A blanket of flawless white snow covered Equestria this wondrous evening. Fat snowflakes filled the sky as Celestia began to retire the sun for the day.

Cinder Gold trotted across the small wooden bridge into Ponyville. Slowly walking through the streets of town she watched each hoof step she took, leaving behind a print in the snow as she went. This brought a smile to her face. Not just the hoof prints in snow, she enjoyed everything the winter season offered. The falling snowflakes, the beautiful white scenic landscape, the haunting ambient snow that cover the land. It brought a feeling of something new and alive; exciting her spirits.

Winter was most certainly Cinder Gold's favorite time of year. Most other ponies favored the warm summer. But not Cinder. She marveled at the site and sounds, the feeling and heart that winter brought. Mostly the beautiful white snow. She loved it. She knew that that she could always find a happy solitude in the welcoming arms of the soft white tundra.

Looking up, she peered through a shop window of a small bookstore. This was the reason she visited town today. To find a book of fairytales, fables, folklore and legends for her little brother. It was his favorite thing to read. Cinder didn't understand his obsession with the subject but she knew he enjoyed them and decided that a new book would make the perfect gift for the traditional Gift-Giving ceremony.

She pushed open the door with her nose making a bell jingle her presents. The little bell kinda made her feel a little more important. It was cozy and warm inside with an old book smell. The shop keeper helped her find the perfect book for Coal Boltblue, Cinders loved brother. Happy, she forked over the two bits for the book, thanked the kindly owner and stepped back into the cold with a warm sigh. The sun had gone and the stars to the east began to sparkle.

Tightening her scarf and stowing away the book into her saddle bag Cinder walked over to her favorite shop just down the street: a treat for herself at the Cocoa Café. Cinder had never ventured into Ponyville often, but when she did she always looked longingly to the little café. To indulge – like any normal pony – whenever she felt like having a warm cup of smooth, creamy hot chocolate milk. Alas, Cinder was a poor pony and never could spend bits like everypony else. She had been in the Cocoa Café twice her entire life, making her want it all that much more.

Cinder had been saving these few bits all year long. Now it was her turn to enjoy a little. She was a girl after all.

The glowing windows of the café welcomed her inside. She pushed open the door and the incredible smell of chocolate and fruit filled pastries and baked breads and sweet spices wafted in the air swooning Cinder off her hooves. Lured by her nose she floated to the counter and with a dreamy, giddy voice – that surprised her – ordered a doubly-hot chocolate with cream and whip topping, topped with chocolate drizzle and chocolate shaved flakes.

Giving her last bit to the cashier a steaming mug with a crowing mountain of whipped cream slid in front of Cinders starry eyes. A smile stretched across her face.

Taking the mug by the brim with her mouth she looked for a booth to sit in. Over by the street side window was an open seat. Careful not to spill the drink she walked forward and was suddenly flank-checked by another customer, causing Cinder to lose grip on the mug, watching in horror as it smashed to the floor.

"I am so sorry!" a voice quickly apologized.

"Figures," Cinder Gold's familiar, disdainful voice returning. Her smile had vanished. Fluffy feelings washed away. Slowly she turned to see the thorn responsible for destroying her spirits.

A young pegasus with a white pelt.

He rushed over to clean up the mess with his hoof, trying to sweep pieces of mug chips and even the drink itself into a pile, unsuccessfully.

"I'm really, really sorry about that. That was totally my bad." He shot an apologetic smile to the golden pony, "Oh, hey! Let me get you another one." The pegasus quickly thought. Then placing both his hooves on Cinder's backside – "Hey!" – and with a flap of his wings shoved her into the booth she was going to sit at. "I'll be right back," flying off in a flash.

Cinder was about to get up and pummel Celestia's good name out of the pegasus for the double violation he had caused just now, but the promise of hot chocolate and his good attempt to fix his mistake made her subside the punishment for now.

Not but a moment later he zipped back with the drink and painfully – sloooooowly – placed the mug down on the table in front of her, with a second to adjust the handle neatly to a perfect 45 degree angle.

"I totally didn't see you there, and I was just about to leave, but I should have looked first. How does it taste. Good?" he tried another mending smile.

"I haven't tried it yet," Cinder said flatly.

"Oh, right. Don't let me stop you then." Scooching into the booth, sitting directly in front of her.

"What are you doing?"


"No, defiantly not. Thank you for ruining my night, but you can get going and do – whatever it was you said you were going to do." She made a shooing motion at him with her hoof.

"I've got to make sure you like it, right. It might not be any good and I'll have to go get you another one," his eye-line went from her to the mug back to her and to the mug again.

"It's good." She said vainly hoping he'd leave now.

"You have to drinking it first," he pointed.

Cinder's eyes narrowed, shooting daggers at the pegasus.

"Okay, okay. I'll go." Sadly, he hung his head low. Fluttering his wings, he lifting up and out of the seat, dragging his back hooves along the floor as he hovered out the door.

"Good riddance," Shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "Some ponies just don't know when to drop it."

Cinder Gold was called back to the steamy aroma of the mug. Picking it up, she took a deep sip of the rich, dark, creamy hot chocolate. The over powering taste soothed her nerves. All her troubles disappeared as she melted into the cushy booth. A long satisfying hum escaped her, "Oh Celestia, that's good," she cooed.

For the rest of the night she took the time to sip away at the delicious beverage. Relishing each tasty moment, till the mug was empty. "That hit the spot," she said rubbing her happy belly. Slouching deeper into the seat, she lazily watched the snow fall outside the window. She wanted to sit there all night long, looking out the window but it was getting late and needed to get back home. "Let's go home," she patted her tummy.

The attendance shouted a good night to Cinder as she stepped outside, "thanks" she yelled back. The chilly night felt refreshing with warm coco inside her. Snowflakes twinkled in the luminous glow of the street lamps all through –

"Soooooo. How was it?"

"You got to be kidding me." She chocked at the sound of the familiar voice, finding the white pegasus laying across the roof of the Cocoa Café, swinging a leg back and forth.

"Y-you've been up there this whole time waiting to ask me that?" she yelled angrily.

"No," looking insulted, "not the whole time."

"I'm going home," she muttered to herself stomping her hooves, ignoring the pony on the roof.

"Hey, wait." Launching off the store top, to flying alongside Cinder Gold. "Let me walk you home at least."

Spinning she pushed her nose into his. Fumed, Cinder Gold pipped, "what's your problem? I don't need your help. Stop following me or I'll buck you in the face." She said heated, now galloping up the path towards a little wooden bridge leading out of Ponyville, and back home. To her amazement the white pegasus beat his wings, darting ahead, and landed on the bridge blocking the way.

"Please listen and stop over reacting," his voice uncompromising, "I'm sorry for what I did in the store. I'm not trying to be a jerk," rubbing the back of his head, "even though it seems like I am. BUT I'm not or anything. I wanna make it better, but you're not giving me a chance. I – I'm…" he stammered nervously, "oh, I'm no good at this. Here." He held out a set four beautiful boots.

Cinder stood there for a moment not sure what to think. What he said struck her; she had been rather mean to the young pegasus. And the gift took her completely by surprise. She felt bad that he had gone and gotten her something to show apology. The boots looked expensive too and she cringed at the thought of how much they cost.

"No, I can't take these. Please take them back."

"Can't, no return policy. Look, it'll make me feel like less of a mess up if you take them. And it's snowing outside anyway, you'll need them." He smiled pleasantly. "Just try'em on and see if their comfy."

Cinder took the boots hesitantly and one at the time she slipped them on, careful not to get any snow in them. "They're wonderful," she said dancing around in a little circle, surprised by how comfortable and pretty they look. She had never owned boots or shoes before.

"They're lovely but I can't. I have nothing to give to you in return… oh wait!" Her eyes flashed with a thought.

Taking off her gray scarf she wrapped it around his neck snuggly. "There, now we're even."

Cinder looked to see his approval of her gift and was startled by how passionately the pegasus was looking at her. "Thank you." he whispered.

The two ponies stood on the bridge gazing deeply into each other's eyes. Cinder did what seemed to come naturally as they closed their eyes, leaning forward and kissed. The two held there breaths, locking their warm kiss together for several moments. Time around them ceased for the few seconds that was shared between the two that seem to last a blissful life time.

Cinder Gold's first kiss. It was like a dream fogging her mind and sense. A sensation, that swelled in her chest and heart to the point that it might burst.

"I'm sorry," they both said at the same time, pulling away and blushing deeply. They laughed and smiled at each other sheepishly.

"You know I was about to whip your tail back there… but I apologize for being so sour to you." she smiled a sorry face.

"it's ok, just don't tell your dad that I kissed you, so I don't get death threats."

"Who?" Cinder said, her brain still dazed by the kiss, trying to understand the pegasus' words.

A grim face popped into her conscious. Cinder Gold's father. reality suddenly rushed back to the stunned earth pony, burning away the happy swirling clouds in her mind.

"OH MY GOSH! I HAVE TO GO! I'M SOOOOOO LATE! I'M DEAD! I'M DEAD!" she shrieked, realizing how late it must be. Picking up and down one hoof at a time in tandem as she panicked. "I have to go. I want to stay but I have too. Please don't follow me this time. PROMISE!" she said with all seriousness.

"Ok. I promise." he said with heavy concern.

"I'm sorry." she said sadly over her shoulder as she ran off the little bridge leaving the white pegasus to himself.

Cinder galloped as fast as she could back towards her home. Each second passing the grim face of her father grew more and more heartbroken in her mind. He's going to kill me. I'm so dead. Running as hard as her legs could pump through the thick snow, up into the high hills of the Canterol region, all the while cursing herself. Cursing and smiling. The warm kiss still hot on her lips. Was it worth it? Worth being late?

Yes she decided without a hesitations time. The thought gave her flight as she glided onward.

A small little cabin came into view, with a single light on and the shadow of a tall pony waiting outside in the snow. Cinder Gold's father, Coal Heart. He did not kill his beloved daughter when she finally came home. Although he was very disappointed and very worried. Sent to her room she moped to her bed, remembering the beautiful boots. She raised a hoof to her mouth in shock: she had never asked the white pegasus his name! She felt terrible for not asking such a simple thing. She had no name of the pony she shared her very first kiss with. Cinder was filled with an empty sadness in her heart.

Cinder was grounded for two weeks and had her chores and work schedule doubled as punishment. This was fair and she did not dispute this. At the same time it was killing her that she could not return to Ponyville to find the pegasus and discover his name. Was he thinking of her, she thought? Of her name?

Cinder's first day released from custody, two weeks later, returned to Ponyville in hopes to 'bump' into the pegasus again. Desperately searching to fill the hole in her heart, but she never found him that day. Nor the next.

Weeks and months passed. All her visits into town she secretly hoped that he would come flying out of the clouds or a nearby roof top. To be as surprised to see her as she to him. And they would laugh about the snowy night on the little wooden bridge so long ago.

So she could finally ask his name and tell him hers.

To have a name to her first kiss.

Years passed.

Each time crossing the little wooden bridge would reminded Cinder of a white pegasus with no name. Her heart ached at the thought.

She never found him.

The winter snow began to fall. A white ghostly shape races through the blinding flurries of a snow storm. A gray scarf billowing in the winds.

Do you still remember me? The pony you bumped.

thanks for reading. I enjoy any feedback.

Also. Cinder Gold needs your OC's help to learn the true meaning of Friendship, Love and Hope. All ponies are welcome to tangle with this golden pony from the hills.

I'm also looking for Brave ponies that will be called to duty to defend Equestria and put their lives on the line to defend freedom in a much larger epic story currently in the works, with all your favorite ponies from Ponyville. I have lots of spots to fill.

Thanks again and i hope to hear from yall soon!

to find out more about Cinder Gold see my Page.