors continued to stare at each other, both still bewildered, although Five seemed to look ever to slightly angry to me as well. I just continued to stand next to them both, looking back and forth between the two of them.

"Who are you?" Five asked his future self.

"Oh, brilliant." Ten's face broke in to wide grin. "I mean totally wrong, big emergency, universe goes bang in five minutes but... brilliant!"

"I'm The Doctor. Who are you?" Five asked again, sounding even more annoyed as well as looking more annoyed too.

"Yes, you are. You are the Doctor." Ten nodded his head as he continued grinning.

"Yes, I am. I am the Doctor."

"Oh good for you, Doctor! Good for brilliant old you." Ten was obviously enjoying this a lot more than Five was. He was ecstatic. But Five was just getting even more annoying by the minute.

Five frowned. "Is there something wrong with you?" I had to try to stifle a laugh then. You know no idea, Five. I thought to myself. You have absolutely no freaking idea.

"Oh! There is goes! The frowny face!" He exclaimed happily. If I'm right, I think he's fangirling over his old self. Except he's a boy. What do you call a boy who fangirls? Fanboy? I don't know let's just go with that. But all the same, it was just making this situation even funnier. "I remember that one!" The Doctor's smile fell and he took Five's face into his hands. "Mind you… bit saggier than it ought to be. Hair's a bit greyer. That's because of me though." He moved back near to the console as he began fiddling around with it, while Five self-consciously put his hands on his face. "The two of us together has shorted out the time differential. Should all snap back in place when you get back home. Be able to close that coat again." He moved over attempting to close up the coat Five was wearing. That was until he became all fanboy again. "But never mind that! Look at you! The hat, the coat, the crickety cricket stuff, the…"

"Stick on celery?" I suggested, smirking slightly. Which made Five turn to look at me, like he had just realized that I had been here all along.

"Yeah…" Ten drifted off. "Brave choice celery. But fair play to you, not a lot of men can carry of a decorative vegetable."

"Especially celery." I teased. Ten glared at me and went to say something on the lines of 'shut up'. However, Five got there first.

"Shut up." He snapped, making me and Ten freeze on the spot. Obviously he wasn't going to take any of our comments anymore. He whipped off his hat, letting it fall to the floor as he continued talking. "There is something very wrong with my TARDIS and I've got to do something about it very, very quickly. And it would help, it really would help if there wasn't some skinny idiot ranting in my face about everything that happens to be in front of him, and his sister encouraging him and making comments."

"Oh. Okay. Sorry, Doctor." Ten said rocking back on his heels.

"Thank you." Five said.

"But we're not brother and sister." I corrected him and Five shot me a glare. "Sorry." Five nodded as he turned around to work on the console. And Ten could no longer contain himself.

"Oh! The back of my head!" he cried gleefully.


"Sorry, sorry." Ten apologised. "It's not something you see every day is it? The back of your own head." He leaned forward to get a closer look, and his smile fell again. "Mind you, I see why you wear a hat. I don't wanna seem vain, but could you keep that on?"

Five turned around to look at the two of us again. "What have you done to my TARDIS? You've changed the desktop theme having you?" He accused. "What's this one? Coral?"

Both me and Ten shrugged, "Well…"

"It's worse than the leopard skin." Five grumbled.

"Hey!" I snapped. "Don't diss the TARDIS! I like it." Five said absolutely nothing back and just simply pulled out a pair of half-moon specs, which just made Ten start jumping around again excitedly and Five shot up to look at us again, slightly alarmed.

"Oh! And out they come! The brainy specs!" He laughed slightly as he continued grinning. "You don't even need them. You just think they make you look a bit clever."

I frowned, turning to look at Ten and cocked my head at him. "Doesn't that mean that you don't need them either?" Ten went to answer me, but we were interrupted by another alarm blaring through the console room.

"That's an alert. Level Five." Five quickly rushed over to the console and started pressing buttons. "Indicates temporal collision. It's like two TARDISes have merged, but there's definitely only one TARDIS present. Looks like two time zones at war in the heart of the TARDIS." His face fell slightly as he realized something. "That's a paradox. Could blow a hole in the space-time continuum the size of…" Ten who had been standing with me next to five all along, shifted monitor around so that Five could read it. "Well, actually, the exact size of Belgium." He looked over to me and Ten, "That's a bit under dramatic isn't it? Belgium?"

Ten reached into his suit pocket, pulling out his sonic screwdriver. "Need this?" He asked, holding it out to Five.

"No, I'm fine."

"Oh, no! Of course!" Ten said, starting to fangirl again. "You mostly went hands free, didn't you? It's like, 'hey I'm the Doctor. I can save the universe with a kettle and some string. And look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable!'"

I rolled my eyes at the Doctor's last comment about the stick of celery. You can't really make snide comments on your own fashion choice can you? Five stopped working, and walked right up to the Doctor again, the Doctor's fangirling/rambling making him even more impatient.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Take a look." Ten said simply.

Five's eyes widened as the realization suddenly started to kick in. "Oh… oh, no."

"Oh yes."

"You're…" Five stuttered. "Oh, no, you're…"

"Here it comes." Ten said grinning. "Yep. I am."

"A fan." Five said in disgust, quickly turning back to the console.

"Yeah…What?!" Ten cried, suddenly realizing what Five has just said. I suddenly burst into fits of laughter. Five calling his tenth self a fan was funny enough, but the upset look on Ten's face just made it even better.

"Level Ten now. This is bad. Two minutes to Belgium." Five said, mostly to himself. I was still trying to calm myself down, while Ten was still whining over the fact he had been called a fan by his previous self.

"What do you mean 'a fan'?" He whined, pouting. "I'm not just a fan, I'm you!"

"Okay, you're my biggest fan." Five said waving it off. "Look is perfectly understandable, I go zooming around in space and time, saving lives, fighting monsters and being… well, let's be honest, pretty sort of marvellous." Ten couldn't help but nod smugly in agreement to that. I just shook my head at the vanity of them both. "And naturally every now and then people notice me. Start up their little groups. That L.I.N.D.A lot." He frowned slightly, looking at the two of us. "Are you both one of them? How did you get in here? I can't have you lot knowing where I live." He waved a finger in our faces before moving back over to the console.

I rolled my eyes with a sigh as both me and Ten followed his previous self. "Look. Listen to me Doctor, he's you! He's you with a new face." I said as I started slapping Ten's cheeks. "Check out this bone structure, because one day, you're gonna have to shave it."

Just then, another alarm which sounded like a gong reverberated through the room. Five looked up alarmed, "The cloister bell!" he exclaimed.

"Yep, right on time. That's my cue." Ten said as rushed over to the console. Five quickly rushing after him.

"In less than a minute, we're going to detonate a black hole strong enough to swallow the entire universe."

Ten paused what he was doing and looked up at Five, looking rather guilty. "Yeah, that's my fault, actually." He confessed. "I was rebuilding the TARDIS, and I was gonna put the shields back up," He gestured over to me. "But I had to take madam over there out on a birthday trip, and I forgot. Your TARDIS and my TARDIS… well the same TARDIS, different points in its own time stream collided and, oop, there you go, end of the universe. Butterfingers. But don't worry, I know exactly how this all works out. Watch." He started running around the console manically, pressing certain buttons and leavers. "Venting the thermal-buffer. Flooring the Helmic regulator. And just to finish it off, let's fry those Ziton crystals."

Five's eyes widened. "You'll blow up the TARDIS." He cried, trying to stop him.

"Only way out." Ten told him as he turned to me. "Trust me?"

"Always." I nodded.

"Only way out? Who told you that?" Five cried in a high-pitched voice.

"You told me that!" Ten said. Pulling himself out of Five's grasp, he slammed his hand down on a button. A bright light flooded the room making it impossible to see anything. The sudden thought occurred to me that the whole white light thing was true, and I actually was dying. But soon enough the white light faded and I found myself back where I had been before. Back into reality.

"Supernova and black hole at the same time." Five said in awe.

"Explosion cancels out the implosion." Ten said.

"Matter stays constant." Five added.

"Brilliant." Ten said smiling.

"Far too brilliant." Five said looking at Ten impressed. "I've never met anyone else who could fly the TARIDS like that."

"Sorry mate, you still haven't." Ten said moving further around the console. "Kat's learning though. She might be some tough competition one day."

"You didn't have time to work that all out!" Five cried, following after Ten. "Even I couldn't do it!"

"I didn't work it out." Ten told him. "I didn't have to."

It was then that Five finally started to get it. "You remembered."

"Because you will remember." Ten nodded.

"You remembered being me… watching you, doing that. You only knew what to do because I saw you do it."

"Wibbly wobbly." Ten began.

"Timey wimey." The two of them finished off, me silently mouthing it. Ten went to give his previous self a high five, but Five just simply stared at it. So out of pity, I high fived him instead.

Five turned to me. "So you aren't his sister then?" he asked, I nodded. "Well, then, I'm guessing you're the latest companion?"

I nodded. "Yep, that's me. Katherine Stewart."

"Yeah, watch out for her, Doctor." Ten said to Five. "She's a right handful." Five laughed as I turned to glare at him. "Right! TARDISes are separating. Sorry, Doctor, times up. Back to long ago… Where are you now?" he asked Five. "Nyssa and Tegan? Cybermen and Mara and Time Lords in funny hats and the Master? Oh, he just showed up again. Same as ever."

I scoffed, "Complete and utter psycho case."

"Oh, no. Really?" Five said, smirking slightly. "Does he still have that rubbish beard?"

"No… no beard this time." Ten said. "Well, a wife."

"Psycho case of a wife." I scoffed again. "Match made in the heaven of the psychopaths."

Five laughed at that before he suddenly started to fade. "Oh, I seem to be off. What can I say? Thank you Doctor, and Katherine."

"Thank you." Ten and I said at the same time.

"I'm very welcome." Five's voice echoed as he disappeared. Seeing his hat still on the console, Ten flicked a switch on the console, making Five turn up in front of us again.

"You know, I loved being you." Ten said to Five, handing him his hat with a smile. "Back when I first started at the very beginning I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important, like you do when you're young. And then I was you. And it's all dashing about, and playing cricket, and my voice going all squeaky when I shout."

"And he still does it." I added with a smirk.

"Yeah, I do. I got that from you. Oh!" He swung his foot up onto the console, showing off his red converse. "And the trainers, and…" he took his foot of the console, reaching into his suit pocket again he pulled out his own brainy specs, putting them on. "Snap. Because you know what, Doctor? You were my Doctor."

Five smiled and tipped his hat, "Thank you, Doctor. And Katherine, I look forward to meeting you. Something tells me there will never be a dull day with you around."

I shook my head, grinning. "Nope. There won't be."

Five smiled back, "To days to come."

"All my love to long ago." Ten said. And yet again, Five disappeared. I frowned as I turned to the Doctor.

"So, when we met in the hospital, you knew who I was?" I asked.

"Not at first, but once you said who you were… yeah. You made a good impression though, you know? Thought you were brilliant, couldn't wait to meet you." He paused turning to look at me, smiling. "And you are brilliant." I smiled back at him, but we were interrupted by Five's voice echoing through the TARDIS.

"Oh, Doctor, don't forget to put your shields back up."

Suddenly we were both thrown to the floor as bits of debris fell onto the floor around us. There was a loud noise like a horn, which made me instantly cover my ears. Once everything had stopped falling to the floor, I looked up. A ship had crashed right into the side of the TARDIS.

"What?" The Doctor cried. "What?" Seeing a life ring he scrambled over and picked it up, moving over next to him we read the words written on it. Oh, no.

"What?" The two of us said in unison.

Written on the life ring were the words 'The Titanic'.

Well, this is going to be fun.


Authors Note: Sorry for the lack of dialogue for Kat in this chapter, it was kind of hard to fit stuff in for her given Time Crash was sort of a one on one for the Doctors. Anyway please review. It would mean a lot And until next time… Allons-y!